8.3.1 Data Threats

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1 Data Threats
Made by Sami and Aaditya
Types of Data Risks
Types of Data Risks
• There are a number of security risks to data held on a
computer/smartphone or data being transferred around networks. This
section covers a large number of these risks:

Types of Data Risks
• There are a number of security risks to data held on a
computer/smartphone or data being transferred around networks. This
section covers a large number of these risks:
• Hacking • Viruses
• Phishing • Malware
• Vishing • Card fraud
• Smishing
• Pharming
• This abbreviation stands for SMS phishing. It sends phony text
messages using the SMS functionality of mobile phones. It resembles
phishing a lot. A URL or phone number is frequently inserted into the
SMS message of these scams. The recipient will be required to call or
go onto the website. If they do, they will be prompted to provide
private information such passwords or credit/debit card numbers.
Similar to phishing scams, the text message will make a claim that
appears to be true, including that the recipient has won a reward or
that they urgently need to contact their bank. The vast majority of
people think that mobile phones are not at risk from security risks and
that security problems exclusively affect computers. For many people,
this makes smishing a very hazardous security threat.
• Another variant of phishing is vishing. In order to get the user to call
the phone number in the voicemail message, this technique employs a
voicemail message. As with other phishing attempts, the user will be
prompted to provide personal information while under the impression
that they are speaking with an official representative of a business.
Viruses and Malware
One of the biggest threats to the integrity and security of data
stored on a computer system is malware. Most malware types
may be recognized and eliminated by a variety of software
programs, including anti-virus software. The types of malware
are numerous; only a few are covered in this section.

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