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Instituto de Idiomas

Instituto de Idiomas

Lesson A: Learn to talk about friendship and communication.

Lesson B: Learn to describe experiences in the present.

Instituto de Idiomas
Instituto de Idiomas
Subject questions:
When we ask about the subject of the verb, we use the same word order in the questions as in the
statement (subject-verb-object). Do not add an auxiliary verb to the subject questions.

Sometimes we ask questions that will give us the subject of the sentence, meaning that the answer
and the information we need will be the subject. Other times we ask questions that will give us the
object of the sentence and, in this case, the answer will be the object.

Instituto de Idiomas

Who told you the news? (Stuart told me the news.)

What happened yesterday? (Nothing happened yesterday.)

In questions with prepositions, the preposition goes at the end of the question:

A: Who did you go to the movies with? B: My sister.
A: What’s she talking about? B: Her job.

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What….. like? and How…?
Use What….like? to ask for a description
of a person:
A: What’s your teacher like?
B: He’s very friendly.

Use How….? to ask about a person’s

You can use What … like? or How …? A: How are you?
To ask for a description of a thing or B: I am very well, thanks.
A: What was your vacation like? /How
was your vacation?
B: It was excellent.

Instituto de Idiomas
Exercise 1: Subject and object questions

Make questions with the words below

1. listening/ why/ me / isn’t/ to / anybody

2. you/ question/I/ ask/can/a
3. borrow/ did/ book/whose/you
4. about/are/ worrying/what/you
5. has/ cake/who/ my/eaten

Instituto de Idiomas
Answer key 1: Subject and object questions

Make questions with the words below

1. listening/ why/ me / isn’t/ to / anybody

Why isn't anybody listening to me?
2. you/ question/I/ ask/can/a
 Can I ask you a question?
3. borrow/ did/ book/whose/you
Whose book did you borrow?
4. about/are/ worrying/what/you
What are you worrying about?
5. has/ cake/who/ my/eaten
Who has eaten my cake??

Instituto de Idiomas
Exercise 2: Subject and object questions

Correct the mistake in each questions

1. What time you Will be here?

2. Happened what to your leg?
3. To what are you listening?
4. Which speaker did gave the best
5. How’s your new friend like?

Instituto de Idiomas
Answer key 2: Subject and object questions

Correct the mistake in each questions

1. What time you Will be here?

What time will you be here?
2. Happened what to your leg?
What happened to your leg??
3. To what are you listening?
What are you listening to?
4. Which speaker did gave the best presentation?
Which speaker gave the best presentation?
5. How’s your new friend like?
What's your new friend like? / How's your new friend?

Instituto de Idiomas
Look at the questions. Decide whether the question is Subject or Object.

4 .What is located near your house?

1. Who is standing under that tree?
A subject B object A subject B object

2. Who have you come to see in the hospital? 5. How many employees work in your office?

A subject B object A subject B object

3. How much time does she need for packing? 6. What do you usually take with you on your
business trip?
A subject B object
A subject B object

Instituto de Idiomas

4 .What is located near your house?

1. Who is standing under that tree?
A subject B object
A subject B object
5. How many employees work in your office?
2. Who have you come to see in the hospital?
A subject B object
A subject B object
6. What do you usually take with you on your
3. How much time does she need for packing?
business trip?
A subject B object
A subject B object

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: Simple Present and present continuous.

Simple present
We use the simple present for:
• facts that are true all the time.
The sun rises in the east. The bus doesn’t go past my house.
• habits and routines.
I study for about an hour a week. We never get much homework.
• opinions and beliefs.
Do you agree? I don’t know the answer.

Instituto de Idiomas
Present simple and continuous.

Present continuous

We use the present continuous for:

• actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking.
Why are you carrying an umbrella? It’s not raining.
• actions or situations around the moment of speaking.
He’s studying Russian in college.
• future arrangements
I’m meeting Andrew tonight.

Instituto de Idiomas
States and actions

The present continuous is not normally used to

• Mental states: know, agree, understand, believe,
• Likes and preferences: like, want, love, hate,
need, prefer, etc.
• Other states: be, own, belong, forget, hear,
seem, depend, etc.

Instituto de Idiomas
Special cases:

Some verbs (e.g. think, see, have) can be used as states or actions with different
State: I think you’re wrong. (=my opinion)
Action: I’m thinking about my birthday. (= a mental process)
State: I see what you mean. (= I understand)
Action: I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow. (= I’m meeting him/her)
State: I have a car/a sister. (= possession, relationship, etc)
Action: I’m having a party /dinner.

Instituto de Idiomas

Using the verbs in parentheses, complete the text below the simple present or the
present continuous
1. Andy sometimes ____________________________ comics. (to read)

2. We never __________________________________ TV in the morning. (to watch)

3. Listen! Sandy__________________________________  in the bathroom. (to sing)

4. My sister usually ________________________________ in the kitchen. (to help)

5. My mother ______________________________________ breakfast now. (to make)

6. They often  _______________________________________the bathroom. (to clean)

Instituto de Idiomas

1.Andy sometimes reads comics.
2.We never watch TV in the morning.
3.Listen! Sandy is singing in the bathroom.
4.My sister usually helps in the kitchen.
5.My mother is making breakfast now.
6.They often clean the bathroom.

Instituto de Idiomas
Complete these sentences below using either the present simple or present

1.(play) I ___________________________ golf every weekend.

2.(Play) The children __________________outside at the moment.
3.(Work) Haruka______________________ today.
4.(Work) You can’t borrow my lawnmower because it doesn’t _____________________
5.(Make) Smells good! What are you__________________________ ?
6.(Make) My husband never_________________________________  me breakfast.
7.(Live) Pauline is_________________________________________  in Hong Kong.
8.(Live)Do you still_________________________________________  with your parents?

Instituto de Idiomas

Complete these sentences below using either the present simple or present continuous .

