Sex Education and Male Reproductive System

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Sex Education

Some Misconceptions on Sex Education

 The imposing of Sex Ed will cause an increase in sexual activity in

 Teaching Sex Ed goes against the beliefs of the Church.
 Sex Ed should not be a mandatory class that should be taken
 Having no education about sex will not stop teenagers from
having sex; it'll just stop them from staying safe.
Sex Education

“If you put a swimming pool in

your backyard, shouldn’t you
teach your kids how to swim?”
Sex Education

 Kids need to be taught about sex for their own good and protection. With sexual
molestation and sexual perversion on the rise, sex education at its most basic level starts
with telling kids that parts of their bodies are private.
  It’s normal that we think about sex.
 Take responsibility.
 Sex increases attachment with someone so choose your partner carefully.
Gender VS Sex

 Ang ina ang ilaw ng tahanan.

 Men are born engineers, politicians, and managers
 Women can bear children in their wombs
 Women breastfeed their children
 Men are polygamous
 Women do the household chores
 Men are decision makers, women are feebleminded.

 Identifies the biological differences between men and women.

 Identity is determined by reference to genetics and anatomical characteristics
 Largely unchangeable

 Refers to the culturally or socially constructed roles ascribed to males and females.
 Identifies the social relations between men and women
 An acquired identity. It refers to all differences except those that are strictly biological
 Generally, there are two types of genders, the masculine and feminine
 It can changed, as culture itself is dynamic.
Avoiding Misnomers in Discussing Sex

 Talong  Pechay
 Upo  Bulaklak
 Pitutoy  Bibingka
 Tabatiti  Tahong
 Batuta/Baton  Monay/Melon
 Bird/Birdie/Tweety Bird  Bumper
 Hotdog  Papaya
 Junjun
The Human Reproductive
Activity 1

 Get a ¼ sheet of paper, do not write your name on your paper. This is to ensure the
confidentiality of your identity.
 Write any question you would really want to ask about the reproductive system of both
male and female.
 If you are a female, either you can ask questions about the female or male reproductive system
 Do not hesitate to ask questions
 No malice will be given to each question so don’t worry.
 After writing down, hold it and submit it silently
 Scrotum
 Testes
 Duct system
 Penis
 Accessory
 Externally, the scrotum
consists of skin. Beneath
the skin are a loose
connective tissue and a
layer of smooth muscle
called dartos. In cold
temperatures, the dartos
muscles contract, causing
the skin of the scrotum to
become firm and wrinkled,
reducing the overall size of
the scrotum.
 Temperature
 Optimal for sperm
development is 3°C below
body temp (~91 F)
 Controlled by muscles
Testes – Gross Anatomy

●The testes are oval organs

within the scrotum each about 4-
6cm long. Each testes is
composed of core-shaped
lobules that contain seminiferous
tubules in which sperm cells
Seminiferous tubules
• Spermatogenic cells
• Spermatogenesis begins at puberty
• ~400 million sperm/day
 Epididymis
 Ductus deferens
 Ejaculatory duct
 (urethra)
 Located in scrotum
 Between seminiferous tubules and
vas deferens
 ~6 m long
 This is a tightly series of thread-like
tubules that form a comma-shaped
structure on the posterior side of
the testes. The sperm cell continue
to mature along this tube.
Ductus (vas) deferens
 The vas deferens emerges from
the epididymis and ascends
along the posterior side of the
testes to become associated with
the blood vessels and nerves
that supply the testes. From the
epididymis, sperms move to this
tube up to the ampulla of the
ductus deferens. The wall of this
tube is composed of smooth
The male urethra extends from the
urinary bladder to the distal end of
the penis. The urethra is a
passageway for both urine and
male reproductive fluids. The two,
however, do not exit the urethra at
the same time. So there is no
mixing. While seminal fluid passes
through the urethra, a reflex
causes the urinary sphincter
muscles to contract tightly to keep
urine form passing the urinary
bladder through the urethra.

 Seminal vesicle
 60% of semen
 Fructose to nourish
Prostate Gland
 Prostate gland
 Surrounds prostatic
 30% of semen
 Supports sperm

 The penis is the male organ of copulation
and functions in the transfer of sperm cells
from the male to the vagina of the female.
It is only an accessory organ of
reproduction and not the reproduction
organ as most people think of. It is
composed of erectile tissues and the
engorgement of this erectile tissue with
blood causes the penis to enlarge and
become firm in a process called erection.

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