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Hai…I’m Amy😏😌

Welcome to my presentation!
I worked very hard and I hope you enjoy 😊
The Great War
• Militarism
• Alliances
• Imperialism
• Nationalism
• Militarism is defined as the strategic arrangement and build up of armies
and military.
• Example: Russia building up armies and strategically placing them in
order to establish fear and power.
• Treaties and agreements between nations.
Skip a few
• We don’t have time to explain imperialism (the expansion or taking over
of one country’s political, cultural, economic, and social aspects) and
nationalism( an execessive patriotic feeling of pride in one’s country)
• Gavrilo Princip was a member of the Black Hand, a terrorist group who
wanted to erase the presence of Austro-Hungarian rule from the Balkans.
• Assasinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-
Hungarian throne and his wife Sophie, on a June 28th, 1914.
• Throughout the beginning of the war, the United States maintained on the
neutral ground, but the LAST STRAW that motivated them to join the war
was the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram .
• The German government sent a request to Mexico asking them to ally
with Germany and entertain the United States in a war. In exchange for
agreeing to ally with Germany, Mexico would regain some territory they
lost to the United States in the Mexican-American War.
Paris Peace Conference &The Treaty of
• At the end of the war, all the victorious Allies met at the Paris Peace
Conference to discuss the punishment and events that would result after
the end of the war. France stated they suffered the heaviest loss due to the
Germans. President Wilson presented the idea that no one country should
be overly rewarded nor overly punished.
• The Treaty of Versailles arose and put the full blame of the war on
Germany. They were to pay reparations and give up all the colonies they
aquired and reduce their armies .
Effects of WWI
• The events of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles helped pave the way for
the rise of the Nazi Party, which led to WWII.
• Adolf Hitler came to power using the desperation of the people for a
powerful leader to lead them out of poverty and shame to build up his
supporters and financial ability to start a war.
• My brain
• All credit to Ruby Guadalupe Zepeda Aguilar
• Thank you for your time. Have a good day 😜

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