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International Relations

Zahid Mehmood Zahid
National Officers Academy (NOA), Islamabad &
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Recommended Books

 1 Book available at NOA Book Store,

 2 “International relations” by J. C Pevehouse & Joshua


 3 “Perspectives on Int. Relations” by Henry R. Nau

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

• The definition and Scope of IR

• The Nation State System

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
IR/Politics - a World of Possibilities
Domestic or International, politics has no dead ends!

 Pak-Soviet relations, Pak- Russia relations today.

 Iran-US relations – 1979, Iran-US relations today.

 Pak-US relations, Pak-US relations today.

 Arabs and Israel, Warmth after wars.

 European Union after WWI & WWII.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Think in terms of IR and analyse.
 Think politically, see the world through “Why” lens, process
the information, and use the IR language for expression.
 Put your biases aside, ensure objectivity, & don’t distort facts
while analysing an issue.
 You would find more focus on global affairs, than domestic
 IR does not deal in religious ‘good’ or ‘bad’, but in legality
rendered by I. Law, UN charter, and sanctity of agreements.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Actors that shape and influence IR
 States

 Non-state-Actors, organizations with political influence.


 Transnational Organizations, MNCs—McDonalds, IS, Amnesty

Inter. (Individual members)

 Intergovernmental organizations - UNO, EU,WTO (Govts.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Multiple explanations at multiple levels

 Individual: Hitler a dictator, Bush aggressive, Mandela

charismatic, Benazir accommodative. (personality traits)

 State: Interests. (economic & security)

 International: Effects of the system (relations with other


Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Let us analyze two cases;

Case 1- “Iraq War 2003”

Individual level:
 Saddam anti-US dictator, irrational.
State level: US wanted to protect its interests;
 After Taliban – Saddam was supporting terrorism;
 Assuring stable oil supply;
 Denying access to weapons;
 Promote democracy.
Int. level:
 Enforcement of UN resolutions against Iraq.
 Unipolarity
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood – US
Zahid, a NDU,
PhD (IR) superpower
NOA Islamabad. to preserve the system.
Case 2

“why India wanted war, and why Pakistan prevented

that war in the aftermath of Pulwama 2019.”

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
History of IR and what is it all about…?

 IR is relatively a new field of study established in the after math

of WWI.

 IR became an academic discipline in 1919 when university of

Aberystwyth (UK) established IR department (Woodrow
Wilson Chair).

 IR is the branch of Political Science & It provides ‘methods’

and ‘analytical Frameworks’ of understanding the world.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
IR Defined:
“IR deals relations among states, International organizations and
groups. It includes variety of international relationships at
different levels, above and below the state level in the
international system”
Palmer and Perkins

“Collective interactions of the international community, includes

nation-state, inter-governmental organizations and Non-
governmental Organizations.”
Baylis, 2005
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Scope of IR
 IR has very broad scope.

 IR covers political, economic, & social issues. discuss.!

 Politics, economics, Int. Law, history, diplomacy, security,

globalization, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, environment, and
human rights etc.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Utility of Studying IR? 

 It expands your understanding beyond domestic horizon.

Helps understand the interaction of the states.

 IR enables the one to comprehend the behaviour of the states

and international institutions.

 A wide-range subject–dealing in political, economic, security,

and social issues.
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Its time to think critically …!

 Why do people identify themselves as Pakistanis, Indians,

Iranians, Chinese, Canadians, or Russians?

 What is the concept of sovereignty?

 Are all states equal in the world?

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Nation – a communitarian concept
 “A large body of
people united by
common history,
culture, identity,
and language,
inhabiting a
particular state or

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Nation State – a politico-legal entity

Nation State is “a
sovereign political entity
with a governance
system controlling a
territory and its

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Nation State System

“A pattern of
international life in which
people are separately
organized into sovereign
states and interact with
one another”.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Where has this concept come from?

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
The Rise of Nation State System

 It is a European thinking, exported to the world.

 Prior to the 1600s, this system did not exist in Europe.

 Europe was ruled by Monarchies with the support of Catholic

Christian Papacy.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Rise of the Modern Nation-State System

 Protestant Reformation movement of Martin Luther 1517-1648.

 Few kings wanted to reduce the power of pope and control their
own people.

 In England, Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic

Pope and established an independent Church of England in the

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
‘Thirty Year War’ 1618-1648

 Protestant Bohemians revolted against Catholic Habsburg

Dynasty in 1618.

 Protestants & Catholics faced massive human losses.

 Treaty of Westphalia 1648 ended the war.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Treaty of Westphalia 1648

 Treaty ended the religious authority and established secular state

authority – stating;

“sovereign ruler of a state will control nation, state, and religion.”

 Resultantly, England, France, Germany, and Spain became

nation states.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Treaty of Westphalia 1648

 Treaty ended conflicts, especially over religion.

 Over the course of time, Westphalian system established

democracy, int. Law, diplomacy, mutual trade, Treaties, and
International Institutions.

 Europe then exported this NSS to the rest of the world.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Principles of Westphalian Treaty

1. Sovereignty,

2. Equality of states,

3. Non-intervention

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
The UN Charter
Chapter 1: Purposes and principles

 Article: 2 (1) The organization is based on the principle of the

sovereign equality of all its member states.

 Article: 2 (4) All members shall refrain in their relations from

the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or
political independence of any state …...

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Outcomes of Treaty

1- Secularism; Treaty favoured secularism and made religion

private affair of the individual.

2- Nationalism; In the absence of religion, Nationalism became the

new religion for Europe.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Significance of NSS in Modern Era

 Each state is independent is deciding what is best for its people.

 Other states have no right to intervene into the affairs of the

other sovereign countries.

 Powerful states cannot exploit the weaker states.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
Questions to attempt;

 Explain significance and scope of IR in a changing world.

What are the salient features of modern nation state system?

 Discuss why has nation state been such a successful political

unit? Analyse how far future of the state will be affected by an
interdependent world?

 How do you see the role of nation state in the future, given that
that globalization and MNCs are undermining state authority?
Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.
For Further Details;

Please read;

 Treaty of Utrecht 1713,

 Congress of Vienna 1814,

 Treaty of Versailles 1919,

 United Nations Organization 1945.

Lecture by: Zahid Mehmood Zahid, PhD (IR) NDU, NOA Islamabad.

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