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Extending ignio – Add Mongo DB

A Tata Consultancy Services Venture

Steps to add new technology in Studio

 Create project

Add dependencies

Create static entity model

Create dynamic model

Create data sources

Commit project

Build project

Configure project in run time

2 A Tata Consultancy Services Venture
Why Extensions
ignio provides out of  box support for some technologies HOWEVER , for
efficient operations enterprise might need to

• Blueprint, profile, automate or manage alerts and incidents for  a new

technology / versions which needs extending the out of box entities
• Enhance the existing model might by adding a attribute /relation ship/fault
which needs shadow of the out of box entities

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• Version
Collection MMAP

Has Has

Mongo Mongo DB
• Mongo instanceid • MongoState

Extends Extends

DB instance

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Create project:

Mandatory Fields:




5 A Tata Consultancy Services Venture
Add Dependencies

6 A Tata Consultancy Services Venture
Mongo Instance

• Create entity - Mongo Instance extends DB Instance

• Add attribute – Mongo Instance id

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Mongo DB

• Create entity - Mongo DB extends Database

• Add attribute – Mongo state

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Mongo Collection

• Create entity - Mongo Collection

• Add attribute –
• Version
• UUID (Key)

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Mongo MMAP

• Create entity - Mongo MMAP

• Add attribute –
• MMAP ID (Key)

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Create Relationship with Mongo DB

• Create Relationship
• Go to Mongo DB -> Add relationship
• Has MMAP (Add annotation – executes on and identified by)
• Has Mongo Collection (Add annotation – executes on and identified by)

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Add Dynamic entities – Mongo DB Dynamic

• Create Dynamic entity

• Create relationship with static entity (Mongo DB)
• Create attribute for dynamic entity (State)
• Add tags in dynamic entity attribute (Profile vitals)

Confidential A Tata Consultancy Services Venture

Add Dynamic entities – Mongo DB Dynamic

• Create Dynamic entity

• Create relationship with static entity (Mongo Collection)
• Create attribute for dynamic entity (Utilization)
• Add tags in dynamic entity attribute (Profile vitals, Dynamic threshold)

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Create data sources

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1. Commit the bundles to repository

2. Build the bundles from repository
3. Push the bundles to artifactory
4. Download the bundle from artifactory
5. Add the bundle in run time environment
6. Once uploaded successfully, search the bundle
7. Click on the bundle and click install
8. Once the bundle the configured, go to maps
9. Under any windows node you should be able to create the Mongo instance
10. Verify the data source created is seen in the run time environment

Confidential A Tata Consultancy Services Venture

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