Alz Alza Lah

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The earthquake

99 ; 8 verses
In the name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

1.When the earth is shaken with is earthquake

2. And when the earth throws out its burdens

3. And man will say : “ What is the matter with it ? “

4. That day it will declare its information

5. Because your lord will inspire it

6. That day mankind will proceed in scattered groups that they may be shown their deeds
7. So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom shall see it

8. And whosoever does evil equal to the weight of an atom shall see it
Among the signs that the
dooms day is coming is the
occurrence of an earthquake
on this earth.
None of Allah's creatures
know when the doomsday will
therefore full vigilance is
needed when the doomsday

Indonesia is included in the

Pacific Ring of Fire, which is
none other than the cluster
of volcanoes in the world.
And the movement of the
earth's plates.
With the Indonesian layout
that is in the ring of fire, in
this letter Al-zalzalah Allah
guides his servants to always
be alert wherever and
wherever they are.

To be vigilant/waspada, it is
absolutely necessary to have
knowledge so that vigilance can
save him from harm.Because it
needs to be serious in seeking

knowledge of how to find a safe

place and knowledge of how to
ask Allah for protection.

The earth is subject to

obedience to the commands of
Allah, so humans with reason
should obey and obey Allah's

Humans also need to be vigilant in their lives. because

all human deeds will be held accountable, while the
mouth is locked and all members of the body testify.

َ ‫اَ ْل َي ْو َم َن ْخ ِت ُم َع ٰلى اَ ْف َوا ِه ِه ْم َو ُت َكلِّ ُم َنا اَ ْي ِدي ِْه ْم َو َت ْش َه ُد اَرْ ُجلُ ُه ْم ِب َما َكا ُنوا َي ْك ِسب‬
Critical thinking

Why in living this life we

need to be introspective?
Critical thinking

Self-introspection in Islam is
called Muhasabah or self-
evaluation. Because muhasabah
is a part of Allah's
Critical thinking

as written in surah Al Hasyr verse 18,

Allah says;
"O you who believe, fear Allah and let each
one pay attention to what he has done for
the next day (hereafter); and fear Allah,
Allah knows best what you are doing."
Critical thinking

By doing self-muhasabah, humans will open

their hearts and realize all their mistakes
and shortcomings to immediately repent and
not repeat their mistakes.
Critical thinking

Because repentance is a form of remorse

for a Muslim. As in the hadith, the
Messenger of Allah said
"Regret is repentance."
(Narrated by Ibn Majah)
Critical thinking

a Muslim who is busy evaluating himself, will make him

more careful in his every step and will not look for
things that are detrimental to himself, namely
evaluating the shortcomings and mistakes of others.
Because on the day of reckoning, what will be judged
is the good and bad deeds of oneself, not the good
and bad deeds of others.

How are your ways an Indonesian , to

be aware from earthquake that will
happen suddenly ?

The layout of Indonesia is on the ring of fire

(Ring Fire) which triggers Indonesia to be
prone to earthquakes. As an Indonesian citizen.
How do you do your efforts to be safe from
the dangers of earthquakes that can occur at
any time?

Becoming a citizen of Indonesia is part of

Allah's destiny. However, with Rahman and
Rahimnya Allah always gives instructions on
how the Indonesian people should obey and
strive to carry out human duties as the
vicegerent of Allah who preserves the
earth, so that life between humans and the
natural world can be balanced and

a. always upgrade yourself with

knowledge & insight/wawasan about
earthquake natural disasters.

b. always introspective in all conditions


c. if an earthquake occurs/happen,
immediately take shelter to a safe place.

d. protect the head with some protective

e. stay away from buildings and poles/tiang

f. if you are in a public place, do not

take the elevator

g. if in a vehicle, stop the vehicle in an open

place, do not stop suddenly and find a safe
place to take cover

h. stay away from the sea


i. always include Allah wherever and

wherever he is

j. always husnudzan(good
feeling/prejudice) to Allah

Conclude the important

of introspective and have
knowledge in this live !

Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab said, "Recite/read

yourselves before you are judged/diadili". shows the
importance of muhasabah or self-introspection,
because with muhasabah oneself will appear in itself
to try to improve itself by learning to be better so
that it focuses only on improvement for oneself and
does not give opportunities to evaluate others,
because it is busy evaluating oneself.

A person can engage in good faith or self-

introspection because of the knowledge he has.
without knowledge of the importance of self-
introspection, of course someone does not
know and how humans should always be self-
absorbed to fix all their shortcomings and try
to be better.

With science, a human being will find it

easier to live his life as a khalifah fil
ardh. Because humans as creatures
cannot be separated from their
obligations to worship and have faith.

Worship without knowledge will cause worship

to be in vain. likewise do muamalah requires
knowledge, because in muamalah humans will be
faced with various challenges and problems.
With science, human knowledge will be better
prepared to face these challenges.

Therefore science is an important tool that is

absolutely needed by a human being in order to
be able to introspect for the better. Continue
to upgrade the knowledge you have. never be
satisfied with the knowledge you get. Because
above the sky there is still the sky.

How are the ways to always submit and

obey Allah's commands?

a. remember the purpose of human creation

is only to worship Allah

b. aware that Allah is Supervising all forms

of servant deeds

c. aware that there are 2 angels. (Raqib &

Atid) who always record all the actions
that humans do wherever they are

d. aware that all human deeds will be held

accountable in the afterlife

e. continue to learn and upgrade knowledge. in

order to remain submissive and obedient to
Allah's orders

f. always Ibda 'bi nafsi to obey and submit to

Allah's orders
Let’s memorize Surah Al-
Zalzalah complete with
the meaning !

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