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Instructions for drawing

Draw as good as you can (which means

you must put in your best efforts) using 2 b
drawing pencil only. You can erase as much as you like,
it will not be counted against you. You may also take
as long as you wish. Please note the start and end
time for each of the object drawn and then calculate
the total time taken to complete your drawing.

Your drawing should be freehand i.e. no ruler is

Instructions for drawing

Give details of the order in which the objects were drawn also mention how many times you
erased any object or part of it if you did so.

House Also mention how many floors the house has. Is it your own house or some body
else’s. What does the house need most? Is it friendly happy sort of a house? Would you like
to own this house? Whom, you would like to live with in this house? What is the total no. of
members living in that house and what type of relationship they share with one another. Is it
a happy family or not? etc. etc.

Tree In details of the tree mention the type of tree, how old it is, has anyone tried to cut it
down, whether it is alive or dead and is there any part of it which is dead? What caused it to
die? Is there any wind blowing in the picture of tree if so then in which direction what effect
it will cause to the tree? Is it healthy and strong tree or not? What does tree need most? Etc.

Person In details of a person mention the gender, age of the person, what’s his /her favorite
thing to do and what is not, has anyone hurt this person in the past etc. What is the person
doing, thinking or feeling? What does the person remind you of? Is the person happy? How
do you feel about the person? Do you feel that way about most of the people? What does
that person need most ?What kind of clothes he has on? What are his likes and dislikes etc
How best he spends his time? Etc etc.

Also mention your emotional reactions while drawing these objects.

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