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Broadly speaking, cost accounting can be defined as a(n)

A. external reporting system that is based on activity-based costs.

B. system used for providing the government and creditors with information about a
company's internal operations.
C. internal reporting system that provides product costing and other information used
by managers in performing their functions.
D. internal reporting system needed by manufacturers to be in compliance with Cost
Accounting Standards Board pronouncements.
2. Management accountants are frequently asked to analyzed various decision
situations including the following:
I. The cost of a special device that is necessary if a special order is accepted.
II. The cost proposed annually for the plant service for the grounds at a corporate
III. Joint production cost incurred, to be considered in a sell-at-split versus a process-
IV. The cost of alternative use of plant space to be considered in a make-or-buy
V. The cost of obsolete inventory acquired several years ago, to be considered in a
keep-versus-disposal decision.

The cost described in situation III and V

A. Prime Cost
B. Sunk Cost
C. Discretionary Cost
D. Relevant Cost
Cost Flow
A mentally deranged employee, Mr. Arson, put a torch to a factory on Feb 20, 2022.
The resulting fire completely destroyed the plant and its contents. Fortunately, certain
accounting records were kept in another building. They revealed the following for the
period Dec 31, 2021 to Feb 20, 2022:
Prime Cost P 301,000
Gross Profit rate on sales 20%
Cost of goods available for sale P 460,000
Direct materials purchased P 170,000
Work in process, Dec 31, 2021 P 34,000
Direct Materials, Dec 31, 2021 P 16,000
Finished goods, Dec 31, 2021 P 30,000
Factory overhead 40% of conversion cost
Sales P 500,000
Direct Labor P 180,000

The insurance company wants to know the approximate cost of the inventories as
a basis for negotiating a settlement.
Compute for the Feb 20, 2022: (1) direct materials inventory, (2) work in process
inventory (3) finished goods inventory
The records of the Eunice Equipment Company show the following
information for the three months ended June 30, 2022.
Materials Purchased P 1,946,700
Inventories: April 1, 2022
Finished goods (100 equipment) P 43,000
Materials P 268,000
Direct Labor P 2,125,800
Factory Overhead (40% variable) P 764,000
Marketing Expenses (all fixed) P 516,000
General and Administrative expenses (all fixed) P 461,000
Sales (12,400 equipment) P 6,634,000

Inventories, June 30, 2022:

No unfurnished work on hand
Finished goods (200 equipment), costed at P395 each
Materials P 167,000

Compute for (1) unit cost for each equipment manufactured, (2) gross profit
per unit sold (3) income per unit sold

1. Actual Cost System (Historical) : direct materials, direct labor

and factory overhead costs are determined as they occur
2. Standard Cost System (Predetermined) : direct materials,
direct labor and factory overhead costs are determined in
advance from analysis and forecast made
3. Normal Cost System : combination of actual cost system and
standard cost system
Taal Corporation manufactures rattan furniture sets for export. For the year ended Dec
31, 2022 you obtained the following information:
: Work in process, Jan 1, 2022 was 20% less than the work in process inventory on
Dec 31, 2022.
: Total manufacturing costs added during 2022 was P900,000 based on actual
direct materials and direct labor, while factory overhead was applied on actual
direct labor costs.
: Factory overhead applied to work in process was 72% of direct labor costs.
Applied factory overhead for the year was 25% of total factory costs.
: Cost of goods manufactured, also based on actual direct materials, actual direct
labor and applied factory overhead, was P850,000.

Compute for (1) Direct Materials Used (2) Work In Process Inventory Dec 31, 2022
JenJen Printers, Inc. shows the balances on June 1, 2022
Materials P 50,000
Work In Process P 40,000
Finished Goods P 30,000
Additional raw materials were purchased during the month of June at a cost of P 86,900
on account.
Materials P 86,900
Accounts Payable P 86,900
During the month, raw materials costing P 90,400 were used as follows:
Direct Materials chargeable to WIP P 84,600
Indirect Materials chargeable to FO P 5,800
Total P 90,400
Work in Process P 84,600
Factory Overhead P 5,800
Materials P 90,400
During the month, wages and salaries totaling P102,300 were earned by the factory
employees and charged from the factory payroll, deductions were recorded as follows:
Withholding Tax P1,300; SSS Contribution P200; Pag-ibig Contribution P300
Factory Payroll P 102,300
Withholding Taxes Payable P 1,300
SSS Contribution Payable P 200
Pag-ibig Contribution Payable P 300
Accrued Salaries/Wages Payable P 100,500
An analysis of the records indicates that labor costs of P 102,300 should be allocated as:
Direct Labor chargeable to WIP P 66,500
Indirect Labor chargeable to FO P 35,800
Total P 102,300
Work in Process P 66,500
Factory Overhead P 35,800
Factory Payroll P 102,300
In addition to the indirect materials, indirect labor and other overhead costs, such as
utilities, insurance and depreciation totaling P 23,500 were incurred during the month.
Factory Overhead P 23,500
Accounts Payable/Other Accounts P 23,500
It is estimated that 80% of the direct labor costs is chargeable to jobs worked on during
the month of June.
Work In Process P 53,200
Factory Overhead P 53,200
(Direct Labor 66,500 x 80%)

