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Practice Work N°2 - The Canterbury

Tales. The Friar’s Tale

Characters in the Friar's tale

The main characters that involves the Friar’s are

The Friar The Summoner The Yeoman

Other secondary characters in this tale are

The Host The Wife of bath

The Friar
The friar is a religious man who, despite his position in the church, is a
corrupt and greedy man who uses his image as a friar to obtain bribes
and use them to his advantage. He also has a talent for telling stories
where he exposes his corruption.

•The friar is a Minor character, since he tells the story and gives
meaning to each event that takes place in the story.

•He is also a symbolic character as it represents the corruption within

the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.
The summoner
He’s the Main character in the story of the Friar; The Summoner is
supposed to be a devout religious figure, but in contrast, he’s actually a
hypocrite and a corrupt person, his job consisted in brought people to the
ecclesiastical court to confess their sins but he earned his living by taking
bribes in.

Characteristics of the character:

● He’s the protagonist who has to faced with the conflict and vital to
the development of the poem.
● He is a dynamic because he’s facing a major crisis against the
● The summoner is also a rounded character because he has a
complex personality, in this specific case, he is a contradictory
The Yeoman
Is a central character in the story. The yeoman
is a demon who takes many forms and who
takes people down to hell. The yeoman can only
take people to hell if someone was sincere and
honest in their wish for something or someone
to go to hell.

The yeoman is a static and symbolic character.

His personality does not change through the
story and he represents the evilness in the
The host

The Host, also known as Harry Bailey, is the innkeeper owner of the
tabard inn. He is in in charge of leading a variety of people, on a
pilgrimage to the relics of Saint Thomas Becket in the Canterbury

The Host calms tensions among the Pilgrims and finds solutions to
disagreements in his tour group.

The Host is described as a jolly fellow, but he possesses a short

temper. He is not easily offended, portrayed as an individual who
takes to kidding well. Harry Bailey is also known among the group of
pilgrims as the peacemaker
The wife of Bath

The Wife of bath is a minor character in The friar's

Tales, These two are connected because it discusses
the problem of authority that is, the husband or the
wife, and the Friar deals with the relative authority in
terms of the church and demons.

In The Wife of Bath's Tale, authority is given over to

a woman a violation of medieval sense of hierarchy.
Group members

● Castro Abel, Sofia Victoria. MUN° 3051

● Moreno, Dana Deolinda. MUN° 3148
● Gonzalez Mendoza, Andrea Melisa. MUN°
● Pérez, Yamila Julieta. MUN° 3155
● Leiva, Pablo Gabriel. MUN° 2798

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