1. I play golf every weekend.

2. The children are playing outside at the moment.
3. Haruka is working today.
4. You can’t borrow my lawnmower because it
doesn’t work.
5 . Smells good! What are you making?
6 . My husband never makes me breakfast.
7. Pauline is living in Hong Kong.
8 . Do you still live with your parents?

Instituto de Idiomas
AMERICAN EMPOWER B1+  presentation plus
. AMERICAN EMPOWER DIGITAL WORKBOOK B1+ American Empower Intermediate

Instituto de Idiomas

Instituto de Idiomas

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Present Perfect and simple past.
We use the present perfect to talk about We use the present perfect to describe a
experiences in our lifetime or another recent action or ask if something has
unfinished time period. happened recently. It’s often used with words
Have you ever been to Spain? like just, already, yet, and still. We often use the
I have never been in Spain. present perfect in this case when some action
or situation has an effect on the present.
The phone has rung five times since lunchtime.
We use the present perfect to talk about
unfinished states (when we want to talk
about duration)
I have only had this phone for a week.
We use the simple past for completed past
actions in a completed time period.
We saw a good film last week. 
Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.

Instituto de Idiomas
Present perfect

We use the present perfect to talk about:

experiences in our lifetime, or news and recent events, often with a

another unfinished time period. present result.
Have you ever had a job interview? The interviews have already ended,
We can use adverbs like ever, and you are too late. (result= you
never, three times, etc. cannot have an interview.)
We can use adverbs like just,
already and yet.

unfinished states (when we want to talk about the duration).

We’ve lived in New York since 2019.
We use for to give the duration or since to give the starting point.

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He has never worked as a teacher.

He hasn’t called me back yet. (result= I’m still waiting to speak to her.)

I have lived in Ecuador since 2010.

Instituto de Idiomas
simple past
We use the simple past for completed past actions
in a completed past time period:

They didn’t get the The interviews ended Why did he miss the
job. five minutes ago. bus?

We can use past time phrases like last week, a few days ago.

e.g: when I was a child.

Instituto de Idiomas
Present perfect or simple past

We often introduce a topic with the

present perfect and then change to Don’t use the present perfect when
the simple past in the next you describe an action that happens
sentence to talk about the details: at a particular time. Use the simple
I’ve had a lot of job interviews. The past instead.
last one was about three months They left yesterday /at four o’clock
ago- it was terrible. /ten minutes ago.

Instituto de Idiomas
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate

In the last hundred years, traveling ____________(become) much easier

and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it __________ (take) two or
three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip
________(be) very rough and often dangerous. Things
__________(change) a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now
you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

Instituto de Idiomas

In the last hundred years, traveling has become (become) much easier
and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it took (take) two or three
months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip was (be) very
rough and often dangerous. Things have changed (change) a great deal
in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los
Angeles in a matter of hours.

Instituto de Idiomas
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1. Peter played/ has played/ have played soccer yesterday.

2. They cleaned/ has cleaned/ have cleaned the car. It looks new again.

3. Last year we went/ has gone/ have gone to Italy.

4. John and Peggy just have read/ read/ have just read the book. Now they can watch the film.

5. I met/ has met/ have met my friend two days ago.

Instituto de Idiomas

1. Peter played soccer yesterday.

2. They have cleaned the car. It looks new again.

3. Last year we went to Italy.

4. John and Peggy have just read the book. Now they can watch the film.

5. I met my friend two days ago.

Instituto de Idiomas
Choose a simple past or present perfect to complete the sentences below.

1__________________________painting the bedroom yet?' 'Not yet. I'll finish it tomorrow.

A. Have you finished B. Did you finish

2. I______________________________  much last year, but I______________________a lot this year.

B. haven’t earned/ didn’t earn B. have earned/ earn

3. ______________________________a holiday recently?

A. Have you had B. Did you have

Instituto de Idiomas
Choose a simple past or present perfect to complete the sentences below.

4 .We____________________ last week. We _____________________ here for 5 days..

A.arrived/ have arrived B.were/ have been

5. This is the most delicious dish I______________________________________.

A. Have ever eaten/ ever ate

Instituto de Idiomas

1. We often use the present perfect with just, already and yet.

1. Have you finished
2. We use the  simple past with a past expression (last week,
2. didn’t earn/ have earned
yesterday, when I was a child, etc.)
We can use the present perfect with time expressions when the time
3. Have you had
we mention has not finished: today, this week, this year, etc. 
4. Arrived/have been 3. We often use the present perfect with recently to talk about past
recent actions.
5. Have ever eaten
4.We can use the present perfect with for and since and how long to
ask or talk about situations that started in the past and have not

5. We can use the present perfect with a superlative

adjective and ever.

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: Present perfect and present perfect continuous.

Unfinished actions and

states (duration)

• We use the present perfect with state verbs:

She has known him since they were children. They’re very Good Friends.
• We use the present perfect continuous with action verbs:
I’ve been working on my essay since 6 o’clock.

He has been playing very well so far in this match.

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Some verbs( e.g. work live) can be used as action verbs or
state verbs with no important change of meaning:

e.g. How long have you worked here? / How long have you
been working here?

Instituto de Idiomas
Present perfect and present perfect continuous.

New habits and repeated


• We can use the present perfect continuous to describe repeated activities that
started recently:

I’ve been exercising a lot lately. (In the past, I didn’t exercise much.)

Instituto de Idiomas
Present perfect and present perfect continuous.

Recent past actions with

present results

• We use the present perfect simple when completing an action has a result now:
I’ve just finished my essay. (result of finishing writing = I can relax, I can
hand in the work, etc.)
• We use the present perfect continuous when doing an activity has a result now:
I’m tired because I’ve been writing an essay. (result of writing = I’m tired)

Instituto de Idiomas
Present perfect continuous

The present perfect

continuous tense (also
known as the present perfect The present perfect continuous is
progressive tense) shows formed using the
that something started in the construction has/have been + the
present participle (root + -ing).
past and is continuing at the
present time.

