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With lockdown easing, fewer people are spending less time outdoors

than a year ago while more have returned to ‘normal’ levels or are have
increased time outdoors
Note: the question measured
cumulative time spent outdoors
compared to the same time a year
23rd March to 28th May Mid August to Mid September ago. This could be impacted on by both
the frequency and average duration of
35% visits taken.
12% 13% 14% 12%

Decreased a lot Decreased a little No change Increased a little Increased a lot

Overall 24% decreased time outside (vs 42% in Overall 40% increased time outside (vs 34%
March/May). Greater decreases amongst: in March/May). Greater increases amongst:
• People aged 70+ (33%) • People aged 16-24 (54%)
• People with poor or very poor health (30%) • Children in household (53%)
• People aged 55-69 (30%) • Dog owners (47%)
• Women (44%)
Amount of time spent outdoors for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4 weeks/the initial lockdown period compared to a year ago (Base: Wave 1:1,000; Wave 2:1,103)

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 1

Adhering to rules and avoiding risks are the main reasons for continuing
to spend less time outdoors while those taking more visits are motivated
by health, free time and pent up demand as lockdown eases
For exercise/ to get fit/ physically fitter 12%
Adhering to lockdown/ rules/regulations 32% Good weather 10%
Still feel nervous/want to avoid any More free time 9%
Easing of COVID 19 restrictions allowed it 7%
I am/was shielding 5%
For mental health/wellbeing/to relax 7%
Want avoid other people/crowds 5%
To get out of the house/change of scene 5%
Poor weather 4% Can't do other normal leisure activities 5%

Too busy/ less time 2% Something to do/bored 5%

Feel safer outdoors than indoors 4%

Have returned to work 1%
Working from home gives more flexibility 3%

Avoiding other people/crowds 3%

Reasons for changing amount of time spent outdoors during last 4 weeks (Base: Decreased time (343); Increased time (306)

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 2

Some of those spending more time outdoors are sticking to new routines
while others are making the most of increased freedoms

Sticking to a new routine Easing of lockdown and pent up demand

 “I got used to taking regular walks during  “I hated being cooped up indoors and although I
lockdown and trying to keep it up for my health.” was doing a lot of home improvements, I kept
“Since I'm back at work I promised myself to running out of things to do. I was making up for
maintain some routine of when I had to fill my the loneliness too.”
days in lockdown..”
“it was like being set free to venture outside so I
“Now that I am working from home I tend to make
took advantage just incase of another lockdown.”
more of an effort to go out and walk at
lunchtimes.” “Due to being only allowed out once a day during
lockdown, when it was eased I walked outside as
much as possible.”

Increased confidence
 “Better rules in place and people using masks and
social distancing”

Reasons for increasing mount of time spent outdoors during last 4 weeks

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 3

While short walks continued to be the most common activity, with
lockdown easing a wider range of pursuits were undertaken

Mid August to Mid September 56% 57%59%

23rd March to 28th May 46%

18% 19%
14%14% 14% 14% 16%
11% 12%12% 12%
6% 5% 6% 6%
9% 8% 10% 8%
n/a n/a n/a



Family outing
Wildlife watching


Cycling - on public r...
Cycling off paths/roads

Cycling - on paths a...

Playing outdoors wit...

Walking 8+m

Walking 2-8m

Walking < 2m
Activities undertaken outdoors for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4 weeks/ initial lockdown period (Base: Wave 1:1,000; Wave 2:1,103) .

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 4

Compared to 2019 the population continues to participate in
a number of activities more frequently

May March/ Difference July Aug/Sep Difference

2019* May 2020 2019* 2020

Any Walking 77% 89% +12 80% 89% +9

- Walking < 2 miles 34% 57% +23 34% 59% +25

- Walking 2-8 miles 40% 46% +6 43% 56% +13
- Walking 8 miles or more 4% 8% +4 3% 16% +13
- Hillwalking 3% 3% - 4% 9% +5
Any Cycling 8% 22% +14 7% 21% +14
Running/ jogging 5% 18% +13 5% 14% +9

*May and July2019 data sourced from Scotland’s People and Nature Survey
(Note: Differences in approach mean results from SPANS are not entirely comparable)
Activities undertaken outdoors for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4 weeks/ initial lockdown
period (Base: Wave 1:1,000; Wave 2:1,103) .

