Lecture On Writing Research Paper 1

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Standard Policies and

Guidelines in Writing a
Research Paper
Title of a Research Paper
1. The title should be clear and specifically
2. The variables being investigated should
always be written as part of the title.
3. Certain form as of title phrasing such as a
“Study of …”, “An Analysis …”, “A Scientific
Study …”, “An Experimental Investigation
of …” and “A Preliminary Study of…” are to
be avoided. They are vague and not
acceptable for inclusion in a research title
Title of a Research Paper
4. Abbreviation, symbols or expressions
requiring superscripts, subscripts or other
special notations should be avoided.
5. The main concepts should be included like
subject matter, the place of the study, the
population involved and the period when
the data were gathered.
6. A two – or three – line title should be
arranged in inverted pyramid form as much
as possible.
Sample Titles:

Mathematics Anxiety Affecting the Academic Performance

in Mathematics of the Third Year Students of
Sultan Kudarat State University-
Palimbang Campus

Teachers’ Perception on Bullying Behaviour of

Elementary Pupils in San Roque Elementary School

ALGCYBER Mathematics System: Its Effect to the

Mathematics Achievement of Grade 8 Students
of SKSU – Laboratory High School
SY 2014-2015
First Chapter of the Research Paper

The introduction serves to orient the reader

about the research work. This is best
achieved by a statement of the purpose of
the study. It may also include the rationale,
legal basis, and historical setting. In effect,
the introduction is a preview of the whole

Background of the Study

1. It must not too long, not similar with related literature with
much quoted and excerpted ideas.
2. The first paragraph is intended to provide the readers a
mental readiness, thus giving them the information as to
what the problem of the research is all about. It introduces
the study and its justification.
3. The last paragraph is a sort of closing portion that arouses
the curiosity and interest of the readers to know the results
of the study.
4. May cite authorities but not almost all of the paragraphs
were taken as to the extent of copying and pasting.
The test anxiety and Mathematics anxiety are increasingly being seen as factors
underpinning levels of motivation for academic performance. Many learners experience
Mathematics anxiety in our schools today. Reported consequences of being anxious toward
Mathematics include the avoidance of Mathematics and the decline in Mathematics

Karimi and Venkatesan (2009) defined Mathematics anxiety in terms of its

debilitating effect on mathematical performance. They observed that the feeling of tension
and anxiety interfere with manipulation and solving of mathematical problems in a wide
variety of ordinary life and academic situations. Many students who suffer from Mathematics
anxiety have little confidence in their ability to do Mathematics and tend to take the minimum
numbers of required Mathematics courses, greatly limiting their career choice options (Garry,

This study will clearly see the relationship between Mathematics anxiety and the
academic performance of the students. This will understand more about Mathematics anxiety
and how it will affect the academic performance of the students.

Statement of the Problem/
Objectives of the Study
1. State the general and specific objectives/problems that need to
be answered. The general statement is a reiteration of the title
of the study.
2. The statement should be state in the infinitive to (action words
in research) such as examine, analyze, determine, assess,
evaluate, find out and among others.
3. Objectives are stated specifically in simple language in
order to find it easy to measure
Statement of the Problem:

This study will determine the relationship between Math

anxiety and the academic performance of the students.

This study will focus to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of performance of third year students in

Mathematics subject?
2. What is the level of anxiety of the third year students in
3. Is there a significant relationship between Mathematics
anxiety and the academic performance of the students?
Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study will determine the relationship between

Math anxiety and the academic performance of the students.

Specifically, this study will determine:

1. The level of performance of third year students in

Mathematics subject.
2. The level of anxiety of the third year students in Mathematics.
3. The significant relationship between Mathematics anxiety and
the academic performance of the students.
Significance of the Study

1. In this section, it should include the rationale, timeliness and
relevance of the study to the existing conditions/situations
covered by investigations.
2. It includes importance from the target respondents, to the
researcher himself, to the institution, to the people in the
community, province, region and nation.
3. It might be sequenced according to its impact or value to the
beneficiaries. The explanation is presented either in the
inductive or deductive perspective.
Significance of the Study

4. The use of the following phrases could keep express the
significance of the study:
 Results could help benefit …
 The study will enhance involvement in the …
 This study can help improve …
 This could motivate and challenge school administration to…
Significance of the Study

The result of this study could help benefit the following:

Administration. This study will benefit the administration for having a
basis for the future implementation or guidelines of programs that will help the
situations of students having math anxiety.
Teachers. For the teachers to be aware about math anxiety and improve
their teaching performance. To give them idea and understand the situations
of some students with math anxiety.
Students. For the students to improve their academic performance
especially in Mathematics subject. To determine the cause and effect of math
anxiety to their academic performance or everyday life and become aware of
Parents. For the parents to be aware also that as a parent they will help
their sons/daughters having this kind of situations and help them through
continuous support.

