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Literature - 11
Anne Peiris
What shall we discuss today?
• Who is Andare?
• What do we know about him?
• Some special things about him
Who is Andare?
• During the bygone periods of Sinhala Kings, there was a comedian called
• Hhe was employed to amuse the King and his Ministers.
• One of the most popular folk stories in Sri Lanka is the story of Andare.
• Andare was born in the South of Sri Lanka in a village in Matara District.
Folklore has many stories about Andare and the pranks he played on the
King, his Ministers and even the Queen.
Do you know the meaning of his
name? A

• A – Everybody liked him

• N – He was very pleasant
• D – He could not stay at one place D
• A – He was very funny
• R – He worked for the -------------. A
• E – He was very charming

• Attractive
• Nice
• Dynamic
• Amusing
• Royals
• Entertaining / Enjoyable
One day the Queen said she
wished to meet Andare’s
wife. Andare said “yes”, but
said, “Your Majesty, my
wife is a little deaf so you
must speak very loudly
when you talk to her”. The
queen agreed.
He then went home and told his
wife that the queen wishes to
see her but as the queen is deaf
she must talk to the her very
loudly. Andare then took his
wife to the Queen. The queen
and Andare’s wife started
communicating, both yelling,
hoping to make each other
Everybody including the King
hurried over to see why the
women were yelling. When
the King heard about the trick
he burst into laughing but the
Queen and Andare’s wife both
became really angry with
Activity - 01
• Can you describe the
• …………………………………………..
Activity - 02
• What the queen might have

• What the wife might have


• What the king might have


• What the ministers might

have thought?
Home work

• Let’s create our own

story about Andare
• Either
• Write
• Ppt
• Video
• Audio
On being late

•Andare used to come home very late and his wife became angry over his
continuous late arrivals. She wanted to teach Andare a lesson by keeping him
out all night. So one day she did not open the door although Andare kept on
shouting. He continued shouting getting no response so he then picked up a
large stone from the yard and dropped it into the well with a loud splash. The
wife got upset thinking he had jumped into the well. When she came out to
check, Andare got into the house and closed the door and asked his wife to wait
outside till the sun rises.
Cock – a doodle do

•Every week the King and his Ministers went to a faraway pond to take a bath. This is usually
a special occasion for them. Andare also accompanied them on special outings. One day, the
ministers wanted to play a trick on Andare. Each of the Ministers took an egg along with him.
At the pond when they were bathing one Minister asked who can dive into the pond and bring
an egg. All the Ministers shouted that they can. Then all of them dived into the pond. Andare
was surprised thinking how to find an egg under water but he too dived into the pond. After a
while the ministers jubilantly came up each holding an egg in his hand. Andare too came up,
guessing that they had done this to make a fool out of him but did not want to accept defeat.
So he shouted “Cock-a-doodle doo, you are all hens and I am the only cock”. The King
saw how Andare had made a fool of the Ministers and had a good laugh. The king liked to
enjoy Andare’s pranks. He enjoyed them till the death of Andare…

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