7th Grade. Space&Earth

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The 3rd of December

Unit 4.Space&Earth

Teacher: Akbassova Elmira

7th grade
New Words
 Rising seas-Су деңгейінің
көтерілуі  Worship-Бас ию
 Melting ice-Мұздың еруі  Authorities-Билік,өкімет
 Global warming- Жаһанды  Mystical-Мистикалық
жылу  Survive-Тірі қалу
 Threaten-Қорқу,сескендіру  Humid-Дымқыл, ылғалды
 Cultural site-Мәдени көрікті  Vegetation-Өсімдік
жерлер  Sandstone-Құмдақ
 Responsible for-Жауапты болу
 Conservationist- Табиғи
 Damage-Зиян, залал
ресурстарды қорғаушы
 Power-Күш  Preserve -Сақтау
 Giant-Алып,дәу
Exercise 2. Match the words to the
problems in the picture

We should recycle things we don1t need.

Factory waste poisons lakes and rivers.
Car exhaust fumes and factory smog poison the
We should turn off the lights when we leave a
Many animals are disappearing because they are
losing their natural habitats.
Company cut down trees to make roads.
Environmental Problems
Video “Space&Earth”
Exercise 1, page 42
Do you know any
monuments/places in your
country that are in danger
because of pollution?
Can you name some of them?
Video “Monuments in Danger!”
Exercise 2.Read the text and answer the

How old is Stonehenge?

Why did they build Stonehenge?
What problem does the Stonehenge face?
What problems do the temples face?
Are the temples of Ankgor Wat a popular
holiday destination?
Who is working to preserve the temples?
Feedback “3-2-1”
exercise 3, page

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