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Present perfect continuous

Instituto de Idiomas
Present perfect continuous

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Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate
tenses. Present perfect or present perfect continuous.

1._____________________________________(you/finish) your homework yet?

2.  How long _____________________________(you/be) a lawyer?
3.  I__________________(read) your book all day. It's very interesting, but I'm only on chapter 2
4. She _______________(drink) ten glasses of water!
5.  I ____________________(have) my dog for sixteen years.
6. ) Help, I _________________(lose) my wallet. How can I get home?

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1.  Have you finished

2. have you been
3. 've been Reading
4.  's drunk
5. 've had
6. 've lost

Instituto de Idiomas
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.
Present perfect or present perfect continuous.

Robin: I think the waiter ________(forget) us. We __________(wait)

here for over half an hour and nobody _________(take) our order yet.
Michele: I think you're right. He __________(walk) by us at least twenty times. He probably
thinks we ___________(order, already)
Robin: Look at that couple over there, they __________(be, only) here for five or ten minutes
and they already have their food.
Michele: He must realize we __________(order, not) yet! We __________(sit) here for over half
an hour staring at him.
Robin: I don't know if he __________(notice, even) us. He ____________(run) from table to
table taking orders and serving food.
Michele: That's true, and he ___________(look, not) in our direction once.

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Robin: I think the waiter has forgotten (forget) us. We have been waiting (wait)
here for over half an hour and nobody has taken (take) our order yet.
Michele: I think you're right. He has been walking (walk) by us at least twenty times. He
probably thinks we have already ordered (order, already)
Robin: Look at that couple over there, they have only been (be, only) here for five or ten
minutes and they already have their food.
Michele: He must realize we haven’t ordered (order, not) yet! We have been sitting (sit) here
for over half an hour staring at him.
Robin: I don't know if he has even noticed (notice, even) us. He has been running (run) from
table to table taking orders and serving food.
Michele: That's true, and he hasn’t looked (look, not) in our direction once.

Instituto de Idiomas
AMERICAN EMPOWER B1+  presentation plus
Instituto de Idiomas

Instituto de Idiomas

• Lesson A Learn to talk about a friendship

• Lesson B Learn to talk about families

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Lesson A: Narrative tenses

• We use the simple We use the past continuous:

• to describe the situation at the beginning of a story.
past to describe the
main events of a story Example: That day, I was driving home from college for the
in the order they summer.
• for longer actions in comparison with shorter actions in the simple
Examples: We met a few Example: Where were you going when I saw you by the road?
• when actions are interrupted by main events in the simple past.
months ago.
Example: I was skiing in the French Alps when I had my
He offered to help me fix accident.
my car, later we became
good friends.

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We can connect simple past and past continuous actions with

as while when

• Somebody stole my bag when I wasn’t looking.

• Your sister called while you were out shopping.

• The car broke down as I was driving down the road.

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Don´t use the past continuous for state verbs. Use the past simple instead.

We met when I was a student.

NOT …. When I was being
a student.

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We use the past perfect to describe an event that happened before the story started, or earlier in the
story than the main event:

Example : That summer, I had just finished my second year of college.

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We can use by + a time with the past perfect to show what happened up to a
point in the past.

• I started reading it on Monday, and by Friday I’d read the whole book.

• They were really late for the party, by the time they arrived, everyone else had
gone home.

Instituto de Idiomas
Complete the story with the correct narrative tense. Use the given verbs.

It .................... (be)Tuesday evening and I……………. (get) ready to go to bed when the phone
………… (ring). To my surprise it ……………..(be) my friend Peter. He……………..(call) from his
mobile and he was very annoyed because he ……………….. (lose) his keys and he
……………….. (cannot) get into his flat. He ………………(think) he ………………. (leave) them
at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed so he …………… (cannot) get in to
check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before he ……………….(give) me a
spare set so that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he finally……………
(arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I ………………(lie) on the sofa
fast asleep.

Instituto de Idiomas

It was (be)Tuesday evening and I was getting (get) ready to go to bed when the phone rang (ring).
To my surprise it was (be) my friend Peter. He called.(call) from his mobile and he was very
annoyed because he had lost. (lose) his keys and he couldn’t (cannot) get into his flat. He thought
(think) he had left (leave) them at work but now it was midnight and the office was closed,so he
couldn’t (cannot) get in to check. Luckily I had the keys to his flat because a month before he had
given (give) me a spare set so that I could look after his cat while he was on holiday. When he finally
arrived (arrive) to pick them up, it was three o'clock in the morning, and I was lying (lie) on the sofa
fast asleep.

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: used to, usually
*We use used to to describe past habits and states
• When I was in school, I used to play soccer with my brother every Saturday.. (a past habit)
• The whole family used to love animals. We always had two or three pets in the house. (past state)
*The negative forms are didn´t use to NOT didn’t used to and never used to
• My parents didn’t use to go out much, so we spent a lot of time together.
• We never used to understand my father’s jokes..

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* There is not present tense of used to. Use adverbs of frequency instead.

They usually go out to a restaurant once or twice a week.

How many times a month do you usually visit them?

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*You can also use adverbs of frequency with simple past and a past time phrase.

• “When I was a chil , back then”.

• We when abroad for a vacation fairly often back then.

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* You can use the adverbials not any more and not any longer to say that a
past habit has now stopped.

• I don’t play soccer anymore. I usually go to the gym instead.

• They don´t live in the same house any longer.

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* We can use the adverb still to talk about a past habit or state that has not changed.

• I still love board games, I frequently play Chinese checkers..

• Do you still see him very often?.

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* Simple past or used to

• We use used to for situations that were true for a long time.” a few months or years.

For shorter periods of time, we usually use simple past: When we were on vacation last
week, we went swimming every day. NOT we used to go

Use the simple past, not used to, to

We often use used to for
describe something that happened
situations that aren’t true now. once or a specified number of times.
When I was a child , I used to love ice I went abroad twice when I was a
cream, but now i don’t really like it. child.