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 5

Participation in outdoor play, short walks, wildlife watching and running
has increased most while more leisurely pursuits such as sightseeing,
outings and picnics remain lower than a year ago
Decreased No change Increased NET CHANGE NET CHANGE
(Aug-Seo) (Mar-May)
Playing outdoors with children 13% 48% 39% +26% -4%
Walking - less than 2 miles 15% 48% 36% +21% +11%
Other wildlife\nature watching 11% 58% 31% +19% +21%
Running\jogging 13% 54% 33% +19% +9%
Birdwatching 9% 64% 27% +18% +18%
Walking 2-8 miles 20% 42% 38% +18% +9%
Cycling - on paths and tracks 14% 57% 28% +14% +5%
Cycling - on public roads 17% 55% 28% +10% -3%
Cycling - not on paths and tracks or roads 13% 67% 20% +6% -4%
Wildcamping 17% 61% 22% +5% n/a
Mountainbiking 14% 68% 17% +3% n/a
Swimming outdoors 17% 64% 19% +2% n/a
Fishing 16% 68% 16% - n/a
Watersports 16% 69% 15% - n/a
Hillwalking\mountaineering 21% 59% 20% -1% -24%
Horse Riding 16% 69% 15% -1% n/a
Walking - more than 8 miles 23% 55% 22% -2% -13%
Picnicking 26% 54% 21% -5% n/a
Family outing 31% 43% 26% -6% n/a
Sightseeing/visiting attractions 42% 40% 18% -24% n/a

Outdoor activities undertaken during the last 4 weeks compared to a year ago (excludes those stating activity was not relevant to them)

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 6

As longer distances are permitted on journeys the range of types of
places visited has increased

Mid August to Mid September

23rd March to 28th May 44% 42% 42%
22% 22% 22%
15% 16% 16% 16% 16%
12% 13% 13% 11%
9% 8% 8% 7% 7%
6% 6%
3% 4% 3%

Paths/tracks which a...



Wildlife area/nature r...

Roadside/ street pav...

Local Park or open s...





Sea\Sea loch

Places visited during visits to outdoors taken for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4 weeks/ initial lockdown period

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 7

Compared to a year ago visit levels have increased for a
number of types of place especially paths, parks and woodland

Decreased No change Increased NET CHANGE NET CHANGE

(Aug-Seo) (Mar-May)
Paths/tracks which are away from the roadside 15% 51% 34% +19% +3%
Local Park or open space 19% 46% 35% +16% -
Woodland\forest 19% 50% 31% +13% +2%
Roadside/ street pavements 19% 52% 29% +10% +4%
Wildlife area/nature reserve 19% 57% 24% +5% -19%
River 20% 55% 25% +5% -14%
Farmland 17% 62% 21% +4% -10%
Village 20% 61% 20% - -16%
Canal 20% 61% 19% -1% -16%
Mountain\hill 23% 57% 21% -2% -22%
Moorland 19% 63% 18% -2% -16%
Loch 23% 55% 22% -2% -27%
Beach 27% 50% 23% -5% -33%
Sea\Sea loch 26% 55% 19% -7% -28%
Cliff 24% 62% 15% -9% -29%
Places visited during outdoor visits taken in the initial lockdown period compared to a year ago by population group (Base: Wave 1:1,000; Wave 2:1,103) .

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 8

The proportion travelling by car and distances travelled have
increased significantly since the early lockdown period

Aug/Sep 2020

Mar/May 2020


Distance travelled Mar/May Aug/Sep
27% Less than 2 miles 32% 8%
2-5 miles 41% 27%
6-10 miles 18% 23%
11-20 miles 6% 17%
More than 20 miles 4% 25%
Normally only walked Travelled by car/other

Forms of transport used/distance travelled during visits to outdoors taken for leisure, recreation or
exercise during last 4 weeks/initial lockdown period (Base: Wave 1:1,000; Wave 2:1,103) .

