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Christlike Leadership

Matthew 20:26-28
It shall not be among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must
be your servant, 27and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son
of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for
• Christ’s leadership style was
characterized by compassion, love,
and servanthood. Jesus did not teach
the techniques, about command and
control, nor status and power, but He
molded character – a character
centered on a Christ-like servant
INTRODUCTIO heart. He modeled servanthood and
N challenged his disciples to follow that
example – to be like Him.
“Jesus was not only a servant-leader
but also a good shepherd who was
ready to die for his people” (Nyabwari,
Five Principles of Jesus on
1. Don’t take the best place ( Luke 14: 7-11)
-7 At nagsalita sya ng isang talinghaga sa mga inanyayahan, ng mamasdan nya na kanilang pinipili
ang mga pangulong luklukan; na nagsasabi sa kanila. 8 Pagka inanyayahan ka ninomang tao sa
kasalan, huwag kang uupo sa pangulong luklukan; baka mayroon syang anyayahang lalong
marangal na tao kay sa iyo. 9 At lumapit yaong naganyaya sa iyo at sa kaniya, at sabihin sa iyo,
Bigyan mong puwang ang taong ito; at kung magkagayo’y magpapasimula kang mapahiya na
mapalagay ka sa dakong kababababaan. 10 Kundi pagka inanyayahan ka, ay pumaroon ka at umupo
ka sa dakong kababababaan, upang kung dumating ang naganyaya sa iyo, ay sa iyo’s sabihin nya,
Kaibigan pumaroon ka pa sa lalong mataas; kung magkagayoy magkaroon ka ng kaluwalhatian sa
harap ng lahat na mga kasalo mong nangakaupo sa dulang. Sapagkat ang bawat nagmamataas ay
mabababa, at ang nagpapakababa ay matataas.

v.11 For whosoever exalted himself shall be abased, and he that humbled himself shall be exalted

This is a picture that God gives us of our role as leaders. That we are not to
promote ourselves or not to take the best place. Let GOD be the one to exalt and
lift us up. Even taking the place of the least.
Five Principles of Jesus on
2. Do not Lord over people
Luke 22:25 Jesus said, “The Gentiles rule over people by lording over them but not so
among you.”
How are leaders supposed to lead?
1 Peter 5:2-3 “2 Pangalagaan ninyo ang kawan ng Diyos na nasa inyo, na magsigamit kayo ng
pagpupuno, na hindi sapilitan, kundi may kasayahan na ayon sa kalooban nd Diyos, ni hindi dahil sa
mahalay na kapakinabangan, kundi sa handang pagiisip. 3 Ni hindi naman ang gaya ng kayo’y may
pagkapanginoon sa pinangangasiwangaang ipinagtagubilin ko sa inyo, kundi kayo ay maging mga uliran
ng kawan.”
We are not to Lord over them. There are many spiritual leaders who rule over the
members. Telling what they can and cannot do. We are supposed to give information
about Jesus. Our job as a leader is to equip them for the work of the ministry. Give them
the information so that they could make good decisions.
Five Principles of Jesus on
• 3. Become a servant
• Jesus washing the feet of disciples is a sign of servanthood.
John 13:12-17 “12 Kaya’t nang mahugasan nya ang kanilang mga paa at makuha ang kanyang mga damit at muling maupo, ay
sinabi nya sa mga disciples nya, nalalaman baga ninyo kung ano ang ginawa ko sa inyo? 13 Tinatawag ninyo akong Guro at
Panginoon; at Mabuti ang inyong sinasabi, sapagka’t ako nga. 14Kung ako nga, na Panginoon at Guro, ay naghugas ng inyong
mga paa, kayo naman ay nararapat ding mangaghugasan ng mga paa ng isa’t isa.
• Not telling His disciples about the foot washing ceremony but telling them to serve one another. And when
we learn to be a servant to those we are leading. That there is something very powerful that happens. Part
of this is that you are becoming like Christ
V. 15 Sapagkat kayoy binigyan ko ng halimbawa, upang gawin naman ninyo ayon sa ginawa ko sa inyo. 16 katotohanan,
katotohanang sinsabi ko sa inyo, Ang alipin ay hindi dakila kay sa kanyang panginoon, ni ang sinugo man ay dakila sa nagsugo sa
V.16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
Five Principles of Jesus on
4. You must humble yourself
• Matthew 23:12 For whosoever exalted himself shall be abased, and he that humbled himself
shall be exalted

- that if you exalt yourself then He will humble you.

•Proverbs 3:34 He has no use for conceited people, but shows favor to those who
are humble
•Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Five Principles of Jesus on
•5. Do not promote yourself.
•This is something that the Pharisees love to do. They love for people to
know who they were and they take notice of them.
Proverbs 27:2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth, a stranger, and not thine own lips.

•In other words, let somebody praise you, and don’t do

that yourself.
Five Principles of Jesus on
5. Do not promote yourself.
•Jesus said the 1st will be last and the last become 1st.
•And to take the last place. Put other peoples interest above yourself.
Philippians 2:3-4 “Na huwag ninyong gawin and anoman sa pamamagitan ng pagkakampi kampi o sa pamamagitan ng
pagpapalalo, kundi sa kababaan ng pagiisip, na ipalagay ng bawa’t isa ang iba na lalong mabuti kay sa kaniyang sarili

Matthew 18:1-5 The disciples come again and Him How do you become great in the Kingdom?
v.2… Become like a child to be able to enter into the Kingdom. Therefore whoever humbles himself as a little child is the greatest in
the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoeve….. . Now Jesus teaches us that we got to become as a child in order to be great. That is we don’t
think too much of ourselves. That we have to learn to be servants. That there is nothing that is beneath us. And if we take these
principles and apply them to our leadership I believe that we will be incredibly effective for the glory of God and for the sake of
Christ and then you let God take care of you.

•Psalm 75:6-7 read

• If we take these principles and
apply them to our leadership, then
Conclusion we will be incredibly effective for
the glory of God and for the sake of

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