Scope and Delimitation
of the Study
1. It states the scope or coverage, venue, time and limitation. It
should be complete.
2. State what is included and not included in the study based on
the SOP or Objectives.
3. Anticipated data or topics related but not covered in the study
should be the delimitation.
4. State the date or time and place of the study and who the
subjects are.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is focused on Mathematics anxiety affecting the

academic performance of the third year students of Sultan Kudarat
State University – Palimbang Campus in Math 5 with the
descriptive title, Elementary Algebra. This is limited to the level of
anxiety and level of academic performance in Mathematics subject
The research will be conducted at Sultan Kudarat State University
–Palimbang Campus, Poblacion, Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat. The
respondents of this study are the third year students of Sultan
Kudarat State University – Palimbang Campus. The time frame of
this study is limited only for second semester S.Y. 2016-2017 .

Conceptual Framework/
Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework

A symbolic construction which uses abstract concepts, facts,

variables and their relations that explain and predict how an
observed phenomenon exists and operates

Conceptual Framework

Presents specific and well defined concepts derived from abstract

concepts of the theoretical framework

Conceptual Framework/
Theoretical Framework
The framework reflects the complete bone of the study.
Use one way arrow for cause and effect concepts
Use two way arrow for correlation

Cause and Effect

Variables Variables

Variables Variables
Definition of Terms

1. The definition of terms should be simple not too broad. There
are two ways of defining the key terms used in the study.
These are conceptual and operational definitions.
2. . It is advisable that the researcher should use two ways in
defining the terms to make the meaning clear.
3. The words should arrange in alphabetical manner.
4. Define the words included in the conceptual framework, SOP
or objectives and words used in the research title.
Academic Performance refers to the performance of the
third year students of Sultan Kudarat State University after a
course of instruction which is measured in terms of their
grades in Mathematics subject.

Mathematics Anxiety refers to the condition/situation of the

third year college students of Sultan Kudarat State
University who are afraid to the subject Mathematics.


Review of Related Literature
and Related Studies
 The functions of literature review are:
 focuses on previous research;
 shows how your study fills the “gap”;
 the neccessity of your study; and
 set boundaries.
 . It is broken down into three parts: related legal basis, related
literature and related studies

Review of Related Literature
and Related Studies
 Your RRL answers the following questions;
 What research has been done previously?
 What have other said?
 What is the relevance?
 What is the difference?
 Do researches agree or disagree one another?
 Are there flaws?
Guidelines in Writing RRL

 Review of related literature should be essay type not cut and
paste those readings from the other authorities. Reading should
be taken as support to the ideas formulated in an essay writing
type not as a compilation.
 Avoid using obvious words like “ayon kay” or “according to”.
Authorities could be cited before, within and after the sentence
lifted. Use connecting sentences to affirm or negate the other
authorities. For omitted words in the quoted ideas, use three
dots (…).
Guidelines in Writing RRL

 Only the family name of the author and year of the printed
reading appeared in the related lit.
 Always have synthesis or clincher of the previous reading.
 Related literature should not older than 10 years from its
publication (historical data are exceptional). It should not also
be less than 20 sources or references.
Guidelines in Writing RRL
It is suggested that the technical style in reference citations can be

adopted such as follows:
 John and Baucom (1990) as cited by Dudley (1995) identifies …
 In 2006, Cruz made a survey on the …
 Fantilanan (2011) studied …
 Perez and Cruz (2009) postulated that …
 It is stated that … are made (Coleta, 2011).
The following statements/phrases may help to express relevance of the
 The related literature included in this study has direct and significant relationship
under the study in the sense that …
 The thesis of … is relevant to this study because the time and place is similar to …
 This present study is similar to that of … in terms of …
Citing Sources:
“...For a situational leader to be effective, he must strike the
perfect balance between selling and telling...”

