Getting Results Through Teamwork: Noneofusisassmartasallof Us

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Getting Results Through Teamwork

None of Us Is as Smart as All of Us

If I Want Something Done Right, I Will Do It Myself!

The Alpha Team Experiments The Power of Synergy

The Impact of Behavior


of self is required in order to understand others.


self-assessment is filtered through our intentions.


behavioral style impacts how we communicate with others.


conflicts with other team members are style based, not issues based.

What Style Are You?

Dominant: Results driven, task oriented, big picture, just the facts, READY-FIRE-AIM!, impatient with team process, prefer to be in control Influence: People oriented, big picture, relationship builders, fun, more likely to show emotions, impatient with details, enjoy working with others Steady: team oriented, get things done, high value on policies and procedures, the worker bees, calming influence, promote stability Conscientious: Detail oriented, high emphasis on accuracy, process driven, high standards, prefer working alone to team activities, never have enough information

Power: The Ability to Create Results Through People

Position Charisma Knowledge Relationship


R1: Resources R2: Relationships R3: Results

Critical Relationship Skills

Inquiry Advocacy Conflict Resolution Decision Making Initiative Resilience Critique


Hierarchical Survival Status Quo High Performance

Hierarchical Culture

Emphasis is on adherence to rules. One or two people dominate team. Communication is one-way. Conflict is suppressed. Tattling is encouraged. Employees are discouraged from taking initiative. Bossthink prevails.

Survival Culture

Apathy and low morale prevail. Many team members have quit but have not left yet. Achievement is limited because of emphasis on getting by behaviors. Initiative is discouraged. Disagreement is avoided. Unstated goal is to do minimum expected.

Status Quo Culture

Success is viewed as doing better than last year. Disagreement is resolved with compromise. Emphasis is on policies and procedures. Initiative is discouraged. Weve always done it this way prevails.

High Performance Culture

Candor is used to promote openness and honesty. Critique is used as a tool to improve processes. Initiative and new ideas are encouraged. Decision-making and problem-solving rely on collaboration. Disagreement is confronted and the right solution is preferred to a workable solution. None of us is as smart as all of us.


Pre-Critique Post-Critique

Periodic Critique

Concurrent Critique




What Do Great Teams Have in Common?

They have defined what success looks like. They have identified the barriers that can keep them from being successful and have created a plan for eliminating or minimizing them. They have the right people on the bus and the right people in the right seats.

What Do Great Teams Have in Common?

They periodically evaluate their process. They periodically evaluate themselves against their plan. They have a strong set of values that guide their actions. THEY STARTED THEIR TRIP TO GREATNESS BY FIRST IDENTIFYING WHAT THEY MUST STOP DOING!

Three Phases of Team Development

Phase 1: A Collection of Individuals

Work alone, meet to report activity Ambiguity around roles Uncertainty as to purpose Fear of change Underutilization of talent Often slow to respond Little or no communication between team members regarding work issues

Phases of Team Growth (cont)

Phase 2: A Committee

High value placed on compliance Accept status quo performance standards More clarity about roles than Phase 1 Communication among team members is limited and often cautious Change is tolerated Focus is inconsistent Talents are recognized and occasionally utilized

Phases of Team Growth (cont)

Phase 3: A High Performance Team

Clear focus that drives team activity High commitment to excellence in all endeavors Shared responsibilities in task accomplishments Open, honest communication among team members Receptive to change Full utilization of talents among team Proactive

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