8-VII Adaptation of Organisms: Home Grade-8 Science

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Grade- 8



Presented by , M.A I.C.P. Wijayaratna Wp/Ke Kirillawala M.V. K. Suriyapperuma Wp/Ke Sangamiththa M.V.



Explain the meaning of the word Adaptation Explain the Structural and behavioral adaptations of animals Describe the adaptations of man to the environment


Observe the pictures


Write down the answers for the following questions in your book.

Which variety of moths would be more prominent at a glance ? Which variety of the two moths would catch the eye of a predator easily? Give reason for your answers to the above questions.


Modification of animals to suit the background in which they live is called the



Adaptations are found in various aspects, such as in color, shape, size, structure and life activities.


A.Adaptations for protection.

1. Animals attempt to match the background and blend with it in colour, markings on the body, shape, size so that the enemy can not detect them easily. This is called the Camouflage. 2. Some animals have poison fangs, poison hair, poison glands and stings.

3. Some have protective coverings.


Following animals show the above features. Fill in the table by using the pictures given below.
Animal Adaptations


Fill Homein the table given below by using the words, Gecko, Tortoise, Cuttle Fish, Moth or Butterfly larvae, Rat. Monkey. Adaptation
1.Emits an inky liquid making it impossible to see

. . . .

2. Can break the tail away

3. Has a prehensile tail

4. Withdraws fleshy parts into the cell

5 Has a large spot resembling a pair of eyes


B. Adaptation for feeding

Different animals have different food habits and they have adaptations to get their foods easily.
Birds have beaks. Animals have teeth. Insects have mouth parts.

Observe the following birds and make a table to Home show the shape of the beak and foods they eat.


Adaptations of beaks
Shape of the beak

Food Type

Home Animals use their teeth to eat foods. Use the following pictures to fill in the table.



Foods Adaptations they eat of teeth

Other Adaptations

Mouth Parts of some insects adjusted for feeding habit Home


House Fly Home



Home a table to show the food habits and adaptations in Make mouth parts of Butterfly, House fly, Mosquito and Spider.
Insect Food habit Adaptations in mouth parts

House fly



Butter fly


Adaptations for locomotion

Methods of locomotion which depend on the living environment.

Method of Locomotion
1. Walking, Running, Hopping, Gliding

Living Environment
on Land

2. Swimming 3. Flying

in water In air


Observe the following pictures.

Home By observing the above pictures fill in the following table. Animals Living Environment Type of Locomotion Adaptations

Home 1. Man is considered to be a highly developed animal living on the earth. 2. Man has legs adapted for living and locomotion on land.

Adaptations of Man,

3. He has lungs adapted for air respiration.

4. He has teeth suitably formed by chewing his food. 5. He has a highly developed brain.

6. He can grasp objects by using the fingers.

Importance of the adaptations 1. It is important for the survival of living beings. 2. It is important for the diversity of living beings.

Summary Home 1.The special adjustment in organisms which are useful to them in overcoming the various obstacles in the environment and continue their survivals are called adaptations. 2. Some adjustments in animals enable them to escape from their enemies. 3. The mouth parts and other organs of animals are adapted according to their feeding methods.

4. The methods of locomotion and appendages used for locomotion of animals are suited for the environment in which they live. 5. Man is an animal adapted for life on land.
6. Man has devised various means to overcome environmental obstacles using his brain and the special grasping abilities of his fingers.

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