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COCO COIR (COIR) TO Lomibao, Jareal Vince B.s



• Over the years, flood is one the most problem for farmers when they have their crops planted when there’s a typhoon.

Farmers are being afraid that their crops might drown form the flood causing them to lose their crop cause by the typhoon

and weak soil aeration or cause by the weak drainage ability of the soil. Fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide,

temperature, rainfall, and the intensity of climate occurrences such as flood, drought, and excessive heat is the major

problems faced by the farmers. According to Abimbola, J (2021),

• Despite the damaged cause by the typhoons, Dar has assured the DA has funds to help the affected farmers. (Nicolas A.

Jelinski and John C.F. Tedrow ,. et al2022)

• Soils have a poor drainage when rainfall or irrigation water cannot easily enter (infiltrate) or move downward through the soil

(percolation). Water displaces air in the soil pore spaces depriving roots of oxygen, leading to wilting. In extreme cases,

water may pond (sit on top of the ground for days following heavy rainfall) and cause the death of the plant.
Research Questions

1. What are the chemical components of perlite and coco coir that can increase the drainage

ability of soil?

2. Is there a significant difference between the growth rate of perlite and coco coir in terms of:

A. Speed of aeration of soil

B. Height

C. Quality

3. is there a significant relationship between the perlite and coco coir solution for aeration?

This portion of study present the method and procedure for the materials to be used, it also

includes research design, research materials, data gathering procedures, and data analysis

Research Design

This study will be experimental in nature, represents the method and procedure that is carried out

using a certain and in which certain as variables controlled while others is measured experimentally.

The researcher will compare the control group and the experimental group. The control group will

be the universal solvent and the experimental group will be the effectiveness of the perlite

(FILTROPERLITE) and coco coir (COIR) solution as a fertilizer for soil.

Duration and the Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Barangay Magtaking. San Carlos City

Pangasinan. The duration of the study will be on April-June S.Y. 2022-2023.

Population and Sample

The target population of this study will include soil farmers of San Carlos City Pangasinan.

Since the are the ones who are near these research.

The soil farmers of San Carlos City, Pangasinan, will be chosen as a population sample for

this research study so they can help the researcher to gather data and information that are

needed in this study.

Data Analysis

The Data analysis that will be used in this study will be T-test. It measures the test that is used to compare

the the means of two groups to actual observed data.

t = t-test computed value
= mean of sample 1
= mean of sample 2
SD21 = variance of first set of values
SD22 = variance of second set of values
n1 = total number of values in first set
n2 = total number of values in second set

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