NOT I used to go abroad twice.

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We often use a mixture of the simple past and used to in order to describe past
situations. It sounds unnatural if you use used to for every verb.

Instituto de Idiomas

Make an an affirmative
affirmative sentence,
sentence, negative negative
sentence orsentence or question
question using 'used to +using 'used
infinitive ' to
1. We / go to the beach every summer?
2.I/ live in a flat when I was a child.
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
4. He / not / smoke.
5. I / play tennis when I was at school.
6. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.
7.  He / play golf every weekend?
8. They both / have short hair.
9. Julie / study Portuguese.
10.  I / not / hate school

Instituto de Idiomas

used to play
1 . Did we use to go to the beach every summer?
2. I used to live in a flat when I was a child.
3. She used to love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
4.  He didn't use to smoke
5.  I used to play tennis when I was at school.
6.  She used to be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all
7. Did he use to play golf every weekend?
8. They both used to have short hair.
9. Julie used to study Portuguese
10 . I didn't use to hate school
. Instituto de Idiomas
Complete the following sentences using one of the answer choices given below each question.

1. I … eat greasy food, but now I have stopped.

… use to
… used to
… am used to

2. That theater … be an old house.

… used to
… use to
… was used to

3. I … like classical music, but now I don’t.

… used to
… use to
… was used to

Instituto de Idiomas
1. I … eat greasy food, but now I have stopped.

… use to
… used to
… am used to

2. That theater … be an old house.

… used to
… use to
… was used to

3. I … like classical music, but now I don’t.

… used to
… use to
… was used to

Instituto de Idiomas

4. I … like country music, but now I do.

… didn´t use to
… didn’t used to
… used not to

5. I always … be afraid of spiders.

… used to
… use to
… am used to

6. I … ride a motorcycle.

… didn’t use to
… wasn´t used to
… didn´t used to

Instituto de Idiomas

4. I … like country music, but now I do.

… didn´t use to
… didn’t used to
… used not to

5. I always … be afraid of spiders.

… used to
… use to
… am used to

6. I … ride a motorcycle.

… didn’t use to
… wasn´t used to
… didn´t used to

Instituto de Idiomas

 AMERICAN EMPOWER B1+  presentation plus

 AMERICAN EMPOWER DIGITAL WORKBOOK B1+ American Empower Intermediate


Instituto de Idiomas

Instituto de Idiomas
• Lesson A Learn to describe people and their abilities
• Lesson B Learn to describe feelings

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Learn to describe people and their abilities
We use can / could to talk about general abilities

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Learn to describe people and their abilities
We use can / could to talk about general abilities

We only use can in the present tense and could in the past tense
I can ski, but I can’t snowboard.
I couldn’t do math at school

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We use Be able to:

In the present After modal

Past Perfect
perfect verbs

How long have you been able to drive?

I had never been able to play soccer.

Everyone should be able to swim.

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+ be able to

Like The person who gets the job needs to be able to speak English.

Example E.g.
about, of
+ being able to

- I like being able to visit my parents regularly.

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Specific past achievements
Don´t use could for specific past achievements.
When I went to France last year, I was able to visit the Louvre.

NOT I could visit …

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In negative sentences about specific past events, we use couldn’t or wasn’t able to:
I went to France last year, but I couldn’t remember/ wasn’t able to remember any words in French.

We can also use managed to for specific past achievements, especially to show that something was
It was hard work but I managed to finish the project.

Instituto de Idiomas
Complete each gap with a phrase from the
can swim could all swim couldn’t swim couldn’t walk didn’t manage to
was able to jump was able to stand needed to be able to managed to climb

When I was a young child, I couldn’t swim - I only learnt to swim when I was 14. I guess I thought
that I didn’t need _____________ swim, because I never went to swimming pools. But one day I
went for a walk on a hill near the sea with my friends - we were about 13 at the time. Part of the path
was missing in one place - we ______________ along it, so we decided to try to jump across. My
friend Andy was quite big, so he ____________ across it very easily. But then it was my turn - I was
a lot smaller so I ____________ jump across. I fell down the hill and into the sea. My friends
____________________ so they thought it was really funny to see me in the water, but I was really
scared. Luckily, I ___________ on a rock under the water and then I ________________ out of the
water. After that, I knew I ______________________ to swim, so I started going to swimming
lessons every week. And now I _____________ really well.

Instituto de Idiomas

can swim could all swim couldn’t swim couldn’t walk didn’t manage to
was able to jump was able to stand needed to be able to managed to climb

When I was a young child, I couldn’t swim - I only learnt to swim when I was 14. I guess I thought
that I didn’t need to be able to swim, because I never went to swimming pools. But one day I went
for a walk on a hill near the sea with my friends - we were about 13 at the time. Part of the path was
missing in one place - we couldn’t walk along it, so we decided to try to jump across. My friend
Andy was quite big, so he was able to jump across it very easily. But then it was my turn - I was a
lot smaller so I didn’t manage to jump across. I fell down the hill and into the sea. My friends
could all swim so they thought it was really funny to see me in the water, but I was really scared.
Luckily, I was able to stand on a rock under the water, and then I managed to climb out of the
water. After that, I knew I needed to be able to swim, so I started going to swimming lessons every
week. And now I can swim really well.

Instituto de Idiomas
Write can/can’t - could/couldn’t.

1. The man was very brave . He _____ enter the bear’s cage.
2 . Jason’s house is too far. We _____ walk there.
3. My mom hasn’t got a car. She _____ drive to her job.
4. Leo is very stubborn. Nobody _____ change his mind.
5. Grandma was not young enough. She _____ take care my kids.

Instituto de Idiomas
Write can/can’t - could/couldn’t.

