Group 2 Proteins

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Presented by:

Atha Mluk Esmail

Arniel A. Rañin
Irene Claus
Blesa Edo
Objectives :
 State the functions of proteins in the body
 Identify the elements of which proteins are
 Describe the effects of protein deficiency
 State the energy yield of proteins
 Identify at least six food sources of
complete proteins and six food sources of
incomplete proteins

Of the six nutrient groups, only proteins
can make new cells and rebuild tissue.
Proteins are the basic material of every
body cell.
Proteins are the only nutrient group that
contains nitrogen.
Proteins are composed of amino acids.
Amino Acid

Nitrogen containing compound of

which protein is composed.
There are twenty amino acids.
Nine are considered essential.
Amino Acids
P.V.T. H.A.L.L.
P = Phenylalanine H - Histidine
V - Valine A - Arginine
T - Threonine L - Leucine
L - Lysine
T - Tryptophan
I - Isoleucine
M - Methionine
Histidine : is a semi-essential amino acid (children should obtain it
from food) needed in humans for growth and tissue repair, Histidine
is important for maintenance of myelin sheaths that protect nerve
cells and is metabolized to the neurotransmitter histamine.
Isoleucine : is an essential amino acid. It may help how hemoglobin
is made. This is the oxygen-carrying pigment inside of red blood
cells. It may help control blood sugar. ... Isoleucine may also help
muscle development and lean body mass.
Leucine : is one of the 3 essential branched chain amino acids
(BCAAs). These amino acids can be used by skeletal muscle to give
energy during exercise. Eating foods that have complete protein
gives enough of these amino acids. ... Leucine may help in healing
skin and bones. It may increase muscle growth and lean body mass.
Lysine : Lysine is an essential amino acid. The human body cannot
make lysine, so it must be eaten in the diet. Sources include meat,
fish, dairy, and eggs. Lysine is a building block for making proteins in
the body. It might also prevent the herpes virus from growing.
Methionine : is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks that our
bodies use to make proteins. Methionine is found in meat, fish, and dairy
products. Methionine is commonly taken by mouth to treat liver disorders and
viral infections along with many other uses.

Phenylalanine : is an amino acid, a "building block" of protein. It is the only form

of phenylalanine found in proteins. Major dietary sources of L-phenylalanine
include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk. Phenylalanine is most commonly used
for a skin disorder that causes white patches to develop on the skin
Threonine : is an essential amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks the
body uses to make proteins. The "essential" amino acids are those that cannot be
made by the body and must be obtained from the diet.
Tryptophan : is an amino acid needed for normal growth in infants and for the
production and maintenance of the body's proteins, muscles, enzymes, and
neurotransmitters. It is an essential amino acid. This means your body cannot
produce it, so you must get it from your diet.
Valine : is a branched-chain essential amino acid. Branched-chain amino acids
are used in your body to help make energy. Valine is found mainly in protein food
sources such as meats, fish, soy, and dairy. But it is also found in other foods,
including some nuts, vegetables, and whole grains.
Amino acid(s) Main food sources

Histidine soy protein, eggs, parmesan, sesame, peanuts

Isoleucine eggs, soy protein & tofu, whitefish, pork, parmesan

Leucine eggs, soy protein, whitefish, parmesan, sesame

 Lysine eggs, soy protein, whitefish, parmesan, smelts

eggs, whitefish, sesame, smelts, soy
protein + eggs, soy protein, sesame, mustard
seeds, peanuts
Phenylalanine eggs, soy protein, peanuts, sesame, whitefish+ soy
 Tyrosine protein, eggs, parmesan, sesame

Threonine eggs, soy protein, whitefish, smelts, sesame

Trypthopan soy protein, sesame, eggs, winged beans, chia seeds
 Valine eggs, soy protein, parmesan, sesame, beef
Amino Acids

 Alanine  Glutamic acid
 Arginine  Glutamine
 Asparagine  Glycine
 Asparticacid  Hydroxyproline
 Cysteine  Proline
 Cystine  Serine
 Tyrosine

 High quality
 Contains all nine essential amino
 Low quality
 Lacks one or more amino acid
 Cannot build tissue without help
Complementary Proteins
 Occurs when a combination of
incomplete proteins are eaten in the
same day to make a complete protein
 Examples: corn and beans, rice and
beans, bread and peanut butter,
bread and split pea soup, bread and
cheese, bread and baked beans,
macaroni and cheese, cereal and milk
Food Sources

Animal food sources

 Complete proteins
 Meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk,
Plant food sources
 Incomplete proteins
 Corn, grain, nuts, sunflower seeds,
sesame seeds, and legumes
Food Sources

 Meat alternatives made from
soy protein and other
ingredients to simulate various
kinds of meat
 Tofu is a soft cheese- like food
made from soy milk
 Building and repairing body tissue
 Regulating body functions
 Metabolism and digestion
 Fluid and electrolyte balance
 Development of antibodies
 Providing energy
 Each gram of protein provides 4 kcal
Digestion and Absorption
Mechanical digestion
 Begins in mouth
 Teeth grind food into small pieces
Chemical digestion
 Begins in stomach
 Hydrochloric acid prepares stomach
 Enzyme pepsin reduces proteins to
Digestion and Absorption
Chemical digestion
 Polypeptides: ten or more amino
acids bonded together
 In the small intestine, three
pancreatic enzymes (trypsin,
chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase)
continue chemical digestion and
absorption through the villi
Metabolism and
 Amino acids are broken down, the
nitrogen-containing amine group is stripped
off (deamination).
Ammonia is produced.
Liver picks up ammonia and converts it to
Kidney filters out urea and excretes it.
Remaining parts are used for energy or
converted to carbohydrate or fat and stored
as glycogen or adipose tissue.
Dietary Requirements
Determined by size, age, sex, and
physical and emotional conditions.
The National Research Council of
the National Academy of Sciences
considers the average daily
requirement to be 0.8 g of protein for
each kilogram of body weight.
Protein Excess
Saturated fats and cholesterol may
contribute to heart disease
Connection to colon cancer
Substitute for essential fruits and

Protein Excess
Increased demand on kidneys
National Research Council
recommends that protein intake
represent no more than 15-20% of
one’s daily kcal intake and not exceed
double the amount given in the table of
Recommended Dietary Allowances.
Nitrogen Balance
Nitrogen intake equals nitrogen
Positive nitrogen balance exists when
nitrogen intake exceeds amount
Negative nitrogen balance exists when
more nitrogen is lost than taken in.
Protein Deficiency
Muscle wasting occurs
Albumin(protein in blood plasma)
causes edema
Loss of appetite, strength, weight
Lethargy, depression, slow wound
Protein Energy
Malnutrition (PEM)
Lack protein and energy-rich foods.
Found in developing countries with
shortages of protein and energy-rich
Stunted growth and mental
retardation may occur.
Affects very young children.
Results from severe malnutrition
(lack of protein, vitamins, and
Emaciated, no edema
Hair is dull and dry; skin thin and
Sudden or recent lack of protein-
containing food; affects children and
Fat accumulates in liver, and lack of
protein and hormones results in edema,
painful skin lesions, and changes in
pigmentation of skin and hair.
High mortality rate
Conclusion :
Proteins contain nitrogen.
They build and repair body tissues,
regulate body processes, and supply
Each gram of protein provides 4 kcal.
Composed of amino acids.
Nine of the amino acids are essential for
growth and development.

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