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How Education system has changed in the past 50 years

Done By: AbdurRahman Bin Zarrar

• Technology
• Curriculum
• Punishment
• Change in women
• Religious rights
• Of course, technology would be the first thing that changed education. Many people had to travel to learning centers, like
schools, univerisites and private campuses to get an education. However Today, it has given access to many people that can
study easily.
• Kids nowadays can be homeschooled and can also use technology to get benefits from sites like Khan Academy , SaveMyExams
and many more. These sites allow them to study at their own comfort, anywhere and anytime.
• A large amount of information is on the internet which can help students know more about the topics they’re learning. There are
so many learning opportunities available on the internet. That’s how technology changed the education system.
• Students can also email or message their professors , teachers and experts to know further about their project and can even
have a video conference. It is easy for them to communicate via smartphones to share information about their project. Google
Docs helps in writing about the project. Students can talk to other students regarding their project, even if they’re living in
another state or country. There are so many things that technology is providing students today.
• Teachers have been given more opportunities too. Sites like Cambly , Teams and more let teachers work from home and get
video calls from students around the world. It lets teachers earn from home. Students having trouble in English or other subjects
contact tutors or even take a 15-minute trial to see how it works. Through these sites, education is being provided in a new way.
• Therefore, technology has been playing an important role in education throughout these years. It is enabling new and amazing
ways to provide education. Also, today’s students know how to use technology so this means we don’t have to teach fresh
employees about Microsoft Office. The young generation has been raised by using these apps on their fingertips.
• Through the years, the curriculum experienced twist and turns. It
went through some changes and no, students have access to many
subjects. Students learn different languages and are able to learn
more about modern-day things.
• The old curriculum has become way easier
• The punishment system maybe didn’t go through a very big
change but students used to be caned for things like having
messy hair. Today, there are a few schools that don’t even
have rules or punishments so kids can learn from their own
mistakes. This promotes a habit of learning from your own
mistakes which often leads to a path to success. While in
some other times it can lead to students not taking the
school as seriously and formally as it should be.
• One survey done by Marybeth Harrison shows that respect for the
teachers from students has dropped from 79% to 31% in the last 50
years. Parents nowadays believe/take sides of their kids more than
they believe what teachers tell them. This is very different from
before when parents used to listen to the tutors more. Students also
were less likely to get bored by their teachers during their studies due
to the admiration they had for them.
Women’s Rights
• Girls and women in earlier years were only taught how to read but not how
to write. Their confidence levels were low as a result. Today, women are
more educated which has made them more confident to tackle the world
head-on. They are fighting for gender equality and human rights as well as
pay equality. This would make sense since they have gone ahead and
studied better, don’t you think? According to Pew Social Trends, 38% more
women have a degree compared to 31% men. This is high compared to 50
years ago where the number of women with college degrees compared to
men was lower. It is very evident, especially between the ages of 25 and 35
years. As a result, women have gone ahead and secured leading roles in big
corporations. In the present day, we have women running for presidential
elections from small countries to superpower nations.
Religious Changes
• Christianity which was the major religion of the student population in schools
was brought about by most schools being run by churches. Every day, the
students would read something from the Bible and have a word of prayer
before starting the day. The Bible in early education was used as a primary
text. Frederick A. Packard, an educator, says in his book ‘The daily public
school in the United States that the Bible was used as a devotional or a
reading book.
• Today, however, schools have removed that as a day-to-day part of their
system due to fear of discrimination, bullying, and conflicts in school. This is
also hard for public schools since 50 years later; schools have kids from all
walks of life and religions, e.g. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, etc. Diversity leads
to letting the main purpose of schools be education only.
Availability with graph shown in class
• Public Schools were fewer hence most parents preferred to have
private tutors at home to teach their kids. As learning was not
compulsory, this was only for those who were interested and could
afford it. The available teachers would live with the student’s family –
this was called boarding around. Here, teachers would move from one
house to the other doing private tutoring. Today, schools are many
and more progressive, and higher learning institutions have come up
enabling people to attain higher education.
• So as we can see the education system has changed massively in both
positive and negative ways but it shows we came a long way from 50
years back and it will continue doing so .

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