Workplace Communication

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Participate in Workplace Communication

 Parts of speech  Basic mathematics
Nouns – horse, milk, Monday, Jack Addition

Verbs – go, contemplate, be, must Subtraction

Adjective – happy, enthusiastic, awake Multiplication

Adverbs – sadly, soon, very, however Division

Pronouns – I, she, everyone, yourself

Determiners – a, the, my, every, any  Types of forms

Prepositions – in, of, opposite, regarding Personnel

Conjunction – an, or, while, if, that Telephone Message

Interjections – Oh!, Well!, Alas! Safety Report

 Sentence construction  Technical writing

Sentence - a group of words or a single Good technical writing is clear
word that expresses a complete thought, and direct. It is grammatically correct both in
feeling, or idea. It usually contains an explicit letter and in spirit. It utilizes the greater
or implied subject and a predicate containing a richness and variety in English expression to
finite verb. convey ideas in the most efficient and effective
Subject – Verb - Object
A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

Types of Communication
 Verbal
 Oral
 Written
 E-mail
 Nonverbal
 Expression
 Expressive behaviors
 Body language
Effective Communication
People in organizations typically spend over 75% of their time in an
interpersonal situation; thus it is no surprise to find that at the root of a large
number of organizational problems is poor communications. Effective
communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is
at the interpersonal, inter-group, intra-group, organizational, or external levels.

The Communication Process

Although all of us have been communicating with others since our

infancy, the process of transmitting information from an individual (or group) to
another is a very complex process with many sources of potential error

Message to be Decode Encoded by receiver Message

sent (some error likely) (some error likely) received
Barriers to Effective
 Language
 defensiveness, distorted perceptions, guilt, project, transference, distortions from the
 misreading of body language, tone and other non-verbal forms of communication
 noisy transmission (unreliable messages, inconsistency)
 receiver distortion: selective hearing, ignoring non-verbal cues
 power struggles
 self-fulfilling assumptions
 language-different levels of meaning
 managers hesitation to be candid
 Assumptions – e.g. assuming others see situation same as you, has same feelings as
 distrusted source, erroneous translation, value judgment, state of mind of two people
 Perceptual Biases
 Interpersonal Relationships
 Cultural Differences
 Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively, as in a
sports team.

Large ambitious projects usually require that people work together, so

teamwork has become an important concept in organizations. Effective teams
are an intermediary goal towards getting good, sustainable results. Industry has
seen increasing efforts through training and cross-training to help people to
work together more effectively and to accomplish shared goals, whether
colleagues are present or absent.

 Team Player
In order to work successfully within a team, it is important to be or
become a team player. A team player works well with other people on the job.
Employers like it when their employees get along well and still get the job done.
Good team players are willing to compromise, think of ways to solve problems,
and not demand that their ideas are used.
Skills needed for teamwork
Aside from any required technical proficiency, a wide variety of social skills are desirable for
successful teamwork, including:

 Listening - it is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to
freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas.

 Questioning - it is important to ask questions, interact, and discuss the objectives of the

 Persuading - individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately

rethink their ideas.

 Respecting - it is important to treat others with respect and to support their ideas.

 Helping - it is crucial to help one's coworkers, which is the general theme of teamwork.

 Sharing - it is important to share with the team to create an environment of teamwork.

 Participating - all members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team.
Team Roles
 Coordinator
 Shaper
 Plant
 Resource investigator
 Implementer
 Team worker
 Completer
 Monitor evaluator
 Specialist
 Personal development-social aspects: intra and interpersonal
 Organizational goals
 Personal hygiene and practices
 Code of ethics
 Organizational Key Result Areas (KRA)
 Work values and ethical standards
 Company policies on the use and maintenance of equipment
 Qualification standards
 Gender and development (GAD) sensitivity
 Professionalism in the workplace
 List of professional licenses
Personal Development
Reasons why should you undertake Professional Development:

 Keeps us interested with the job

 Drives us to progress our careers
 Keeps us competitive
 Makes us employable throughout the years
 Confident of future employability
 Claim ownership and and focus our careers and professional
development activities
 Recognize opportunity
 Be aware of trends in technology
 Become effective in the workplace
Assessment must show that the candidate:
 Explain clearly established workplace safety and hazard control
practices and procedures
 Identify hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators
in accordance with company procedures
 Recognize contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and
other emergencies
 Identify terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit
value - TLV.
 Follow Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling
hazards/risks in workplace
 Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company
OHS procedures and practices
 Complete and update OHS personal records in accordance with
workplace requirements

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