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 9

Other engagement
with nature
A Research Proposal to

56 Degree Insight Ltd

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

7 in 10 adults living in Scotland have access to a private garden

No private garden or other

outdoor space; 8% Overall 72% of Scottish adults have access to a
Access to other private
outdoor space (e.g. private garden but this is lower amongst:
balcony, yard, patio);
• People with no access to a car – 47%
• People living in the 10% most deprived areas –
Access to private com-
munal garden; 13% 49%
• BAME population – 56%
• People living in large urban areas – 58%
• People aged under 35 – 59%
Access to private garden;

Access to a private garden or other private outdoor space (Base: Wave 2:1,103) .

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 11

Engagement with nature in other ways has remained at the high levels
recorded during the initial lockdown area with more spending time
enjoying local wildlife but fewer relaxing in their garden

Mid August to Mid September

23rd March to 28th May

42% 41%
35% 36% 36% 36%

Enjoying nature or wildlife from Enjoying nature or wildlife in a Gardening, sowing seeds, grow- Enjoying nature or wildlife while Sitting or relaxing in a garden
indoors (e.g. through a window) garden or other outdoor space ing flowers or vegetables outdoors in my local area (e.g. or other outdoor space attached
attached to my home noticing the changing seasons, to my home
trees coming into leaf, birds and
other wildlife)

Engagement with nature during last 4 weeks/initial lockdown period (Base: Wave 1:1,000; Wave 2:1,103) .

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 12

Correspondingly, large percentages state that the time they are spending
undertaking these activities has increased compared to 2019

Decreased No change Increased NET CHANGE NET CHANGE

(Aug-Seo) (Mar-May)

Sat/relaxed in garden or other outdoor space

8% 47% 45% +37% +44%
attached to home

Enjoyed nature or wildlife in a garden or other

7% 52% 41% +34% +35%
outdoor space attached to home

Enjoyed nature or wildlife from indoors 6% 54% 40% +34% +34%

Gardening, sowing seeds, growing flowers,

7% 52% 40% +33% +35%

Enjoyed nature or wildlife while outdoors in +25% +14%

the local area
13% 49% 38%

Engagement with nature during the initial lockdown period compared to a year ago

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 13

Benefits of outdoor
recreation and nature

A Research Proposal to

56 Degree Insight Ltd

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

While health and exercise continues to be the most common motivation
for spending time outdoors, other factors have become more important
Mid August to Mid September 62%
56% 58%
23rd March to 28th May 46%
38% 36% 38%
34% 32%
30% 31%
19% 19% 18% 18%
7% 7%
n/a n/a
Take part in sport/hobby

Manage stress/improve me...

Enjoy scenery/wildlife
Spend time with family/...

Enjoy fresh air/pleasant ...

Exercise a dog

Be somewhere I like


Entertain child(ren)
Challenge myself


Motivation for outdoor visits taken for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4 weeks and initial lockdown period (23 rd March to 28th May 2020) -5% or more.

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 15

An increased percentage appreciate the benefits of time spent outdoors
– in particular health and wellbeing

Agree slightly Agree strongly

63% 23%
19% 58% 60% 58% 56%
14% 21%
14% 21% 19%

44% 47% 44% 39% 38% 37% 34% 37%

March - May August - Sep March - May August - Sep March - May August - Sep March - May August - Sep
It helped me to de-stress, relax and It made me feel energised and I felt closer to nature It improved my physical health
unwind revitalised (through exercise & physical activity)

Benefits of time outdoors and other engagement with nature during lockdown (agree slightly + agree strongly responses)

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 16

As lockdown has eased, fewer notice reduced noise and pollution but
more are finding nature beneficial to wellbeing and enjoying not using
their car
Since lockdown first started in March…

Agree slightly Agree strongly
60% 61% 60% 59%
31% 54% 55% 53%
19% 15% 49% 50%
25% 19%
17% 18% 42% 42%
14% 20% 15%
16% 14%

