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Unit 13: Website

I will compare 2 websites about their features and what they
Epic Games Store introduction
Epic Games
Store’s homepage
 The Epic Games Store is an online game e-commence website. The Epic Games
Store has a distribution service that offers about 470 games. It has over 180
million PC users and the monthly active user base is around 56 million. It is an
excellent website that is used to purchase popular games like Fortnite, Fall Guys,
Goat Simulator, GTA and Among Us to name a few. 
In this
Epic Games Store Task 1: its purpose for screenshot,
these are real
different services time information
news about the
latest games or
tips on how to
play them.
Epic Games is a video game website. It offers 470 games to download into your library, some that are free and some you can buy. The most
popular ones are shown on the home page, but you can search for a specific game if you know the name of it or search within categories to see
what they offer. The information that is presented on the Epic Games Store is that they shows games that are free or can be brought.

The Epic Games Store also presented information by posting news so that they review that game, or they have an announcement with a new
game coming soon. The information that is stored on the Epic Games Store is your personal details like your name, address, product
information, prices and card details. Real time information is when they upgrade the information so they can share information on the website
like the news or bus times. An example on the Epic Games Store could be the news. They communicate with their audience by asking FAQs so
they can ask questions about the website, or they have advice about what to do or they include the currencies that are available. They also
communicate with their audience by putting a help page so players can search up their account if it is on the Epic Games Store or the games
that they got. 

The media that is used on the website is images, video and news and they use this by showing the game’s image, so the person know what
game is it and what the image look like for example GTA 5. They use video by showing the trailer or showing a cinematic one so that person
know what is going to be in that game like Fortnite or Fall Guys. They also show news so gamers know what is going to be included in that
game or it can be tips about how to play that game, so you know what you must do in that game like Goat Simulator or Fortnite. All this media
is promoting a game so when you buy it, Epic Games will get money if you buy their games on the Epic Games Store or other games that are In this
made by other companies. E-commerce is when someone buy a product online on the internet and it can get deliver in a couple of days or a
week depending on how long it is. The Epic Games Store is an e-commerce website because you can buy games and put it on your computer, screenshot,
and this can be used by putting games from other companies on there or also  Epic Games or it can be free if there is a trial. There is a file that
you can download from the website, and it is called EpicInstaller and what it does is that you can install games on the file, and you can play it there are some
on the file. 
FAQs so people
might need
some advice or
some help.
Epic Games Store Task 2: the features of
the Epic Games Store This is an external hyperlink
on the FAQs that take you to
their social media about
Here, this shows you can
upgrades or announcements or
move by pressing numbers
new games.
on the keyboard or letters.
Here, it take you to
A hyperlink is a word or phrase that is highlighted in blue and what it does is that you click on it, and it can take you there internally which take you to another page of the same
website or it can take you there externally by taking you to another website that linked to their social media, or it can be another game company’s website like Nintendo . This a
useful feature because a hyperlink is quick and easy, and it can almost go to any website accurately and it saves them time searching the link which can be time-consuming. For a
an internal
user, they might feel where they need to go which is likely the bottom of the website or on the FAQs because it might be easy to find, or it can be on a FAQs. hyperlink of the
A button is very similar to a hyperlink but instead of being highlighted it is a button that you can click on to go to that game internally to buy it or you can either do this by the
button externally going to a related website. An example can be the download on the home page where you can click on it, and it will pop up with a file called the
same page to the
EpicInstaller. This is a useful feature because like a hyperlink, it is quick and easy, and it can almost go to any website accurately. However, there is no link so the chance of
having a button is good, but some websites might not use buttons. For a user, they might feel like where a button could appear, so they go on a game and click to see the Epic Games Store
but on the Support
A hot spot is when you hover over the image or video, you will get more information about that game or product or whatever to get your attention. There is no example on the
Epic Games Store.  a Creator Program. There is a
Here, there is button that
An email link is like a hyperlink, but it take you to their email page on different email sites like Outlook or There are email links, but they are not underlined or
highlighted in blue. I haven’t been able to find an example of this. 