1. The man was very brave . He could enter the bear’s cage.
2 . Jason’s house is too far. We can’t walk there.
3. My mom hasn’t got a car. She  can’t drive to her job.
4. Leo is very stubborn. Nobody  can change his mind.
5. Grandma was not young enough. She  can’t  take care my kids.

Instituto de Idiomas
Put in 'can', 'can't', 'could' or 'couldn't'. If none of these is possible use 'be able to in the correct 

1. ______________ you swim when you were 10?

2. We ______________get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train was delayed by one hour.
3. He ________________arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very pleased.
4. He's amazing, he _____________________________speak five languages, including Chinese.
5. I ______________drive a car until I was 34. Then I moved to the countryside, so I had to learn..
6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I ____________________________find them anywhere.
7.  I searched for your house for ages. luckily I ____________________________find it in the end.
8. She's seven years old, but she __________read yet. Her parents are getting her extra lessons.

Instituto de Idiomas
Put in 'can', 'can't', 'could' or 'couldn't'. If none of these is possible use 'be able to in the correct 

1. Could you swim when you were 10?

2. We couldn't get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train was delayed by one hour.
3. He was able to arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very pleased.
4. He's amazing, he can speak five languages, including Chinese.
5. I couldn’t drive a car until I was 34. Then I moved to the countryside, so I had to learn..
6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I couldn’t find them anywhere.
7.  I searched for your house for ages. luckily I was able to find it in the end.
8. She's seven years old, but she can’t read yet. Her parents are getting her extra lessons.

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: Articles

a - an - the
+ Singular countable nouns

We use
the - 0 + Plural or uncountable nouns

If the topic is new or old : I read a great book last week.(we haven’t discussed this book before)
The choice
of articles If something is the only one: Where is the front door key? (the only front door key we have)

shows If we are talking about things in general or in particular:

Cats are clever animals. ( the animals in general )
The cats are in the yard. ( our pets)

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Other uses
a / an: describe something or say the job that someone has.
• the: in some frequency expressions.

• That is a beautiful photo. He is a doctor.

• I visit my grandmother twice a month / three times a month.

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Other uses

the: when the noun is defined by a defining relative clause.

I just met the man who lives next door. ( one specific man)

the: before superlatives

Kyoto is the most beautiful city in Japan.

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the : with certain countries, rivers, or group of islands
I went to the USA / The Pacific / The Amazon / The bahamas
the : with some fixed expressions about: time, places or seasons.

all the time, most of the time, at the same time

In the countryside, in the summer, go to the park, / the gym, listen to
the radio (but watch tv).
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We use no article with phrases about meals

I had breakfast/ lunch/ dinner at 7 a.m. NOT I had a/ the breakfast

We use no article in some fixed phrases about routines.

I usually go home/ go to bed/go to work/ go to school at ... O’clock.

We use no article to talk about most countries,

continents, cities, or streets. ect

I went to China/Africa/Paris/ Bond street/

Instituto de Idiomas
Be careful with expressions with next / last + week / month / year:
I went there last week.( the calendar week before now)

I have been there twice in the last week( the seven

days before now)
We went there in the last week of vacation . ( a period
of time with no connection to now)

Instituto de Idiomas
Fill in the blank using the article a, an or the where necessary. Put - where no article is
used. a / an / the/--

1. I like … black shirt over there better than … yellow one.

2. Their car does 160 kilometers … hour.
3. Where's … USB drive I lent you last month?
4. Do you still live in … Cuenca?
5. Is your mother living in … old house?
6. Jason’s father works as … engineer.
7. The potatoes are 89 cents … kilo.
8. What do you usually have for … lunch?
9. Edgar has … terrible backache.
10. After this trip you have … whole afternoon free to visit the city.

Instituto de Idiomas
Fill in with the article a, an or the where necessary. Put - where no article is used.
a / an / the/--

1. I like the black shirt over there better than the yellow one.
2. Their car does 160 kilometers an hour.
3. Where's the USB drive I lent you last month?
4. Do you still live in -- Cuenca?
5. Is your mother living in an old house?
6. Jason’s father works as an engineer.
7. The potatoes are 89 cents a kilo.
8. What do you usually have for  -- lunch?
9. Edgar has a terrible backache.
10. After this trip you have the whole afternoon free to visit the city.
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NOW YOUR TURN: a / an / the/--

Use the correct article to complete the paragraph.

1. Jazmine bought  … new car … last week. Unfortunately,  … car broke down after just two weeks.
2. I went to  … cinema yesterday. … movie was absolutely terrible, I went to … desk office and asked for
my money back. 
3. We had … test today. It was … really difficult test. There were  questions on there which I didn't
4. Excuse me, is there … bank around here? I need to make … deposit. 
5. We have … beautiful lake behind our house. Every summer, … lake is over and we can swim. When I
was a kid, I used to spend  hours swimming in … lake.

Instituto de Idiomas

1. Jazmine bought a new car the last week. Unfortunately, the car broke down after just two weeks.
2. I went to the cinema yesterday the movie was absolutely terrible, I went to the desk office and
asked for my money back. 
3. We had a test today. It was a really difficult test. There were  questions on there which I didn't
4. Excuse me, is there a bank around here? I need to make a deposit. 
5. We have a beautiful lake behind our house. Every summer, the lake is over and we can swim.
When I was a kid, I used to spend  hours swimming in the lake.

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• AMERICAN EMPOWER B1+  presentation plus

• AMERICAN EMPOWER DIGITAL WORKBOOK B1+ American Empower Intermediate

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Instituto de Idiomas

Lesson A: Learn to talk about the future

Lesson B: Learn to talk about if and when

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Lesson A: WILL
Pattern : Subject +will +base form of the main verb + complement
Contraction: I will = I´ll
they will = they´ll
will not = won´t
Time Expressions: tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon, next week, next year, today, tonight.

Use: - To make a prediction: It will rain this afternoon.

