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The finished product can be presented to
an audience. The name of the product,
how it was made and which problem it
was designed to solve is valuable
information to be included in the
This presentation should be dynamic and
engaging including all members of the
The use of ICTs, music, songs, skits,
poems, etc. can be used to enhance the
• Once the solution to the problem has
been produced and tested, the team
should present it to interested
persons. The presentation should
include the procedure used in
developing and testing the solution.
Remember “If you fail to prepare,
prepare to fail”. The team should
prepare the parts of the presentation
in advance.
Guidelines for making
a presentation
• At the start of the presentation
there must be an activity to
hold the attention of the
audience. It is important to
make a good first impression.
e.g., a skit, a song, music,
spoken word etc.
• All members of the group must
participate in different aspects of the
Present the content in a simple form
that is very easy to understand.
Manage the time effectively.
Use print material to supplement
content e.g., flyers, brochures etc.
PowerPoint presentations should
follow the “10 -20-30 rule”
10- Slides
20- Minutes
30- Font size
• The Power Point presentation should
not be cluttered with information. The
• should explain the points listed on
each slide .
• Use a colour and style of font that
could be easily read from a distance.
• Add graphics, tables and diagrams to
make the slides more interesting.
Body language when presenting
• Maintain eye contact and smile with
persons in the audience
• Do not turn your back to the
• Be enthusiastic and confident, and
enjoy the presentation
• Use a clear, bold tone of voice
• Your body language should not be
distracting. e.g., limit hand gestures
and avoid scratching
Don’t stand in the same spot for your
entire presentation. As you move, go to
the left, to the right and if possible
down the middle of the audience. This
ensures that all are engage in your

Practise your presentation, ensuring all

team members understand their role in
the presentation.

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