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Examining factors that facilitate/challenge students’ learning.

 Let us think about all those things that may be

impacting on your students’ learning.

 These factors fall into three broad areas:

 The Physical environment in which teaching and
learning occurs
 The Cognitive level or stage of the learners
 The Psycho-social stage or condition of the learners.
Physical environment
 All tangible things that may impact on the students.
 They include:
 the physical conditions of the school whether good
or bad (lighting, ventilation, type of furniture) etc.
 the availability or unavailability of the necessary
resources. (books, printed materials, reliable
internet.) etc.
 Begin with a general description of the school and then
focus on the classroom or classrooms in which your
students function.

 Location
 Size
 Facilities (including library and information technology
centre, cafeteria )
 Grounds
 Use descriptive words and phrases.
 State in what ways the physical environment of
your classroom facilitates learning or if learning is
hampered by it.
 Give examples in support of your answer.
 In cases where you think the conditions are
inadequate suggest ways to minimize the problems.
Cognitive Factors
 Cognitive factors refer to characteristics of the
person that affect performance. These may include
cognitive functions such as attention, memory and
. Danili & Reid 2006

- The ability of the learner or readiness of the learner.

Cognitive Factors

 In describing the cognitive factors which affect learning, refer to

learning theorists.
 Eg.1. Chall’s stages of reading and writing.

 At what stage are the majority of the students and how does this affect

 Eg.2 Piaget’s cognitive stages.

 Are they at the concrete operational stage or the formal operational

Psycho-social Factors
 Psycho-social factors is a combination between psychological
and social factors.

 The psychological environment in the classroom is how

students feel about their learning. Eg. Students react
negatively when they feel things are unfair.
 How do they react to rules?
 Social factors refer to the impact by social influences such as
support from family, are they prepared for class, interaction
with friends at school ,social disruptions.
 How does the home environment affect their learning?
 You may refer to Erik Erikson stages of social

 Eg. Industry vs inferiority stage - ability to

understand and organize

 Identity vs confusion stage – accepting one’s self.

 The artefact should be named with the
corresponding reference LE 1
 The entry should be two pages.

 This is an opinion paper but do not emphasize all

the negatives about the school and students without
highlighting the positives also

Write your first draft.

Physical, cognitive and psycho- social context of



 http://


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