- To make an offer: I´ll clean the house for you today.
- To make a promise: we´ll study together for the exam.
- To make a spontaneous decision: I´ll go for a run with you. ( a decision while we
are speaking)

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- To make a prediction based on our opinions:
I’m sure you’ll learn a lot when you go travelling.
- To make an offer:
I’ll help you if you like.
- To make a promise:
I’ll always be here when you need me.
- To make a spontaneous decision:
Ok, I’ll come for a run with you.

Instituto de Idiomas
1. Andrea will sing romantic music the day after tomorrow. (affirmative

2. Andres will not / won´t sleep early at home tonight. (negative statement)

3. Will James sell his apartment this week? (yes/question)

Yes, he will. (affirmative short answer)
No, he won´t. (negative short answer)

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In negative sentences, say I don’t think + will.

I don’t think the forest will recover. not I think the forest won’t recover.

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Underline the correct verb form to complete the sentences below.

1. Lorena will (go – goes) shopping tomorrow.

2. Miryam (won´t – don´t will) take a nap this afternoon.

3. Will Carolina (to wash – wash) her clothes tomorrow?

4. Yes, good idea. I (phone - will phone) the pizzeria to book a table.

5. In my opinion you (pass - will pass) the level because you have studied a lot.

6. A: It’s a bit hot in here. B: Yes, I (open - will open) the window.

Instituto de Idiomas
Underline the correct verb form to complete the sentences below.

1. Lorena will go shopping tomorrow.

2. Miryam won´t take a nap this afternoon.

3. Will Carolina wash her clothes tomorrow?

4. Yes, good idea. I will phone the pizzeria to book a table.

5. In my opinion you will pass the level because you have studied a lot.

6. A: It’s a bit hot in here. B: Yes, I will open the window.

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Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb + complement


1. To indicate future plans.

Example: I am going to visit my grandparents today.

2. To indicate future intentions.

Example: I am going to make a party in my house tonight.

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We use be going to to make predictions based on

concrete facts ( things that we can see or information that
we have read, etc)
We should leave soon, the roads are going to be busy.

It is not going to rain. There isn’t a cloud in the sky.

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Examples: affirmative, negative, yes/ no questions
and short answers

1. Daniel is going to call his wife after lunch tomorrow afternoon. (affirmative)

2. Crystal is not going to cook pasta for lunch next Sunday. (negative)

3. Are you going to play tennis with your brother after class today? (question)

Yes, I am. (affirmative short answer)

No, I am not. (affirmative short answer)

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Examples: wh questions and answers:

1. Which shoes are you going to buy at the mall?

I am going to buy black shoes.
2. How long is your sister going to practice yoga tomorrow?
She is going to do yoga for one hour tomorrow.
3. What time is Elizabeth going to take the final anatomy exam?
She is going to take the final anatomy exam at 10:00 o’clock.

Instituto de Idiomas
Choose the correct answer and underline it:

1. Marcelo is going to fix his computer (tomorrow - yesterday).

2. (Do – Are) Pat and Pam going to check their emails later?

3. Agnes is (going to speak – going speak) with her boss at 4:30.

4. Why (Karol is – is Karol) going to take a break?

5. Is Pat going to wash her motorcycle after work?

No, she (isn´t – doesn´t).

Instituto de Idiomas
Choose the correct answer and underline it:

1. Marcelo is going to fix his computer tomorrow.

2. Are Pat and Pam going to check their emails later?

3. Agnes is going to speak with her boss at 4:30.

4. Why is Karol going to take a break?

5. Is Pat going to wash her motorcycle after work?

No, she isn´t.

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It is used with I and we to indicate offers and suggestions.

1. Shall I fix your sink? (offer)

2. Shall we eat dinner together? (suggestion)

Instituto de Idiomas
Underline the correct answer: suggestion or offer?

1. Shall I help you with your suitcases? (suggestion or offer)

2. Shall I call your secretary? (suggestion or offer)
3. Shall we invite our friends to the barbecue? (suggestion or offer)
4. Shall I prepare breakfast for your family? (suggestion or offer)
5. Shall I take you to the doctor? (suggestion or offer)
6. Shall we go to the cinema? (suggestion or offer)

Instituto de Idiomas
Underline the correct answer: suggestion or offer?

1. Shall I help you with your suitcases? (suggestion )

2. Shall I call your secretary? ( offer)

3. Shall we invite our friends to the barbecue? (suggestion )

4. Shall I prepare breakfast for your family? (offer)

5. Shall I take you to the doctor? (offer)

6. Shall we go to the cinema? (suggestion )

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Lesson B:present and future real conditionals

Lesson B: Zero conditional

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Lesson B: Present real conditionals
Present real conditionals describe events and results that happen regularly
or are always true. We use the present tense in both the if- clause and the
main clause.

If the lizard gets scared, it hides.

If I go downtown, I always eat in that restaurant.

I am the happiest when my kids are happy.

Butter doesn’t burn in the pan if you add a little oil to it.

Instituto de Idiomas

Which conditional sentence is correct? Cross it out.

1. a. If Mario will listen to music, he relaxes.

b. If Mario listens to music, he relaxes.

2. a. We don´t go to the bar if we don´t get the money.

b. We don´t go to the bar if we won´t get the money.

3. a. Jessica sleeps well if she finishes her task at school.

b. Jessica sleeps well if she finished her task at school.

Instituto de Idiomas

Which conditional sentence is correct?

1. a. If Mario will listen to music, he relaxes.

b. If Mario listens to music, he relaxes.

2. a. We don’t go to the bar if we don’t get the money.

b. We don’t go to the bar if we won’t get the money.

3. a. Jessica sleeps well if she finishes her task at school.

b. Jessica sleeps well if she finished her task at school.

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Future real Condicionals

Use: it is used to describe possible future events and the expected results of those
Structure: if clause: present tense (condition)
main clause: future tense: will (result)

1. If scientists succeed, many people will live longer.

2. If I don’t work hard, I won’t be successful.

3. Will you have to commute if you get the job?

-When the if clause is at the beginning, use a comma. If not, do not use it.

