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“Tidak semua Bisa dimiliki,tapi semua
bisa disukuri.”

—Jess No limit

Latest Forms of State and Concept of Nation-State
Government Versus Feudal State

Polemic Thoughts of
Soekarno and M Natsir
About Islamic State
Latest Forms of State and Government

in essence, the functions (duties) of the state cannot be separated from the purpose of the state itself.
Between the two have a reciprocal relationship. State goals are hopes or ideals to be achieved, while
the functions (duties) of the state are activities to realise the hopes or ideals of the state into reality or
in other words, the functions (duties) of the state are as a tool to achieve state goals.Basically, a
country has its own goals, but the goal is ultimately the same, namely creating happiness in its people.
With this goal, the state must carry out two general tasks, namely; (a) to organise the livelihood in the
state as well as possible, (b) to organise and administer the government through the ruling apparatus as
well as possible. Although Islamic political and legal experts who describe the principles of the state
in Islamic law vary greatly. However, the principles of siyasah and state administration in the Qur'an
can be formulated that the basic principles of Islamic political law are: The principle of sovereignty;
The principle of justice; The principle of deliberation and Ijma'; The principle of equality; The
principle of rights and obligations of the state and the people; The principle of amar ma'ruf nahi
Concept of Nation-State Versus Feudal

The concept of nation state is one of the political concepts of a state or group of people who are bound together by
common loyalty and solidarity. In conclusion, the difference between the words state and nation is its deep meaning.
State means the place or territory of a country. While the nation is the people who live and inhabit the territory of the
state as well as a form of unity Indonesia as a nation state today is the result of the struggle of the founding fathers and
the final agreement, where its existence is a form of recognition of the reality of pluralism as stated in the symbol of
Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Diversity has given birth to a beautiful blend in various forms of cultural mosaic. Various tribes,
religions, customs and cultures that live in harmony and have high negotiation space in everyday life. pluralism is also a
great capital in building a life full of life treasures. Feudalism is a structure of sociopolitical power delegation. The main
actors of the feudalism system were the nobility in order to control the territories that cooperated with them. Feudalism
was the order of society in medieval times across Europe and was characterised by nobles holding land rights and
providing military services to the king. This system made peasants and those without land work as tenants for the nobles
who protected them.

Polemic Thoughts of Soekarno and M Natsir About Islamic State

Soekarno defined nation or nationality as "an intention; a realisation of the people, that the people are
one group, one nation."
Here, Soekarno seems to follow the understanding of the nation as formulated by Ernest Renan, who
stated that the nation is "the will to unite." Thus, the nation or nationality is not derived from ethnic,
racial, or religious similarities, but rather a sociological collectivity formed based on the will of its
people. Meanwhile, the state in Natsir's thinking has a function as a tool in carrying out Islamic law.
According to him, with Islam, the state will have strong roots. Regarding the form of the state, Natsir
was not fixated with any form of state, for him any form was allowed as long as Islamic sharia was
carried out. Natsir also did not require a head of state to use the caliph label and did not have to be of
Quraysh descent. There are several factors that influence Natsir's thinking about the state, namely the
influence of Natsir's small environment who was born in Minangkabau, the influence of national
scholars directly and international scholars indirectly (reading), his political socialisation in Islamic
organisations and parties and the Indonesian political context at that time.)



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