A registration or logins are when you need an account to buy stuff or used special features to accessed it. An example on the Epic Games Store can be when you click the login a button you can clic
button by the download button and when you click on it, you will get different apps and consoles you can sign up by whatever one you play or what app you are on like Facebook.
This is a useful feature because it is simple and easy to use so you can select what app you use to connect to Epic Games. For a user, it is easy to access because instantly, they
can see where the login is and sign into their account or log on using a app that they use. For the performance, it is quick to load into your account and it doesn’t take a long
where you can to get a file
play Fall Guys called the
A form is a list where you must put your name, email address, gender and country. An example on the Epic Games Store is a form where Epic Games provide feedback from their
players if they need to change something in their games or improve it if there are any bugs. This is a useful feature because it can be quick to take and reliable to trust as it takes for free. EpicInstalle
your name or gender. For the performance, it load quickly because it can be quick to take and very fast.

Accessibility is when you can access it from other devices, or it can be useful because it could help disabled people to guide them. The first example on the Epic Games Store is
keyboard accessibility and what it does is that you use the tabs to move around by pressing it and going in order in the starting from the logo to the bottom main game on the
home page. 
Here, you can On the Epic Games Store, by
Here, there is a form for sign in if you use the download button there is
user research for feedback any of those a registration where you can
so Epic Games can improve
apps or consoles. make an Epic Games account.
their games.
Epic Games Store Task 2 Continued

