1 Respiratory Disorders

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PH 7.37 PCO2 48 HCO3 34

PH 7.37 PCO2 48 HCO3 34
PH acidosis
Pco2 acidosis
HCO3 alkalosis

Respiratory acidosis fully compensated


PH 7.37 PCO2 48 HCO3 18

PH 7.37 PCO2 48 HCO3 18

PH acidosis
Pco2 acidosis
HCO3 acidosis
This is mixture of respiratory and metabolic

PH 7.29 PCO2 56 HCO3 30


PH 7.29 PCO2 56 HCO3 30

PH acidosis
Pco2 acidosis
HCO3 alkalosis

Respiratory acidosis, partially compensated


PH 7.11 PCO2 54 HCO3 11

The main function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and CO2 between the
atmospheric air and the blood and between the blood and the cells. This process is called
Ventilation is the actual movement of air in and out of the respiratory tract. Air must reach the
alveoli for gas to be exchanged. This process requires a patent airway and intact and functioning
respiratory muscles. Pressure gradients between atmospheric air and the alveoli enable
ventilation. Air flows from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure.
Mechanics of Ventilation
During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and flattens, which expands the thoracic cage and
increases the thoracic cavity. The pressure in the thorax decreases to a level below atmospheric
pressure. As a result, air moves into the lungs.
When inspiration is complete, the diaphragm relaxes, and the lungs recoil to their original
position. The size of the thoracic cavity decreases, increasing the pressure to levels greater than
the atmospheric pressure. Air then flows out of the lungs into the atmosphere
Several mechanisms control ventilation. The respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata
and pons control rate and depth. Central chemoreceptors in the medulla respond to changes
in CO2 levels and hydrogen ion concentrations (pH) in the cerebrospinal fluid. They
convey a message to the lungs to change the depth and rate of ventilation. Peripheral
chemoreceptors in the aortic arch and carotid arteries respond to changes in the pH and
levels of oxygen and CO2 in the blood
Diffusion is the exchange of oxygen and CO2 through the alveolar-capillary membrane.
Concentration gradients determine the direction of diffusion.
Alveolar Respiration
Alveolar respiration determines the amount of CO2 in the body. Increased CO2, which is
present in body fluids primarily as carbonic acid, causes the pH to decrease below the
normal 7.4. Decreased CO2 causes the pH to increase above 7.4. The pH affects the rate of
alveolar respiration by a direct action of hydrogen ions on the respiratory center in the
medulla oblongata.
Perfusion refers to blood supply to the lungs, through which the lungs receive nutrients and
oxygen. The two methods of perfusion are the bronchial and pulmonary circulation.
Bronchial Circulation
The bronchial arteries, which supply blood to the trachea and bronchi, arise in the thoracic aorta
and intercostal arteries. The bronchial arteries also supply the lungs’ supporting tissues, nerves,
and outer layers of the pulmonary arteries and veins. The bronchial circulation does not supply
the bronchioles or alveoli unless pulmonary circulation is interrupted. In that event, it will
supply those areas, but the bronchioles and alveoli cannot perform their function of gas
Pulmonary circulation is referred to as a low-pressure system. This means that gravity,
alveolar pressure, and pulmonary artery pressure affect pulmonary perfusion.
ventilation/perfusion ratio (V/Q ratio) indicates the effectiveness of airflow within the alveoli
(ventilation) and the adequacy of gas exchange within the pulmonary capillaries (perfusion)
The respiratory system usually has sufficient reserves to maintain the normal partial pressures or
tension of oxygen and CO2 in the blood during times of stress. Respiratory insufficiency
develops if there is too much interference with ventilation, diffusion, or perfusion. Abnormalities
in these processes can lead to hypoxia, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and hypocapnia
Several factors influence the work of breathing. Pressures needed to overcome the forces
interfering with breathing determine the respiratory effort needed. Forces that interfere with
breathing include airway resistance and lung compliance.
Airway resistance is related to airway diameter, rate of air flow, and speed of gas flow.
A narrowed airway results from increased or thick mucus, bronchospasm, or edema.
Conditions that may alter bronchial diameter and affect airway resistance include
contraction of bronchial smooth muscle (e.g., asthma);
thickening of bronchial mucosa (e.g., chronic bronchitis);
airway obstruction by mucus, a tumor, or a foreign body; and
loss of lung elasticity (e.g., emphysema).
Compliance, or dispensability, is the elasticity and expandability of the lungs and
thoracic structures..
Factors that determine lung compliance are the surface tension of the alveoli (normally
low with the presence of surfactant) and the connective tissue (ie, collagen and elastin)
of the lungs. Decreased surfactant, fibrosis, edema, and atelectasis (alveolar collapse)
affect lung compliance. Greater pressure gradients are needed when lungs are stiff.

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