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Final Project
Guro, Abdullah B.
HRDM C2021
CHAPTER 9 & 9.1:
How is Moral Character Developed &
Stages of Moral Development

Reason and Impartiality as Requirements
for Ethics & Feelings and Reason.

Course Outline CHAPTER 11:

7 Steps of Moral Reasoning Model

Difference Between Reason and Will
& 9.1:
How is Moral
Character Developed
& Stages of Moral
1. Based on the pictures that you have seen, what do you think is the
reason why do they behave like that?
Its because of what they’ve seen and understood about the society, we all have
different perspectives of the society, and it all depends on what we think about it,
is what will become of us.

2. Who among these characters influences your moral character? If

none of them, then who was it and why do you say so?

None of them, but I think it’s my parents. Sometimes I can get “prideful” that if I
know I am right, I never let them get me in an argument, which I got from my
Mother. As for my Father, sometimes I just let things happen and just be patient
wait for the right opportunity, just like my Father.

3. Is your childhood experiences affect your adult behavior? Briefly

discuss your reason why?

Yes, when I was a little, I used to be judged always by my parents for whatever I
do. Now as a young adult, I always think different outcomes that may appear
before doing something

20XX presentation title 4

Activity: Identify which stage do they
1. 19-year-old Jean decides to steal the bread. Sure, 5. A child may obey their parents and clean their room
stealing is wrong, but letting a family starve is surely to avoid being grounded
much worse Punishment-Obedience Orientation
Universal Ethical Principles Orientation
6. 30-year-old Jean steals the bread. The next day, he
2. A child who acts nice or behaves properly to win approaches the bakery owner and proposes a system
the approval of others that will allow all of the old bread to go directly to
Good Impersonal Relationship families in need instead of in the garbage bin. He also
wrote to his community leaders to address the issue of
3. A child may eat all their dinner without arguing to poverty in the community.
receive dessert Social Contract Situation and Individual
Individualism-Exchange Orientation Rights

4. 12-year-old Jean knows that his parents will be

upset with him if he steals the bread
System-Maintaining Orientation

20XX presentation title 5

Reason and Impartiality
as Requirements for
Ethics & Feeling and
Activity I
Instruction: Identify if the following statements are
based on feelings or reasons.

1. I like you (Feelings)

2. I love eating this carbonara (Reason)

3. You are the one that I adore (Feelings)

4. You make me laugh (Reason)

5. You may stand up (Reason)

6. Shut up! (Reason)

20XX presentation title 7

Activity II
1. Not all scientists agree that emotions play as large a role in 4. How would you describe the difference between sympathy
moral judgements as is painted in this video. What do you and empathy? Sympathy is about understanding
think? Why? I think that they do play a major role in it, for someone’s feelings/emotions and intentions. While
most of the ethical decisions that we make. Empathy is the other way around, it is feeling what they
feel, like their emotions, pain.
2. Can you think of a time when you were a victim of “Moral
Dumbfounding”–you jumped to a normal conclusion that you 5. Can you think of a scenario in which the disgust emotion
could not logically defend? Explain? None. But in the TV has led someone astray when they made a moral judgement?
Series Game of Throes, there is an example. When Jaime Feel free to include yourself. In a TV series Game of
Lannister and Cersei Lannister, siblings, tried to hide their Thrones, where Daenerys is stuck between killing
secret relationship by using their father’s wealth, and thousand people to save the slaves, or just save her friend
fame. Thus, it results in people being gaslighted for money. instead. And as we know killing is immoral.

3. Which of the self-conscious emotions-guilt, shame, or 6. Many people believe that empathy is the most influential
embarrassment–do you think is the most important? Why? I of all the moral emotions. If it is, which emotion would you
think it is Guilt for me, because if you don’t feel any guilt believe is the second most influential? I think its Sympathy,
at all it identifies as something you’ve done is right, or just because these two are always compared to each other that
pure, like it really is your intention to do so. some people may be confused about the two.

20XX presentation title 8

7 Steps of Moral
Reasoning Model
Make a reaction paper.
Based on what you have watched in the said short film presentation. Give at least 3 or more behaviors or
situation that will show the will and reason in doing their actions.

1. Their reason to save money to buy the phone.,

2. The big brother’s reason to buy his little brother a new shoes instead.
3. The shop owner’s will to sell them the phone for a discounted price.

20XX presentation title 10

Gather the Facts. 1. The simplest way of clarifying an ethical Compare the Alternatives with the Virtues/Principles. 6. The
dilemma is to make sure the facts are clear. initial list of suggested courses of actions must then be evaluated
from the vantage point of the identified ethical values and
Make a Decision. 2. After having analyzed the moral dilemma principles.
situation one must now make a decision based on what has been
previously discussed and must clearly justify the decision that has List the Alternatives. 7. After having identified relevant values,
been made. virtues, and principles involving the moral situation, possible
alternative courses of actions must then be proposed and briefly
Determine the Ethical Issues. 3. The ethical issue\s involved in the
situation must be clearly stated in order to specify what issue one has
to make a decision to.
Moral Principles. 8. The capability of humans that equips us to
Consider the Consequences. 4. Take the alternatives and work out analyze ethical or moral dilemmas. It is the foundation of ethical
the positive and negative consequences of each. If principles have not principles.
yielded a clear decision, consider the consequences of your
alternatives. Moral Dilemma. 9. A situation where a difficult choice has to be
made between to or more options, sometimes neither of which
Determine what Virtues / Principles have a Bearing on the Case. resolves the situation in a manner that is consistent with accepted
5. Applicable ethical values and principles relevant to the case must ethical guidelines.
be identified and briefly explained in order to justify how such
principles could be used in coming up with a decision concerning the Impartiality. 10. It is the equal treatment of people concerned as
moral dilemma later on. well as alternatives or possibilities.

20XX presentation title 11

Difference Between
Reason and Will
Activity: Choose whether it is your
WILL, or you had a REASON.
1. Helping someone. (WILL)

2. Helping your parents. (REASON)

3. Getting a company position. (REASON)

4. To graduate in college. (REASON)

5. Having a pet. (WILL)

6. To pass the subject. (REASON)

7. To have a bf or gf. (WILL)

8. To get married. (WILL)

20XX presentation title 13

thank you

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