Another accessibility example is the colour contrasts and on the main page the game titles brightness is Here, the colour for the
14.23:1 whether the navigation links are 3.6:1. Another accessibility example is a screen reader where it non-current links is in the
can announce words properly and out of every websites on the Internet, this one is the best one that does navigation bar but for the
it correctly. Another accessibility example is reduced motion where it showcase the game for about 5 games on the side with their
seconds, and it goes into the next game after that. This is a bad thing because it really doesn’t give the game titles they are
chance to pause it and look at the game and the effect it does could make people sick so they could add brighter than the non-
more time for the game to showcase before it goes into the next game. Another accessibility example is current links.
the alt text in a game’s cover title so if people can’t read the cover title, then they will have to read the
alternative text underneath to make life easy. Finally, the last accessibility example is semantics and what
it does is that it is something like buttons or appropriate headings but if you go on a game title and on the
top left it will said add to Wishlist, but it is not button-associated so if you used a screen reader, it would
refer to it as button. You can access it from your iOS device, Android device or different browsers
depending on what one you use. The browsers that are used to access the Epic Games Store could be
Google Chrome, Opera GX and Brave. This is mostly a useful feature because it is reliable and very useful
so that people with disability issues can access this stuff to help them. For the performance, it works well
because a lot of the features on the Epic Games Store are very useful and most of the features are handy. Here, the game is
Here, on the top left of Sack
showcased here and after 5
boy on the top left there is a seconds it go onto the next
plus button saying add to
Wishlist but there is no Here, there is the code for the
game which doesn’t really
button text so if you use a alt text so if they can’t read the give users a chance to
screen reader, it will refer it cover title, then they read the
as button. title underneath.
pause it.
Here, you need
Epic Games Store Task 2 part 3 an Epic Games
A e-commence facility is a business website that let you buy products with a account so it can be viewed on account to buy
your e-commence account. An example of a e-commence facility is you need an account to buy any games on their games.
the Epic Games Store but if you don’t have an Epic Games account, you can use other accounts to buy from the
Epic Games Store like Facebook. This is a useful feature because it is easy to use so you can buy a game and
instantly you got it. For a user, it might be simple for them because they know how to buy it by clicking on the
game image and purchasing it.
An online forum is when you are in a live chat, and you are talking about certain topics which are interesting
like football or gaming. An example of an online forum is going on the Epic Games Store and clicking on see all
reviews which is an external hyperlink. Then, you have all the review from different websites and if you go to
that website, you will have the review of the game but if you scroll down, you see comments by people that
have given their opinions on the game. This is a useful feature because even through it goes to another website,
it is quick and easy to go to and it is quite easy to read. For a user, they have to go on more reviews to get it
then they go on that website and they go to the bottom to read it so they might feel they should keep the
Here, there are
reviews on the Epic Games Store by more reviews but on the Epic Games Store. reviews of the most
An aesthetic is something that is judged by its appearance like the layout, media or fonts. An example of this popular and there
could be the colour because the website is black and the website’s target audience could be teenagers or above the reviews it
adults. Another example is the use of media by using a lots of images for the game covers so users can recognise
this game that they want.
take you to an
external website
Here, the colour of the website is black meaning it
could be for teenagers and adults. The layout is which is a hyperlink.
pretty good with the main games up top and then
down the bottom you got the lesser games. They also
used a lots of images for the websites for the game Here, it will take you
Here, the review will take to another website
you to a website and down
the bottom there are
with other reviews.
people that have reply their These reviews will
opinions on here. take you to that
Epic Games Store Task 2 part 4
Another example of the aesthetics is the layout, and, on the homepage, there
are the main games and underneath, there are the lesser games. Also, there are
categories on the homepage, so people know what games are the most played,
the top selling games or upcoming games that are wishlisted. This is a useful
feature because for the images, the performance could be that it loads quickly
and it shows that the user can see the image when it is downloading. For the Here, for their
accessibility, the colour could be one because it helps the user to see what is on layout on the home
the page or what colour works for them. page, they have
categories like most
played, the top
sellers and
The Epic Games Store Task 3:strengths
and weaknesses
1. You can get a full 2 weeks refunds with no time limit as you can get all your money back in 2 weeks if you don’t want that game. This is good because it allows you
to spent some time refunding a game that you are not interested in or you can use all of the 2 weeks to delete that game or you keep that game which mean you get
your money back.
2. Somegames which are console exclusive can come to the store to be played on PC and this could be useful because people who only got PC can played these
games. This is good because it gives PC players the chance to play those console games if they don’t have Xbox, PlayStation or the Switch.
3. Youcan have the ability to turn off auto-upgrades so if you want to save storage, you can do this to delete some space. This is good because it gives you a choice by
turning off auto-upgrades or turning it on so then it doesn’t try to stress that person out by having maximum storage which mean to delete games.
4. It
lets you to use your own 2 Factor Authentication so it can identify that person, so it know it is you. This is good because this can only recognise you but not
everybody so it can prevent strangers from getting into your account.
5. Thereis a better revenue share for developers because on some websites, there might be better revenue or less revenue so they can get more money by putting it
on their website and they get more money for buying their game.
6. Thereis no shovelware currently on the Epic Games Store because they are games that has poor quality, or it can be an export of that game with different levels
7. Thedevelopers are instantly connected with the creators as they could need more support about what to do or how to put it on the Epic Games Store. This is good
because if the creators need help, they go to the Epic Games Store support page and they get tips from the developers by email or phone so if they need support
with something else, they can go to the support page.
8. Theyhave free games so you could play it and review what this game is like, or it could be a game that is already on the Epic Games Store like a old game that you
can play for free. This is good because it gives young people a chance to play old games from the past years or so or it can be a game that have recently come out
and they get a chance to play these games.
9. A 
strength is that there are achievements so you can get XP from your games, so you get points depending on the type of achievement if it is a challenge or a
secret. There are 4 types that you can get, and they are bronze which gets you 5-45 XP, silver which is 50-95 XP, gold which is 100-200 XP and platinum which is 250
strength is you can access big picture mode so you can make the picture big if you are short-sighted so you can see it more clearly.  This is good because if
someone can’t see the screen from close away, then they will need a adult to put on big picture mode so they can see it more clearly.
11.Afinal strength is that some games support VR so you need the Meta Quest 2 or something compatible with VR so you can play it but some of the games doesn't
requires the controllers with some of them.
12.Thefirst weakness is family-sharing as this could be a problem because if you only got 1 PC and you wanted to play your games, but your brother want to go on it,
you must wait for him to get off it or get a laptop or get a console.
13.There is no Linux support so if you are a Linux person, you cannot get help from someone navigate the Epic Games Store. This could be improved by simply putting a
Linux support page on the Epic Games Store or a help tab for Linux.
14.Thereare no community pages so you cannot talk about your favourite topics or upgrades or announcements. This could be improved by putting a community page
so you can talk about your favourite games or the graphics or the creator or make a community channels on the bottom of the game information related to it.
My rating for the Epic Games Store is a 5/5 because of its accessibility because its screen reader is the best out of every website on the Internet so it can pronounce it
Premier League introduction
The Premier League is a sports website where you can check the table to check
where your team is at or even check what upcoming fixtures your favourite
teams is up against. Football fans would use this website to check upcoming
fixtures and the table to check what rank their team is. Its purpose is to provide
fixtures and a table so football fans can check how many points their team got.
On the website, the things that are displayed is a table, videos, the club’s logo
and news on the homepage. The Premier
Premier League Task 1: its purpose for
different services
The Premier League presented information by showing sponsors who sponsored that website or that company.
Another way they presented information is by putting upgraded news so that people can know about what is
happening in the PL. Another way it presented information is by having a navigation bar with the icon on the
top right so you can search for the news, football players, managers and their clubs. The information that is
stored could be cookies that track you or your name, address and email address. The real time information In this screenshot, the information presented is the
that is displayed is the news and videos that are constantly being upgraded every time. Real time information table that shows how many points that team has.
is used by posting news all the time so that football fans can be upgraded if they enter the PL website so that Another that is presented is the news so they can be
they receive news about their favorite team or their favorite football players on the same team. upgraded every time they check it. The sponsors
are also present with information by people
reminding who they are sponsored by.
 The Premier League communicate with their audience by FAQs so people can get advice from staff, or they
can communicate by using social media so they can make announcements or news so they can upgrade their
fans. The media that is used on the website are videos, pictures and logo of the football team. All this media
is used by the person so they can recognize that football team or the image of the players. This is obviously
to promote football and certain issues in football like the No Room For Racism. There is a e-commence
element on the website, and it is used to purchase tickets but from the team’s website so you can watch
their game. There is one downloadable file, and it is a PDF, and the file is a Premier League Handbook which
is for the upcoming season to organize forms, teams from the Championship and the team’s kits. The purpose
of this file is to provide the upcoming season and to do important work to start the season.   