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Imperative Condicionals

We can use imperatives in the main clause. The meaning can

be present or future.

If you are tired (now), Go to bed (now)

If you’re tired when you arrive (this evening), go to bed (then).

When the if clause is at the beginning, use a comma. If not, do not use it.

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Unless means “if not”

Use: We can use it in the present or future real conditionals and with imperatives.

1. We play every Saturday unless it rains.

2. It won’t hurt you unless you run away.

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Instituto de Idiomas

Choose the correct answer:

1. If Marion (go-goes) to the gym, she (will–would) be in
2. George (will-would) visit her grandmother if she (was-is)
3. If I (don´t-won´t) study hard, I (don’t-won´t) pass the level.

Instituto de Idiomas

Choose the correct answer:

1. If Marion (go-goes) to the gym, she (will–would) be in shape.

2. George (will-would) visit her grandmother if she (was-is) sick.

3. If I (don´t-won´t) study hard, I (don’t-wont) pass the level.

Instituto de Idiomas
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. 

     1. Unless you are more careful, you____________ (have) an accident.

      2. Tell him to ring me up if you ________________ (see) him.
       3. If I tell you a secret,___  you_______  (promise) not to tell it to anyone else?
       4. If you ______________ (not believe) what I say, ask your mother.
       5. If he_______________  (like) the house, will he buy it?
       6. If you kindly sit down, I___________  (make) inquiries for you.
       7. Unless I have a quiet room, I ________ (not be able) to do any work.
        8. She won't open the door unless she________  (know) who it is.
       9. Should you require anything else, please____________  (ring) the bell for the attendant. 

Instituto de Idiomas
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. 
     1. Unless you are more careful, you will have (have) an accident.
      2. Tell him to ring me up if you see (see) him.
       3. If I tell you a secret, will you promise (promise) not to tell it to anyone else?
       4. If you don’t believe (not believe) what I say, ask your mother.
       5. If he likes  (like) the house, will he buy it?
       6. If you kindly sit down, I will make   (make) inquiries for you.
       7. Unless I have a quiet room, I won’t be able  (not be able) to do any work.
        8. She won't open the door unless she knows (know) who it is.
       9. Should you require anything else, please ring  (ring) the bell for the attendant. 

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 AMERICAN EMPOWER B1+  presentation plus

• AMERICAN EMPOWER DIGITAL WORKBOOK B1+ American Empower Intermediate


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Instituto de Idiomas

• Lesson A: Learn to talk about advice and rules.

• Lesson B: Learn to describe food

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• Lesson A: Modals of obligation.

must, have to, mustn’t, can’t, don’t have to, should, ought to
• Lesson B: Comparatives and Superlatives
Adjectives and adverbs, exceptions, extremes

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Modals of obligation have to or need to

Obligation refers to rules, laws and others pressures from

We use have to or need to to say something is necessary:

Ex. You have to buy a ticket before you get on the train.
We need to show our tickets on the train.

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Grammar: Modals of obligation must
Must is very strong and can be formal or official we often
see• must in written or the law. It is not common in speaking.
Ex. Employees must wash their hands.
There is no past or future of must. When we talk about rules
in the past or future, we always use the correct form of have
to or need to.

When you go to India, you ‘ll need to get a visa.

I had to wear a uniform at school.
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Don’t use contractions with have to.

I have to go. Not I’ve to go

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mustn’t, can’t and don’t have to

We use mustn’t or can’t to say that something is not allowed.

We often use mustn’t when we make the rules and can’t to talk
about other people rules
Ex: drivers must not text and drive.
We can’t cross the road yet- the light is still red

For things which were not allowed in the past, use couldn’t.
Ex: I couldn’t work in Peru because I only had a tourist visa.
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mustn’t, can’t, and don’t have to / don’t need to

We use don’t need to / don´t need to when there is no obligation. It

it’s not necessary to do something.
Ex: college students don’t have to wear a uniform.
I didn’t need to call a taxi. Robert drove me home.

should and ought to

We use ought to or should to give advice and recommendations.
They have the same meaning. But ought to rarely is used in the negative. We use shouldn’t

Ex: We should see as much as possible. We shouldn’t waste time.

We ought to see as much as possible. We ought not to waste time.
Instituto de Idiomas
Complete the following sentences with the correct form
NOW YOUR TURN: of must or have to.

1. In my country, you ……….. Cross the road at a pedestrian crossing – it’s illegal to cross anywhere else.
2. When I lived in Quito, I ……….. leave home one hour before work, because the rush hour traffic was so bad.
3. ……….. George ……….. Wear a tie to work?
4. I’ll tell you a secret, but you ……….. Tell anyone. I don’t want anyone else to know.
5. We took plenty of money, but in the end, we ……….. pay – everything was free.
6. The sign says all visitors ……….. report to reception.
7. If you want to be here on time, you’ll ………..leave here very soon.
8. Your brother can borrow my books tonight but he ………..forget to bring them back tomorrow. I need them for my class.

Instituto de Idiomas
1. In my country, you …have to.. Cross the road at a pedestrian crossing – it’s illegal to cross anywhere else.
2. When I lived in Quito, I … had to.. leave home one hour before work, because the rush hour traffic was so bad.
3. … Does.. George … have to.. wear a tie to work?
4. I’ll tell you a secret, but you … mustn’t.. tell anyone. I don’t want anyone else to know.
5. We took plenty of money, but in the end, we … didn’t have to.. pay – everything was free.
6. The sign says all visitors … must.. report to reception.
7. If you want to be here on time, you’ll …have to.. leave here very soon.
8. Your brother can borrow my books tonight but he … mustn’t.. forget to bring them back tomorrow. I need them for my

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Look at the signs. Then complete the advice using the verbs in
NOW YOUR TURN: brackets and a modal verb. Sometimes more than one form is possible.

