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Gamini Construction

Brainstorming Session for FY 2021 April / 2022 March

Guidelines for the brainstorming session

• We are expected to come up with ideas which will lead to enhance the efficiency,
profitability of the project

• Ideas for enhance people taking ownership for their work. Few people go an extra mile;
But not others; Why?
• Ideas will be assessed on following criteria:
• Impact to the business
• Effort required to make the idea a success

• Most impactful ideas which needs less effort (including cost) will generally get priority in
the execution.
Guidelines for the brainstorming session
• In the process of generating ideas, everyone will be treated equally
irrespective of their hierarchy in the organization. Basically, everyone
will be treated equally. No idea is a wrong idea or a bad idea. But only
relevant ones will be selected for the execution.

• Detach your emotions. Put your ideas professionally

Round one

• Introduction – 15 minutes
• Ideas given by 2 member teams for improving operational efficiency
• 15 minutes will be allocated for coming up with ideas
• Presenting ideas – 1 hour
• Evaluating them
• Formulating the execution plans – 1 hour
Actionable suggestions
• Not too good suggestions:
• Enhancing employee morale
• Complete repairs on time

• Fairly okay suggestions

• Enhancing employee morale by giving a cup of tea in the morning
• Increase the workshop efficiency by introducing capacity planning based on manhours/ mandays

• Good Suggestions
• Enhancing employee morale by giving a cup of tea in the morning. Cost to the Company is x LKR per month.
Productivity can be increased by y% (as per research / employee opinion survey)
Round Two
• Enhancing the existing mind map
Round three

• Individuals need to come up with their plans to contributes as an

individual to the organization

• Competencies to acquire within next year

• Goals to deliver
• What support required from others?

1.5 hours
Round four
• Writing your own success story in the performance appraisal – 15
Round Five
• Aligning thinking of employees with Company objectives

• Company is going through a tough time

• Profit margins of the road projects are thin
• Cost management is crucial for the success of the organization

• Communicate message properly; constructively; Not negatively

• Get buying of your team

Round 06
• Departmental goals / KPIs

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