Option 1: Hershey and Blanchard (2017) said “For a situational

leader to be effective, he must strike the perfect balance between
selling and telling” (p. 126)
Option 2: “For a situational leader to be effective, he must strike
the perfect balance between selling and telling” Hershey &
Blanchard, 2017)

Option 3: For a situational leader to be successful, he should find

the right balance between protion and informing (Hershey &
Blanchard, 2017).
Option4: For a leader to exercise situational leadership properly,
he must blend the opposite consepts of encouraging buy-in and
also direct commanding (Hershey & Blanchard, 2017).
Citing Sources:

3 to 5 authors
1st Citation: Gomez, Burgoz, Zamora, Rizal &
Bonifacio (2018)
Succeeding Citation: Gomez et al. (2018)

6 authors
Gomez et al. (2018)
Review the literature; don't
reproduce it.

Refrain from copying verbatim what

authors or researchers say.

Critically review and discuss the literature

in relation to your research work.
Research Methodology
This section includes the following:

research methods
research design,
sampling design,
data processing, and
statistical treatment
Research Methods
Research Methodology

There are three methods of research;
Qualitative, and
Research Methodology
Quantitative Method

Quantitative Research involves analysis of numerical data.
Qualitative Method

Qualitative Research involves analysis of data such as words, pictures

or objects.
Mixed Method

Mixed method research combines the elements of quantitative and

qualitative research in order to answer the research questions
Research Design
Research Methodology

There are four common kinds of research design;
Historical design,
Descriptive design,
Experimental design, and
Case Study
Research Methodology
Quantitative Research

There are four types of quantitative research;
Descriptive research,
Correlational research,
Causal Comparative/Quasi-experimental research, and
Experimental research
Research Methodology
Qualitative Research

There are four types of qualitative research;
Grounded Theory,
Historical, and
Case Study.
Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Sampling Design
Research Methodology

Sampling is applicable if the population of the study is too large.
However, the use of total population is advisable if the number
of subjects is less than 100.
 Sampling design includes the number of the respondents in the
study and sampling technique used in determining the
Research Methodology

Qualities of a good research instrument are:
 Researcher-made instruments are questionnaires, test,
observation schedule, checklist, rating scales, interviews and
many others that should meet the qualities of a good research
Data Processing
Research Methodology

After the retrieval of the research instrument, the next is to
process the raw data into quantitative and qualitative forms to
arrive at exact analysis and interpretation of the results.
Use appropriate statistical treatment in the processing of the data.
(Descriptive Statistical Tools & Inferential Statistical Tools)
Is a

Parts of a Research Proposal
Introduction Review of Related Research
Literature and Methodology
Related Studies
•Background of the •Related Legal Basis •Research Design
•Statement of the •Related Literature •Respondents of the
Problem/Objectives of Study/Sampling
the Study Technique
•Significance of the •Related Studies (Foreign •Locale of the Study
Study & Local)
•Scope and Delimitation •Data gathering
of the Study Instrument
•Definition of Terms •Data gathering
•Statistical Treatment
Presentation of Findings

1. This section includes data presentation, analysis and
interpretation as the title indicates.
2. The presentation of the results can be in the form of
narratives, table, graphs, etc.
3. The text and the table have different purposes but
they complement each other.
4. The textual discussion is to point only the highlights
of the information presented in the table.
Presentation of Findings

5. A table should be followed soon after it is referred to
in the text.
6. Table title or figure’s caption must be clear.
7. The presentation must be sequenced based on the
SOP or Objectives of the Study.
8. Headings must be based on the SOP/Objectives in
concise declarative phrases.

Summary, Conclusions and
1. Chapter 5 is mainly textual discussion.
2. Summary of Findings describes briefly in the first
two paragraphs the over all purpose and the design of
the study.
3. It is usually thematic and sequential according to the
order in the SOP/Objectives.
4. The themes reflect the questions asked under
Summary, Conclusions and
Recommendations ✔
5. Conclusion sections consists of generalizations
derived from the findings that have been
6. Empirical evidences are no longer included.
7. Conclusions consists of paragraphs sequentially
presented consistent with the sequence in presenting
the findings. Paragraph headings are not included
Summary, Conclusions and
Recommendations ✔
8. Recommendations section is made up of a series of
paragraphs. Specific recommendations are given first
followed by the general recommendations then,
finally, the recommendations for further studies.
9. A format involving plain enumeration of findings,
conclusions and recommendations may or may not
depending on the format prescribed.

Literature Cited

APA (American Psychological Association) style is most

commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences.
Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper. It
provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and
retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each
source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list;
likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your
Do not plagiarise!
Plagiarism is a crime. Whatever you do, no
matter how desperate you are, do not plagiarise!
Even by simply copying and pasting another
person's work into yours
Writing is easy. All you
do is stare at a blank
sheet of paper until
drops of blood form on
your forehead.
Gene Fowler
Successful writing is NOT easy... BUT

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