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Instructions: Choose one topic from the list below

and conduct research on that topic using different

types of information resources, such as websites,
articles, blogs, social media posts, videos, or any
other relevant sources. Evaluate each information
resource based on the criteria provided, and
complete the tasks outlined for each source. Use
two information resources for your chosen topic.
Tasks: *1. Information Evaluation:
Choose one topic from the listed relevant issues
today in our country and in the world. From your
research, get and cite two information resources
which talk about your chosen topic. Get the full
text of these information resources and study
each carefully and do a critical evaluation.
Information Resource 1:

Evaluate the first information resource you found based on the

criteria provided. Use a checklist or a graphic organizer to record
your evaluation findings. Tasks: Identify the author or organization
responsible for creating the resource. Assess the accuracy and
reliability of the information presented. Determine the currency of the
information. Analyze if there is any potential bias or subjectivity in the
resource. Evaluate the relevance of the information to your research
Information Resource 2: Evaluate the second
information resource you found based on the same
criteria. Use a checklist or a graphic organizer to record
your evaluation findings. Tasks: Identify the author or
organization responsible for creating the resource.
Assess the accuracy and reliability of the information
presented. Determine the currency of the information.
Analyze if there is any potential bias or subjectivity in
the resource. Evaluate the relevance of the information
2. Comparison and Reflection:
Compare and contrast the two information resources you
evaluated. Reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and overall
credibility. Based on your evaluation, which resource is more
reliable and credible for your research topic? Provide 4- 5
reasons to support your conclusion.
3. Presentation: Create a multimedia presentation (e.g.,
a poster, a slide show, or a video) summarizing your
findings and recommendations on how to validate
information resources. Include examples from the
sources you evaluated and provide tips or strategies for
other students to assess the credibility and reliability of
information resources in their research.
Assessment: You will be assessed based on the
following criteria: (1)Accuracy and thoroughness of
your evaluation of the information resources. (2)Clear
and organized presentation of your findings and
recommendations. (3)Critical thinking and reflection on
the strengths and weaknesses of the sources.
(4)Creativity and effectiveness of your video
presentation.(5)Efficiency and effectiveness of your
Submission on Monday, April 24, 2023
File name: Juan Dela Cruz_Luna
Link: drive link will be provided
Duration: 5-10 minutes


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