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Seminar Paper Presentation

Crisis Management in
Logistics – A literature Review

Abhijith Bhadran
Roll No.1
PhD (Management) – Part Time
Supervised by Dr Sweta Srivastava Malla
Seminar Paper Presentation

Crisis management is helping

avoid crises or more capably
addressing those that do happen
Pearson et. al 1997
Seminar Paper Presentation

• Objective of the paper
• Abstract
• Methodology
• Literature Review
• Paper Coverage Criteria
• Data Sources
• Journal Listing
• Findings
• Recommendations
Seminar Paper Presentation

• Theme Cloud
Seminar Paper Presentation

Objective of the paper

• To Provide a SLR about the development and improvement of
Logistics and SCM in context of Indian B2B space.
• To present an overview of past and present literature and identifies
gaps for future research for researchers and industry practitioners.
Seminar Paper Presentation

Purpose Design/Methodology Findings Originality/Value
• Understand the • To synthesize • Studies specific • This paper
existing studies the previous to the Indian reviews the
in the topic from literature and context are not existing papers
an Indian enunciate the present. and their areas.
Context. findings.
• The studies • More
• Establish the • 60 papers were primarily are information for
ground for identified from around few industry
further research past 15 years to industries. practitioners to
understand the learn new topics
context and • Abundant scope
limitations for future
Seminar Paper Presentation

• Establish the importance of logistics and infrastructure in the growth
of economy. Examples from USA, Japan, and South Korea show us
how development of infrastructure helps to fast-track the economic
• Indian studies by RBI and Niti Ayog have established the same. ₹1
spent in infrastructure translates to GDP gains worth ₹ 2.5-3.5
• Indian Government projects in this direction
• Gati-Shakti – ₹100 crore  spending in 5 years for mega infrastructure projects.
• National Logistics Policy – Expected in 2022. Overhaul the entire system.
Seminar Paper Presentation

• Databases Used • Fields
• Web of science • Business
• ScienceDirect/Elsevier • Economics
• Sage • Management
• Springer • Subject terms
• Areas • Crisis Management
• Social Sciences & Humanities • Logistics
• Business & Management • B2B Industry
• Organisation Studies • Time Period
• Last 15 years
Seminar Paper Presentation

Keywords Used
• B2B Logistics
• Crisis Management
• Crisis Management Logistics
• Crisis Management Logistics India
• Logistics India
• B2B Logistics India
• Combinations – Logistics+/Crisis+/Crisis Management+/B2B+/India
Seminar Paper Presentation

Paper Coverage Criteria


Logistics B2B Industry

Indian Indian
Market Market


Figure 1 – Classification of Literature

Seminar Paper Presentation

Paper Shortlist
• Sage Journals: • Web of Science Journals
• Crisis Management – 21,374 articles • Crisis Management – 2,803 articles
• Logistics – 4,629 articles • Logistics – 7,703 articles
• B2B Industry – 129 articles • B2B Industry – 242 articles
• Further shortlisting as per above figure 1
yielded only 12 papers of relevance to the
• Further shortlisting as per above
research. figure 1 yielded only 22 papers of
• Springer Link Journals: relevance to the research.
• Crisis Management – 3,519 articles • Science Direct Journals:
• Logistics – 3,348 articles • Crisis Management – 7,307 articles
• B2B Industry – 517 articles • Logistics – 5,033 articles
• Further shortlisting as per above figure 1 • B2B Industry – 117 articles
yielded only 12 papers of relevance to the •
Further shortlisting as per above
figure 1 yielded only 14 papers of
relevance to the research.
Seminar Paper Presentation

Paper Sources





Science Direct Springer Link Sage Emerald

Taylor & Francis Transportation Research Board Wiley

Figure 2 – Composition of Sources for the articles in Literature

Seminar Paper Presentation

Types of papers
• Mostly papers are conceptual and literature reviews.
• A very few content analysis papers are observed to deal with the
Indian market in specific but mostly related to logistics and not on
crisis management.
• No specific paper deals with the Indian context specificity.
Seminar Paper Presentation

Types of Articles



Content Analysis

Literature Review


0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 3 – Types of articles in Literature Review

Seminar Paper Presentation

• Very few papers discuss the Indian logistics market
• Most of the papers in Indian context are from earlier times(pre-2010),
when the industry in India hadn’t got the infusion of technology and
funds like it has now
• The majority of changes which have happened in the Indian market
are since the introduction of startups in this space like Delhivery,
Rivigo, Truckbhejo etc.
• Specific studies have been done on Chemical, Automotive ancillary
and Auto OEM suppliers. These studies can’t be applied to the other
Seminar Paper Presentation

• There is scope for further research in the field of Crisis Management
in Logistics within the Indian B2B market.
• The topics can be generated from the last 5-10 years as there are
many changes in the Indian logistics industry within this timeframe.

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