In this screenshot, In this screenshot, In this

there is a file that there are FAQs so screenshot, you
is a PDF, and the can search up
file is named football fans might
Premier League need help or if they players stats,
handbook. don’t know the teams or
website. managers.
Premier League Task 2: the features of
the PL
An example of a hyperlink is that an internal hyperlink will take you to the same page, but it take you to whatever transfers that
team has in different years. Another example is an external hyperlink where you go to another website called the Football
Foundation where it provides pitch investment and sport facilities. For a football fan, they might look at the racism page and they
might click on a hyperlink that takes them to another website or an internal website that might get them onto the website, so they
don’t have to search it up. Here, this internal hyperlink
Buttons take you to the same page, but
it talks about the transfers of
An example of a button is that on the community's strategy you can share it with other people who likes football, and it can be
shared in different ways like social media or as a link. For a football fan, they might share this on social media or put it as a link or that year.
on an email so that everyone who loves football so that they get informed about something important. For the performance, it is
quick, so it goes to your social media quickly. 
Hot spots
No example of a hot spot.
Email links
An example of an email link is when you go to the contract us page and you look at the FAQs and there is an email link near to the
next question and it take you to their email link on any browser and it is only there if you require any further assistance. For a
football fan, this might be useful because if it was an old person, they would click on this, and it would get straight into it so then
they would have guidance about what is on the website or their personal details.  Here, this external
Here, there Here, you can hyperlink will take you to
is an email click on this another website so you
link to send share button, can check the website
to their and it will which is a triple
email produce partnership between the
address if different FA, and the government.
you need any options like It is for investment for
further help. Twitter. pitches and sport.
Premier League Task 2 continued
Registration and logins
An example of a login is that you can sign up for FPL games, fan sites, customised content and notifications from your favourite team or
players. You can login by using social media apps like Facebook and Twitter or the company that you use like Apple. This is useful for the
football fan because it is quick and easy to use so that the football fan can login onto the top right side of the website. 
An example of a form is that you fill out your name, email address, school and what year is your students are in so they can hand in any
entries they got. For a younger football fan, this might be useful because they can get involved in activities so that the form, they filled out
can be quick and easy to use so they can make art or make a poem.
Here, you can have
The accessibility on the PL website is that they have disabled fans access and facilities because there might be a risk of getting into the club’s
server and it could potentially get hacked. On the kid's version, they have got accessibility like subtitled and audio versions of films and a an account to login
transcript so they could be able to read the subtitles better. You can access the app on the iOS store too if you don’t have a computer. You so you can look at
can access it by using Google Chrome. For a football fan, this could prevent them from hacking their website, so they don’t steal their data or
everyone’s data or crashing the website. For a younger audience, this might be useful because they can turn on subtitles quickly in the exclusive stuff.
settings of the video so they can follow it which allows it to be reliable and quick to catch up what the person is saying.
E-commerce facilities
An e-commerce facility example is that you can purchase tickets from the PL but you purchase it from the football team websites so you can
have access to their website. For a football fan, this could be useful because as soon as they go on the website, they look on the PL’s ticket
page but when they read the information, they actually go on the team’s logo which is where you get the tickets, so this is quick and easy to
go to.
Here, there are tickets that you can
purchase but when you go on the
tickets chapter, you must get it from
the team's website.

