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Practical Research 1

Quarter 3 – Module 6:
Rationale of the Study
At The End Of This Module, You Are
Expected To Learn The Following

1. Provide The Justifications/ Reasons For

Conducting Research
In this lesson, you will learn about the rationale of the
study. It is one of the major components in the
introductory part of your research paper. With this, let
us first define what rationale is.
According to Merriam-
Webster, a rationale is:
1 : an explanation of controlling principles of
opinion, belief, practice, or phenomena
2 : an underlying reason : basis
In the context of research writing, a
rationale pertains to the reasons why the
study must be conducted. Such justification
is provided by the researcher to highlight
the significant points of the problem to be
addressed in the study.
Rationale of the Study
As a student-researcher, you have to determine the
sense of all the things you plan to do in your proposed
Consider the following questions:
• Is there a need to conduct a study about your
chosen research topic? Does it pose a
significant research problem?
• Does it matter to your academic discipline?
Research justification is considered as the initial
step in writing a research paper. This step
involves the skill on how the researcher will
provide the readers with critical background or
contextual information that introduces the
research topic.
Moreover, it needs to indicate the
reasons why the proposed research
actually matters.
How to Write the Rationale of the
The rationale of the study must
contain the following components:
1. Existing Literature
- a background on what researches have
already been done about the given subject.
2. Relevance to Local/Global Context
- situational interconnectedness of
individuals or things in varying perspectives.
3. Critical Background/Contextual Information
- circumstances forming a background of an
event, idea or subject, that enables the
readers to understand the nature of the
4. Research Gap
- problems, issues or questions that have not
been addressed or are yet to be understood.
5. Proof of Urgency
- an urgent need to solve the existing
6. Research Goal/Objective
- the purpose why there is a need for the
proposed study to be conducted.
Here are some questions to be
considered in presenting justifications:

➢ Why is this research important?

➢ What real life or everyday problem, issue, or
question does the research relate to?
➢ Can people relate to the problem in local or
global context?
➢ What benefit does the research promise?
➢ Are the units of analysis and observation clearly
➢ What does the researcher hope to find out?
➢ What was wrong or incomplete about prior
efforts already conducted?
➢ Does the research extend understanding of
the phenomena being investigated?
➢ Does it elaborate or fill in the gaps in the present
➢ What is the research ultimately trying to achieve?
sample of Rationale of the Study

The Educated Citizen: Cultural and Gender Capital

in the Schooling of Aetas’ Children
in the Municipality of Janiuay
(Moralista & Delariarte, 2014)
Republic Act No. 8371 is an act to recognize, protect and
promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities/
indigenous peoples, created a National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples, established implementing mechanisms,
appropriated funds therefore, and for other purposes
(Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress, 1997). This Act is known as "The
Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997." The State shall
recognize and promote all the rights of Indigenous
Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) as
enumerated within the framework of the Constitution.
Toward these ends, the State shall institute and establish the
necessary mechanisms to enforce and guarantee the realization of
these rights, taking into consideration their customs, traditions,
values, beliefs, interests and institutions, and to adopt and
implement measures to protect their rights to their ancestral domains
(Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Third Regular
Session. No. 1728; H. No. 9125, 1997). The State recognizes its
obligations to respond to the strong expression of the ICCs/IPs for
cultural integrity by assuring maximum ICC/IP participation in the
direction of education, health, as well as other services of ICCs/IPs, in
order to render such services more responsive to the needs and
desires of these communities.
The UN Declaration of Human Rights especially on education and
the 1987 Constitution of the Republic the Philippines are among the
foundations on which this study was anchored. As educators, the
researchers are curious about the plight of the Aetas, their hopes and
how they see education in relation to their own indigenous culture.

This study aims to understand the cultural practices of Aetas’

children in the Municipality of Janiuay; to investigate the gender
capital in the schooling of Etas’ children in the Municipality of Janiuay;
to determine the Aetas’ role in preserving their cultural practices as
The UN Declaration of Human Rights especially on education and
the 1987 Constitution of the Republic the Philippines are among the
foundations on which this study was anchored. As educators, the
researchers are curious about the plight of the Aetas, their hopes and
how they see education in relation to their own indigenous culture.

This study aims to understand the cultural practices of Aetas’

children in the Municipality of Janiuay; to investigate the gender
capital in the schooling of Etas’ children in the Municipality of Janiuay;
to determine the Aetas’ role in preserving their cultural practices as
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s Political Speeches:
A Critical Discourse Analysis (Remorosa, 2018)
Read and analyze the following research
topics. Provide at least three possible
reasons why each study must be conducted.
You may support your answer by citing
researched information from reputable
sources. Use the given outline below and
write it on your notebook.
Thank you!

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