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Do you need healthier boundaries

Signs may include.

• You find it difficult to make decisions

• You feel obligated to please others
• You find it very difficult to say no (feel guilty, very uncomfortable or have self doubt when
you say no)
• You do so much for others that you lose track of your goals
• You often feel guilty
• You allow others to disrespect you and undermine you
Signs may include.

• You often say yes to things that exceed your capacity and feel resentful afterward
• Your relationships are one-sided
• You often feel stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out
• You constantly cancel plans
• Increasing chaos dominates your life
• You find it difficult to stand up for your own needs and values
Why are boundaries important?
• They define who you are-values, beliefs, needs and goals
• They strengthen your self-esteem-clear and confident about self/others know what to
expect from you.
• They keep your life in order-defining what’s important to you/what’s not. Boundaries guide
• Develop a healthy independence- stronger sense of self and identity
• Promote you and your goals- prioritizing important things e.g. goals, ideas and dreams
• Help improve relationships- people know what to expect from you and what not and you
feel more connected by showing true self.
• They support your mental health/wellbeing- prevent burnout via prioritization, knowing
limits and knowing what you feel responsible for and what not.

Boundaries define who we are- they are the

key to our identity
Tips how to set & communicate your boundaries.

• Define the boundary for yourself questions that can help: What needs and values
are important to me not being met? Why am I setting this boundary? What is my
desired outcome? Are my boundaries in alignment with my values?
• Find time and space to have a conversation.
• State your boundaries clearly _be assertive and specific, use i-statements.
• Set consequences depending on the boundary, you may want to communicate what
you will do if the boundary is rejected or refused and why this is so important to you.

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