42% 41% 45% 40%

36% 37% 35% 37% 33% 35%
26% 28%

MAR/MAY- - August
March - - August
March - - I AUG/SEP
August - - I March - - AUG/SEP
MAR/MAY August -- March - - AUG/SEP
March - AUG/SEPAugust- -
I've Sep
noticed a I've May
noticed a I've noticed a I'veSep May
noticed a have noticed haveSep
noticed Mayhas
Nature Sephas
Nature May
I've enjoyed Sep
I've enjoyed May
I've become Sep
I've become
reduction in reduction in reduction in reduction in more wildlife more wildlife become more become more not using my not using my more familiar more familiar
noticed a reduction
levels in
noise levels I’ve noticedina reduction
pollution pollutioninin I’ve
nature more andwildlife
nature Nature has
important to become more
important to I’ve
car so enjoyed
much not using
car so my withI’ve
much mybecome more
local with myfamiliar
noise levels pollutions in mymy
my local area local area
local area and Inature
than usuallythan I usually
than I usually myimportant
health and tomy
healthand car so much with my localgreenspaces
greenspaces greenspaces
do do do and wellbeing
wellbeing wellbeing

General experiences of lockdown (agree slightly + agree strongly)

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 17

Problems experienced

A Research Proposal to

56 Degree Insight Ltd

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Similar to the initial lockdown period, other people behaving
irresponsibly, problems maintaining social distancing and cyclists on
pavements were common issues

39% Mar/May Aug/Sep

36% 37% 36%

22% 21% 21%


10% 10%

Cyclists on the Problems main- Other people Cars parked on Overgrown path Concerns about Increased traffic Safety concerns Finding that you A restrictive sign
pavement taining social behaving incon- pavements infection (e.g. speeds on local can't access the - for example
distancing while siderately or ir- from touching roads outdoor places 'Private', 'No En-
outside responsibly gates) you usually visit try', 'Keep Out'
Problems experienced while visiting the outdoors for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4 weeks/the initial lockdown period (23 rd March to 28th May 2020) – 10% or more

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 19

A number of ‘new’ issues were also reported by a significant minority of
visit takers

33% 32%


11% 10%

Litter/fly tipping or A lack of public toi- Places you visit Difficulties finding Damage or waste
human waste let facilities are too busy/ a place to park casues by irre-
overcrowded sponsible wild-

Problems experienced while visiting the outdoors for leisure, recreation or exercise during last 4
weeks/the initial lockdown period (23rd March to 28th May 2020) – 10% or more

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 20

Looking to the future

A Research Proposal to

56 Degree Insight Ltd

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Encouragingly, the percentage of people expecting to spend more time
outdoors after the crisis is over has remained at similar levels to those
recorded in May
Mar/Mar Aug/Sep

8% expect to visit less in future 39% expect no change 49% expect to visit more in future
38% 39%
31% 29%


6% 5%
3% 3%

A lot less than before A little less than before About the same as before A little more than before A lot more than before
lockdown lockdown lockdown lockdown lockdown

Higher amongst: Higher amongst: Higher amongst:

• BAME population (21%) • Men (46%) • Those aged under 35 (56%)
• Residents of 10% most deprived areas (14%) • Aged 70 and over (58%) • People with children (62%)
• No car access (14%) • Dog in home(58%)
• Women (52%)
• People with car access (51%)
Extent expect the amount visit the outdoors for leisure, recreation or exercise will change after lockdown

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 22

Other positive plans for the future have also remained at high levels,
similar to those recorded in June

In the future…

Agree slightly Agree strongly

58% 59% 66%
63% 62% 62% 58% 59%
27% 27% 20% 21% 17% 19% 49% 50%
19% 19%
12% 15%

41% 42% 43% 45% 45% 43% 39% 40% 37% 35%

March - May- I AUG/SEP
August - Sep- I MAR/MAY
March - May- I AUG/SEP - I MAR/MAY
August - Sep March - May- I AUG/SEP - I MAR/
August - Sep March MAY- May- I AUG/SEP -I
August - Sep MAR/MAY
March - May - I AUG/SEP -I
August - Sep
will encourage will encourage will continue to will continue to will make more will make more will try to cycle will try to cycle would like to would like to
my children to my children to travel less for travel less for use of my local use of my local more rather more rather do more to help do more to help
I will encourage my children to I will continue to travel less for I will make more use of my local I will try to cycle more rather I would like to do more to help
spend more spend more
spend more time outdoors non essential non essential
non essential journeys greenspace greenspace
greenspace than using the than using the
than using the car look afterafter
look locallocal
look afterand
nature local
time outdoors time outdoors journeys journeys car car nature and wildlife nature and
wildlife wildlife

