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Introduction to Counseling

Mary Joyce E. Talamante

Mental health or psychological well-being is an integral part of an individual’s
capacity to lead a fulfilling life (including the ability to form and maintain relationships, to
study, work or pursue leisure interests, and to make day-to-day decisions about education, employment,
housing or other choices. )

Disturbances to a person’s mental well-being can adversely compromise this

capacity and the choices made, leading not only to diminished functioning at the
individual level but also to broader welfare losses for the household and society.
What is mental health?

Mental health is an indispensable part of Mental illness, on the other hand, refers to
health, and has been defined by WHO as “a suffering, disability or morbidity due to mental,
state of wellbeing in which every individual neurological and substance use disorders,
realizes his or her own potential, can cope which can arise due to the genetic, biological
with the normal stresses of life, can work and psychological make-up of individuals as
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make well as adverse social conditions and
a contribution to her or his community” (8). environmental factors.

“Investing in mental health” relates

both to the promotion and
protection of mental health and to
the prevention and treatment of
mental illness or disorders.
What can governments do to improve population
mental health?

– provide better information, provide better (and more) provide better social and – provide better legislative
awareness and education about health and social care services financial protection for persons protection and social support
mental health and illness; for currently underserved with mental disorders, for persons, families and
populations with unmet needs; particularly those in socially communities adversely
disadvantaged groups; affected by mental disorders.
Countries Where MHF Has Been Taught

Belize Greece Malawi Saudi Arabia

Bhutan Haiti Malaysia Tanzania
Botswana Hungary Mexico Thailand
Bulgaria Japan Nigeria Uganda
Canada Jordan Pakistan United States
China Kosovo Philippines Vietnam
Cyprus Lebanon Portugal Zambia
Germany Liberia Romania Zimbabwe 5
Ghana Macedonia Rwanda
Key Points to • Mental health is important, but often neglected in many
Unlock This • It affects individuals and families as well as the larger
Module • Guiding principles include integrity, values, respect and
appreciating differences
• Listening is a critical skill
• It is important for MHFs to promote self-direction; do no
harm; be honest, fair and trustworthy; and demonstrate
respect and privacy
• MHF is not a professional designation – do not put MHF
after your name like a doctor

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 6

A state of well-being that allows people
What Is Positive •Live up to their abilities
Mental Health? •Cope with the normal stresses of life
•Work productively
•Make a contribution to their communities
•Quality of life
•Community participation
•Gainful employment

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 7

Mental health is crucial to:
• Individuals
Investing in • Families
Mental Health • Relationships
• Societies
• Communities
• Economies
• Countries

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 8

• Absence of mental health infrastructure and
Global Mental workforce is a worldwide problem
• Mental disorders are a leading cause of
Health disability
Implications • Human rights abuses are associated with
limited mental health care
• discrimination and stigma
• Mental health is required for overall health

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 9

• Stress, distress, • Mental retardation/
Major Areas disorder Intellectual
• Depression disability
of Mental • Anxiety • Epilepsy
Health • Psychosis • Disaster, crisis and
• Addiction
Concerns • Delusions
• Suicide

• Dementia • Child maltreatment

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 10

High Risk • The poor
• Homeless
Populations • Unemployed
for • Persons with low education
• Victims of violence
Mental • Victims of disaster
Health • Abused women, children and adolescents
• Migrants and refugees
Problems • Neglected elderly
• Others?

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 11

• Lack of information about mental health
Barriers to • Many people do not know what mental
Mental Health health professionals do
• Do not know how to access services
Care • Stigma associated with mental illness
• Affects education, employment and
access to care

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 12

Barriers to • Lack of medications
• Lack of mental health services providers
Mental Health • Not setting priorities to address mental illness
Care Many countries spend most of their resources on a
few large mental hospitals or asylums, rather
than on broader community mental health care
and self-care

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 13

Mental Basically, mental health facilitation
Health involves a caring person (MHF)
Facilitation working with another person or
people who have difficulties in life
using basic, universal helping skills

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 14

• Identify problems and help people design a solution
MHF Goals • Initial support and problem-solving for people who
need someone to listen and care about their life
• Refer people who need help to resources and
provide continued support and care when needed

A problem shared is a problem

half solved!
Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 15
MHF: A process in which a facilitator cares for
individuals with emotional and behavioral
Definition needs and assists with the achievement of
problem-solving and self-determined goals

Community-based helpers
• Empower people to become more self-
• Decrease burden on community health
care system

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 16

•Recognize mental health problems before they
Benefits of become a crisis situation

Mental Health •Feel better about self

•Able to manage life better
•Become more clear about feelings, wants, needs
and values
•Improve quality of life
•Improve problem-solving skills
•Learn about mental health resources

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 17

Benefits For
• Add to your personal confidence
You -
• Improve your communication skills
Becoming an
• Enhance personal relationships
MHF may
• Provide personal satisfaction

• Improve career opportunities

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 18

Make a list of people you know who:

• Cope well with normal stress

• Recognize their own abilities

• Make a contribution to their communities

• Treat other people with

compassion and respect

Module 1: Investing in Mental Health 19

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