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Generic Statistical Business Process

Model (GSBPM)

Description and ONS examples May 2014

Specify Needs

When a need for new statistics is identified,

or feedback from users initiates a review. It
determines whether there is a presently
unmet demand and whether we can produce
the statistics.
Eurostat provided their requirements for the new
release. We also considered UK users’ needs
and UK Statistics Authority guidance.
Consultation with users was done through a
seminar and user-group.

Development and design activities, and

associated research to define the statistical
outputs, concepts, methodologies, collection
instruments and operational processes.

Design reviewed and a simpler approach set up
more in line with user needs. Questionnaire
designed with respondents in mind, eg what data
they have available and when.

Builds and tests the production systems

ready for use in the live environment.

The system was being transferred from another
government department. It was extensively
reviewed and tested to ensure compatibility with
the ONS IT environment.

Collects all necessary data (survey and / or

admin) using different collection modes and
loads them into the appropriate data
A contract was set up to ensure ongoing delivery of
data that met ONS requirements.
Secure and efficient access to the data was established
to allow ONS to download the data each period.
The system was thoroughly tested to ensure
performance and reliability was suitable for a monthly
production cycle.

The cleaning of data records and their

preparation for analysis. This includes
checking, cleaning and transforming data.

Quality checking conducted on the raw data;
missing and suspect values flagged and
imputations made.
Checks against European requirements and user
feedback to ensure all relevant information

Statistics are produced, examined in detail

and made ready for dissemination. This
enables increased understanding of the
statistics produced.

ONS production system and previous process
from another government department run in
parallel for two months to ensure both producing
the same result.

Manages the release of the statistical

products to customers.

Pre-announced publication date of first
estimates to users

Evaluation of the statistics takes place at the

end but covers the previous phases. Works
to ensure user needs are met.

Invite users to feedback comments, which are
collated, analysed and acted on.

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