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HE(Higher Education)
Education is the road to national development.
Education give the input to national growth & labour
To contribute in knowledge-based & knowledge driven
society, HE&I policy play a critical role.
Helps transformation of the society from backward to
 It creates sense of responsibility among the people.
Education promotes economic development
HE provide innovative skills to the graduates of the

HE(Higher Education)
 Education is a nourishing force.
 constructive factor for any society.
 enables people to work for their development and
 It out the hidden potentialities of individuals and
develops them.

Multiple Sectors Crises in PAK
Trade Deficit
Economy weak------International Economic relation weak

o Today, Knowledge is power. The more knowledge one

has, the more empowered one is.

HE----Need to play its role to uplift the economy

Issues & Problems in HE
Lack of Budget Allocation,
 Lack of Policy Implementation,
Faulty examination System,(Annual, term , semester)
Poor Infra Structure of Educational Institutions,
 Lack of Teacher's quality,
 Low enrolment,
 Directionless Education system,
 High scale drop outs,
Increasing Political interference

Issues & Problems in HE
1.77% of GDP  on education
Out dated Curriculum,
 corruption,
 Poor Management and Supervision,
 Lack of Uniformity,
Lack of Research,
Lack of faculty training and Development,
 Cost of Education,
 Terrorist Attacks,
 Cultural Constraints,

Issues & Problems in HE
Internal and external influence
Lack of resources
Lack of policy implementation

Issues & Problems in HE
Non- availability of public transport/
parking/traffic congestion
Opening up of large nuber of private Universities
Politics in education
Entry tests, coaching and paper out
Theoretical knowledge inplace of practical
Lack of liaison between industry and educational

Issues & Problems in HE
Pupil teacher, pupil University and teacher
university ratio
Non-availability of electricity

Sense education is developing not only mind but it also
cleans and grooms our body and soul. We not only get
education for economic reason but to handle social,
political, psychological, ethical, legal and spiritual
issues of our life. Education turns a raw human into a
polished human being which becomes human capital of
any nation and key to the development of that country.
With education many countries are ruling the world
and have become leaders in the comity of nations. The
current system has made our younger generation
direction directionless and uncertain about their future so
they are leaving Pakistan and settling down in developed


The lawlessness, fear of loss of life, terrorist attacks,
unemployment, inflation, exchange rate fluctuation,
overpopulation, poverty, taxes and IMF loans are
producing forces of degree holders without any vision,
mission, critical thinking, reflection, analysis, research
and creativity. Our outdated curriculum is pushing our
youth towards stone age instead of directing them
towards the fast-changing technology driven world.
Traditional teaching is giving theoretical knowledge to
students but practical learning is missing.

Finally, education reforms are the only solution to
change the existing education system so following
recommendations are suggested for the policy
makers, thinkers, researchers, educationists and
common people. Hope it will add value in the
research and development of both student and


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