ACTUAL Factory Overhead: 5,800+35,800+23,500 = 65,100

APPLIED Factory Overhead: 53,200
UNDERapplied: 11,900
During the month, some jobs were completed and transferred to finished goods warehouse
costing P 225,100.
Finished Goods P 225,100
Work In Process P 225,100
During the month, finished goods costing P 221,500 were sold to various customers.
Cost of Goods Sold P 221,500
Finished Goods P 221,500
The Santo Tomas Press is wholly owned by the University of Santo Tomas. The bulk of the work is done for other university
departments, which pay as though the Press were no outside business enterprise. The Press also publishes and maintains a
stock of books for general use.
The following data pertain to 2022:

Direct materials and supplies purchased on account P 800,000

Direct materials issued to the production departments 710,000
Supplies issued to various production departments 100,000
Labor used directly in production 1,300,000
Indirect labor incurred by various departments 900,000
Depreciation-building and factory equipment 400,000
Miscellaneous factory overhead incurred by various departments 550,000
Factory overhead applied at 160% of direct labor ?
Cost of goods manufactured 4,120,000
Sales 8,000,000
Cost of goods sold 4,020,000
Inventories, Dec 31, 2021:
Materials 100,000
Work in process 60,000
Finished goods 500,000

Compute for (1) Manufacturing Costs (2) Actual Factory Overhead (3) Materials Inventory Dec 31, 2022 (4)
Work in Process, Dec 31, 2022 (5) Over/Under applied factory overhead
Joshua Manufacturing Company presented the following data:
1. Cost of goods manufactured, and cost of goods sold were P375,000 and P300,000
2. Purchases of raw materials amounted to twice as much net income before tax
3. Gross margin based on sales was 40%. There were no purchase returns but sales return
amounted to P 10,000
4. Inventory valuation were as follows:
- Raw Materials – On hand at end of the period was one third as much as at start.
- Work In Process – No beginning inventory, but P25,000 was on hand at end of period.
- Finished Goods – End of period was four times as large as at start.
5. Breakdowns of costs incurred in manufacturing was as follows:
Raw Materials 50%
Direct Labor 30%
Manufacturing Overhead 20%
6. Selling expense amounted to four times as much as general expenses
7. Net income after taxes amounted to P52,000. Income tax rate is 35%

Prepare the Cost of Goods Manufactured Statement and the Statement of Comprehensive Income
Madtack Company’s beginning and ending inventories for the month of November are:
Nov 1 Nov 30
Direct Materials P67,000 P62,000
Work in process 145,000 171,000
Finished goods 85,000 78,000

Production data for the month of November follows:

Direct Labor P200,000
Actual Overhead 132,000
Direct Materials Purchased 163,000
Transportation In 4,000
Purchase Returns and Allowance 2,000

Madtack uses one overhead control account and charges overhead to production at 70% of direct
labor cost. The company does not formally recognize over/underapplied overhead until year-end.

Compute for the (1) Prime Cost (2) Total Manufacturing Cost (3) Cost of goods transferred
to finished goods (4) Cost of goods sold.
The following information below pertains to the 2022 operation of Hobi Company:
Jan 1 Dec 31
Finished Goods P80,000 P?
Work In Process 20,000 ?
Materials 15,000 23,000
Accounts Payable 7,000 5,000
Accrued Payroll 11,000 14,000
Accounts Receivable 45,000 65,000
1. All Sales were on account, with a mark-up equal to 28% of the sales price.
2. The accounts payable account was used for materials purchases only.
3. Factory Overhead was applied at 150% direct labor cost.
4. Miscellaneous factory overhead cost totaled P 60,000.
5. Direct Materials issued to production cost, P 80,000
6. Payment of accounts payable totaled P 102,000
7. There was only one job in process at the end of the period, with charges to date of materials costing
P10,000 and direct labor P8,000.
8. Collection of accounts received totaled P480,000.
9. Cost of goods manufactured was P320,000
10. Payrolls totaling P172,000 were paid in cash.
Prepare the Statement of Cost of Goods Manufacture and Sold

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