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Language Policy and Ideology: Mapping Linguistic Landscape of Medan.



Mandra Saragih


Medan is an urban city which is consist of
multiethnic citizen and multilingual city.

Road signs
Bahasa Indonesia
Advertising Billboard
Place Names Foreign Language
Commercial Signs
Public Signs on Local Language
Governmental Building

The Congress On October

28th, 1928
Indonesia Constitution of Law
Minister of Home Affairs
Regulation No. 40 of 2007
Governor of North Sumatera
local regulation No. 8, 2017

Nationalism Ideology
Sociolinguistic Situation
As a pleliminary data on Linguistic landscape of Medan
1.2 The Focus of the Study

Linguistic Landscape of Medan

Public Road Advertising commercial shop

Signs Billboards signs Place Names

Language Policy Ideology Interpersonal

1. What language dominantly appears in the
linguistic landscape of Medan?

2. What kinds of interpersonal function appear in

linguistic landscape of Medan?

1.3 Problems of the Study

3. How is language ideology reflected in

linguistic landscape of Medan?

4. Why are language policy and ideology realized

to shape linguistic landscape of Medan in the
ways they are?
1. to analyze the element of dominant language ideology appear in
linguistic landscape of Medan

2. to analyze the elements of interpersonal function appear in

linguistic landscape of Medan.

1.4 The Objective of The

3. to evaluate reflected of language ideology in linguistic
landscape of Medan, and

4. to reason the realization of language Policy and Ideology to

shape linguistic landscape in Medan.
1. For Government as the policy

2. For other Researcher/Linguistic

• 1.5 Significance of the Study Practioner

3. For other Readers


Linguistic Landscape is The language of public road

1. Landry and signs, advertising billboards, street names, place names,
Bourhis (1997: 25) commercial shop signs, and public signs on
governmental buildings”

Linguistics landscapes are analyzed based on the

frequency with which a language appears, the ordering
2. Pavlenko (2009: of the language in a bilingual or multilingual context,
Linguistic Landscape
248) the relationship between presumed translation
equivalents, the prominence of a particular language
such as order, font size, colour, spatial location, as well
as the mobility of signs.

3. Gorter (2007) The languages diversity in linguistics landscapes are

influenced by the multilingualism and bilingualism
Language Policy is The deliberate choices made by governments or other authorities with regard to the relationship between
language and social life

1. The congress On October 28th, 1928

2. Indonesia Constitution of Law 2009
1. Towards Bahasa 3. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 40 of 2007
Indonesia 4. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 57 Year 2014 on the Development, and Protection
of Language and Literature
5. Governor of North Sumatera local regulation No. 8, 2017

1. 1945 Constitution Article 32 Paragraph (2)

2. The Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 40 of 2007
3. Law No. RI. 24 of 2009 article 35 paragraph (2), 36
National Language 2. Towards Local paragraph (4), 37 paragraph (2), 38 paragraph (2), and 39
Policy of Indonesia Language paragraph (2)
4. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 57 Year 2014 on the Development, and Protection
of Language and Literature

1. The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2009

Concerning Flag, Language and State Symbol, And
3. Towards Foreign National Anthem Article 43 paragraph (1)
Language 2. Government Regulation Number 57 Year 2014 article 2
point c
Fairclough Language is a material form of ideology, and language is
invested by ideology

Ideology is a construct, thought, concept, theory or meaning

Saragih( 2017;129) idealized by the society as a guide to act internally and a filter
to react externality for the betterment of the members

In our view ideology and power run through the whole

Ideology Marthin, Jr ensemble of language and culture, positioning people within
(2016:13) each social context with more or less power, and opening or
narrowing their access to resources for meaning

Language Ideology is cultural system of idea and feelings,

Weber and Horner
norms and values, which inform the way people think about
(2012: 16) language.
2.9 Conceptual Framework

2.11 Related Relevant Studies

Tindaon (2016) with her titled “Mangandungi in Batak Toba Society Death”
Hotmaida Flora that focussed about meaning of symbol in funeral ceremony
Batak Toba in Pekan Baru (2014) found The Meaning of Symbols in Funeral
Customs Batak Toba in Pekanbaru.
Eva Junita S with her title of research “Ceremony of Death in the Indegenous
Community Saur Matua Batak Toba (Case Study on Family Readiness) in
Village Purbatua Sub District North Tapanuli.

3.1 Research Design Descriptive Qualitative 3.2 Time and Location

Jl. Utama no 155 Aek

Field Case Etnomethodology September –
Kanopan, Labuhan
October 2020
Batu Utara

data refers to the rough materials collected from the world to be

Bogdan and studied including interview transcript, observation field notes,
3.3 Subject and
Biklen (1998: diaries, photograph, official documents, newspaper articles. Data
Object of Research
106) can be taken from the subject and object of the research.
Choosing a field of Research Medan

3.4 Procedures of Research Observation By using papere sheet and pen

By using Handicam

Documentation By Using Handicam and

Mobile Phone

Interview Informants

Cohen and Morrison

Cohen and Morrison (2000: 350)

By Using Oppo A57

3.5 Instrument of Collecting The
Creswell, JW The steps of collecting the data include setting
(2009:178) the boundaries for the study.

3.6 Technique Of Collecting the Data Library Research, field Research, Observation, Docummentation, and

3.7 Techniques of Data Analysis Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014:31- 33)

Data Data Display


Condensation Conclusions: Drawing/
3.8 Validity of Research Creswell, JW: 2009: 191

Strauss (1987: 27)

3.10 Coding

Saldana (2009:3)
3.9 Triangulation Cohen and Morrison (2000: 112)

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