Here, here is a form from the

poetry page where you can
fill in your name, address, Here, you can sign in using
school and what KS they are. Facebook, Twitter, Google and
Apple which are the only four and
it also give you access to a fantasy
PL game, exclusive fan sites,
customised fan content and
Premier League Task 2 Part 3
Online forums
There is no example of an online forum. 
An example of an aesthetic is when they use colours like for example, on the
homepage the main news could have different colours but for the lesser news, it Here, on the main
will be white. This is good because the different colours they use for the main news, it is
news could be exciting or interesting, but the lesser news might be boring. colourful and
Another example of an aesthetic is the layout because it is well organized where bright which
it is, and people could see this without anything in the way. This is a useful suggests that it is
feature because it target the specific audience and it is persuading and easy to interesting and
use. For the accessibility, the colours could be useful because it might help some excited. For the
people with the right colour to see the website and to navigate around it. layout, it is
perfect because
you got the main
news, the table so
the football fans
can see it without
anything blocking
the table. 
Premier League Task 3: strengths and
1. The revenue that is shared between the teams in the PL is to prevent the most popular
teams winning the league every year. This is good because it is fair, so they give these
weaker teams a chance to win the league.
2. Their technical skills on the website with their stats and how good are they could be
superior to their league counterparts like the La Liga or the Bundesliga. This is because
their counterparts could be better than them. This could be improved by putting their
upgraded stats so they are better than their European counterparts and they could
improve in their shots or shots on targets. 
I will give a 3/5 because it doesn’t have much, and they need to add more accessibility for
disabled fans so they can navigate the website more easily and to add more stuff for fans.
Task 3: current trends in websites

The first current trends that are common in both websites is the loading time as both
websites  are quick to take you to an external website or quick to take you to the same
website. Another trend in websites is the geolocation so for example, if you are on the
PL website and if you are American, you can find the USA bar finder, so it know what
time Premier League matches are on in America. For the Epic Games Store, it will not
ask your location so it will be on the American site. Another trend is interacting with it
and an example of this can be the PL as when you hover over the team's logo, it send
you to their website. Another trend is VR and an example of this can be the PL as EE let
you watch a match on BT sport with a trial and you can do this with Sky also which is
called Sky Worlds where you can watch a live match. Epic Games also do this with some
games. Another trend in website is the use of white space and an example of this is the
PL website where there is some space, so they try not to fit everything in. Another
trend is data visualization as the PL uses this data for its players like how many goals,
their assists and clean sheets or it could be stats about the manager. 

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