Agreement with statements about the future (agree slightly + agree strongly). Base excludes those indicating statement is ‘not applicable to me’.

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 23


A Research Proposal to

56 Degree Insight Ltd

Tuesday, 8 October 2019


As lockdown eased, the population continued to engage with nature While many travelled further from home on outdoor visits,
more than in 2019 participation close to home and in gardens also remained high
• During the August/early September 80% took visits to the outdoors • While during the initial lockdown period time outdoors was
at least once a week - a higher percentage than during the initial predominantly spent very close to home on roadside pavements and
March-May period of lockdown (74%) and higher than in August 2019 in local parks, by August/ early September a much wider range of
(64%). places were visited and a wider variety of activities were undertaken
• 2 in 5 (39%) reported spending more time outdoors than during the as the population ventured further afield.
same period during 2019. People most likely to state that this was • Also around 2 in 5 Scots indicated that compared to the same time
the case included those aged under 25, those with children in their last year, they spent more time relaxing in their garden (45%
household and women. increased participation), enjoying nature in their garden (+41%)
• A desire to stay fit and healthy, relaxation, more free time and a lack and/or enjoying nature or wildlife from indoors (+40%)
of alternative leisure pursuits were key motivations.  
• However, a quarter (24%) spent less time outdoors with older people
and those in poor health more likely to state that this was the case.
This percentage has decreased somewhat since the initial lockdown
period (40%).

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 25


Continued benefits from time spent outdoors and in nature Sustained perceptions of environmental benefits
• During August and early September seeking physical and mental • Most also continued to see positive changes in their local area
health benefits was vital in decisions to visit the outdoors with 62% although some of these were at lower levels than in the initial survey
motivated by health and exercise while 56% sought to relax and wave.
unwind. • Specifically, 54% noticed reduced pollution in their local area (vs 61%
• Related, an increased proportion reported that after spending time in June) and 60% noticed a reduction in noise levels (v 73%).
outdoors they felt that they had gained health and wellbeing benefits • However increased percentages agreed that nature had become
- 70% felt it helped them to de-stress, relax and unwind (up from more important to their health and wellbeing (55% v 49%) or that
63% for March-May), 60% said it made them feel energised and they’d enjoyed not using their car so much (53% v 42%).
revitalised (vs 58%) and 56% agreed that it improved their physical
health (vs 47%).
• Also, an increased proportion spent time outdoors so that they could
be with family or other household members (34%).

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 26


As people visited more outdoor places, a wider range of issues have When the crisis is over…
been encountered • As recorded in the June survey, half of the population (49%) expect to
• Some people experienced problems while visiting the outdoors spend more time outdoors for recreation in future than before the
during this period of lockdown. crisis.
• In common with the March to May period, the most common issues • People most likely to plan to spend more time outdoors in future
were cyclists on pavements (39%), difficulties maintaining social included people with children (62%), people aged under 35 (56%)
distancing while outside (36%) and other people behaving and dog owners (58%).
inconsiderately (35%). • Interest in making other positive life changes also remained at the
• Also with the easing of lockdown measures a number of ‘new’ issues high levels recorded in June. Most significantly over two thirds would
were reported by many including finding litter, fly tipping or human like to encourage their children to spend more time outdoors (69%)
waste (33%) and a lack of public toilet facilities (32%). and/or continue to travel less for non essential journeys (66%).

SNH Coronavirus and Lockdown Impact Survey – Presentation of Results 27 | +44 (0) 744 703 1396 | +44 (0) 771 786 8770

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