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Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization Defined:
“the inexorable integration of markets, nation states, and
technologies to a degree never witnessed before—in a way that
is enabling individuals, corporations, and nation states to reach
around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever
Tom Friedman

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization explained

 It is widening (territory), deepening (scope), and speeding up

(technology) of worldwide interconnectedness.

 It is the increasing interdependence, integration & interaction

among people & businesses in various location around the

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Three Perspectives on Globalization
 Democracy has become global value.

 North (rich) South (poor) division is less important now.

 State is losing authority to MNCs , IMF, NGO’s

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 This perspective is skeptical of these claims about

 North-south divide has disappeared in favor of global market.

 Wealth is being concentrated into hands of few.

 Global community is an illusion.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 The bulk of int. economic and political activity is concentrated
within developed world.

 Conflicts and wars are still heave not disappeared.

 Many believe it is instrument of imperialism.

 Few believe it as ‘westernization’.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 West exports the social structures of modernity - capitalism,
industrialism, rationalism, urbanism, individualism to the

 Globalization equal to Colonization, Americanisation and


 A western hegemonic tool, an ideology of supposed progress

western domination over the rest.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 These transformationalists, see state sovereignty undermined
by WTO, IMF etc.

 Globalization diffuses authority.

 States transformed to operate in new contexts.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Engines of Globalization

 Technological – communication & information revolutions.

 Economics - Laissez Fair (no state interference) based on

Demand & Supply mechanism.

 Political - Financial institutions, IMF WB MNCs.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Friedman’s 3 Waves of Globalization

 First, the age of discovery 1492-1800 European discoveries

and expansionism.

 Second, 1800-1950 major expansion in the spread of European

empires MNCs.

 Third, 1950- onward. Knowledge economy than imperialism.

Era of American Hegemony.
From small to tiny size, internet, microchip etc.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization at different levels
 Various types of global connectivity across a variety of human

 Few call it 4 types of globalization;

 Economic
 Social
 Political
 Cultural

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Economic Globalization

 Increasing economic interconnectivity.

 International division of labor – due to machines.

 Rising volume of capital flows – investments.

Capital remains concentrated into the hands of wealthiest nations

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Politics and Globalization

 Global and regional institutions are rising in importance. (UN,

EU, ASEAN, SCO, BRICs, etc.)

 Non-state actors have gained power.

 It is container age, that is why sea lanes are vital (BRI).

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Technological globalization

 Increases access to information,

 Has made it easier to seek out like-minded voices and avoid

opposing views.

 Facilitated transportation and communication.

But, who controls technology ‘Wikileaks’ , ‘Snowden’ and makes

surveillance and social control easier.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Cultural Globalization
 Increases exposure to foreign cultures.

 Cultural exports from Western countries to the rest of the


That has resulted in a sharp increase in reactionary “nationalist”

and “fanatical” groups against the West.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Manifestations of globalization 
 Post, Telecommunications / Mass media
 A global culture has emerged.
 Pilgrims, Tourism, Business travellers, Visa free.
 Global chains of productions - Apple.
 Raw material, production, and marketing, are never within one
state now.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Global atmosphere - climate change, ozone depletion,
radioactive fallout, acid rain.
 Research – improved Avrg. life expectancy.
 Revolution in medicine.
 Global campaigns of health improvement.
 But, rapid industrialization is also the source of many new
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Globalization in everyday life

 Internet
 Facebook
 Twitter
 WhatsApp
 Instagram
 Email
 Skype
 Smart phones

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

 Globalization is a reality, and here to stay.

However, globalization undermines state, and a threat to the

multiethnic societies;

How and Why?

International integration creation national disintegration.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
 Today, in digital age, information revolution and communication
revolution, globalization is as vital as water for human life.
 However, globalization undermines state, and a threat to the
multiethnic societies;
How and Why?
 International integration creates national disintegration.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

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