You ….. (park) here. You ….. (pay) for the You ….. (leave) your You ….. (only use)
bus to the shopping car unlocked. It might the official taxi.
centre. get stolen

You ….. (use) that door – it’s for emergency only.

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You mustn’t / can’t You don’t have to You mustn’t/shouldn’t

You must/should
park (park) here. pay.. (pay) for the bus leave.. (leave) your car
only use (only use)
to the shopping centre. unlocked. It might get
the official taxi.

You … mustn’t/can’t use.. (use) that door – it’s for emergency only.

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: Comparatives and Superlatives

Adjectives Adverbs
One syllable • rich – richer, the richest • Fast – faster, the fastest
• Ending in –y: All:
Two or more syllables • easy – easier, the easiest • often – more often, the most
• friendly – friendlier, the friendliest often
• careful – more careful, the most
• carefully – more carefully, the
careful most carefully

• good – better, the best • Well – better, the best

• bad – worse, the worst • Badly – worse, the worst
Exceptions • far – further, the furthest • Far – further, the furthest
• more / the most bored / tired / ill
• clever – cleverer / the cleverest *
• Early – earlier, the earliest

Some two syllables adjectives can follow the rules for one-syllable adjectives:
narrow, shallow, quiet, simple.

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Lesson B: Comparison

We can use comparative

adjectives and adverbs to
two things, situations,
times, actions, etc., usually Ex: Life’s a lot more interesting than before.
with than.
He’s happier than he used to be.
We can change the degree of He’s speaking more slowly than usual today.
comparison with words
like a lot, far, even,
slightly, a bit, a little , much:

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Lesson B: Comparison
The opposite of more is less. Ex: The car’s slightly less clean than it was.
We can use it with all
I walk less quickly than he does.
adjectives and adverbs:

As + adjective / adverb + as Ex: They are as wealthy as some Hollywood actors.

shows that two things are
• She doesn’t listen as carefully as she should.
equal; not as … as means less

Some common adverbs can Ex: You’re just as pretty as your sister! (=exactly equal)
change the degree of the My brother isn’t nearly as hard-working as me. (=very different)
She doesn’t sing quite as well as I do. (=slightly different)

Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: Comparison


We use superlative adjectives and adverbs to talk about extremes:

Ex: It’s the worst hotel in the world!
I got the lowest score possible.

We often use the present perfect with ever with superlatives:

• This is the best meal I’ve ever eaten.
• It was the least interesting movie I’ve ever seen.

We can use the expression by far to say an extreme, it is very different from all others:
• That’s by far the highest mountain I’ve ever climbed.

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A. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in
brackets. Add than where necessary.

1. India food is ……….. French food. (spicy).

2. This is ………..meal I’ve ever eaten. (delicious).
3. The weather was ……….. I expected. (hot)
4. She’s a ……….. Driver ………… me. (slow)
5. Are you ……….. Person in your class?
6. I didn’t have a good holiday. The ……….. Thing was the hotel. It was terrible. (bad)
7. Your English is ………..mine. (good)
8. I’m sorry, I can’t come on Friday. That’s my ……… (busy)

Instituto de Idiomas
A. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in
brackets. Add than where necessary.

1. India food is spicier than French food. (spicy).

2. This is the most delicious meal I’ve ever eaten. (delicious).
3. The weather was hotter than I expected. (hot)
4. She’s a slower driver than me. (slow)
5. Are you the cleverest person in your class?
6. I didn’t have a good holiday. The worst thing was the hotel. It was terrible. (bad)
7. Your English is better than mine. (good)
8. I’m sorry, I can’t come on Friday. That’s my busiest day. (busy)

Instituto de Idiomas
Complete the sentences so that they mean the same
NOW YOUR TURN: as the first sentence. Use two to five words.

1. India food is spicier than French food. (spicy).

French food isn’t ______________________.
2. This is the most delicious meal I’ve ever eaten. (delicious).
I’ve never eaten a __________________ meal than this.
3. The weather was hotter than I expected. (hot)
I didn’t expect the weather to be _____________________ it was.
4. She’s a slower driver than me. (slow)
She drives _________________________ I do.
5. Are you the cleverest person in your class?
Is anybody in your class _____________________ you?
Instituto de Idiomas

1. French food isn’t as spicy as Indian food .

2. I’ve never eaten a more delicious meal than this.
3. I didn’t expect the weather to be as hot as it was.
4. She drives more slowly than I do.
5. Is anybody in your class as clever as / clever than you?

Instituto de Idiomas
a as bit by ever expected in just more most nearly one slightly than the

1. Today’s lesson was ____a____ lot __more____ interesting than usual – it was excellent.
2. That’s _________ worst joke I’ve _________ heard!
3. The exam went really well. It wasn’t _________ as difficult as I _________ .
4. I think she’s _________ of the _________ innovative designer in the world.
5. Our holiday was a _______more expensive ________we thought, but it was still good value.
6. They started v later than usual, but they still finished on time.
7. _________ far the oldest person _________ my family is my great-grandmother.
8. Our new TV is fantastic – the picture quality is _________ as good _________ in the cinema, or maybe
even better.

Instituto de Idiomas
a as bit by ever expected in just more most nearly one slightly than the

1. Today’s lesson was ____a____ lot __more____ interesting than usual – it was excellent.
2. That’s __the____ worst joke I’ve __ever____ heard!
3. The exam went really well. It wasn’t ___nearly___ as difficult as I ___expected__ .
4. I think she’s __one_ of the __most_ innovative designer in the world.
5. Our holiday was a _bit_more expensive __than_we thought, but it was still good value.
6. They started slightly later than usual, but they still finished on time.
7. _By_ far the oldest person _in_ my family is my great-grandmother.
8. Our new TV is fantastic – the picture quality is _just_ as good __as_ in the cinema, or maybe even better.

Instituto de Idiomas

 AMERICAN EMPOWER B1+  presentation plus




Instituto de Idiomas

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