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ENT Health Promotion

Health Promotion?
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to
increase control over, and to improve, their health
- Ottawa Charter, 1986
Prerequisites for Health
• Peace
• Shelter
• Education
• Food
• Income
• A stable eco-system
• Sustainable resources
• Social justice, and equity
Three basic strategies
• Advocate
• Enable
• Mediate
• Good health –
• social, economic and personal development and
an important dimension of quality of life.
• Favor health or be harmful to it –
• Political, economic, social, cultural,
environmental, behavioral and biological factors
can all.
• Conditions favorable
• Health promotion action aims at making these
conditions favorable through advocacy for
To enable all people to achieve their fullest health potential.
- achieving equity in health.
- reducing differences in current health status and
- ensuring equal opportunities and resources
• supportive environment,
• access to information,
• life skills and opportunities for making healthy choices.

Able to take control of

- People cannot achieve their fullest health potential unless
they are able to take control of those things which determine
their health.
• Health sector alone ?
• Coordinated action by all concerned:
• governments,
• health
• social
• economic sectors,
• nongovernmental and voluntary organization,
• local authorities,
• industry and
• media.

• Professional and social groups and health personnel

• major responsibility to mediate between differing
interests in society for the pursuit of health.
Priority Action Area
• Build Healthy Public Policy
• Create Supportive Environment
• Strengthen Community Actions
• Develop Personnel Skills
• Reorient Health Services
• Moving Into the future
Building Healthy Public Policy

- Policy Makers
- All levels
- Health consequences of
- Legislation
- Fiscal programs
- Taxation
- Organizational change,
- Identification of obstacles
- Ways of improving them
- Healthier choice
Create Supportive Environment
• Protection of the natural and built environment, 
• Conservation of natural resources must be
addressed in any health promotion strategy.
Strengthen Community Actions
• Community Development 
• Draws on existing human and material resources
to enhance 
• Self-help and social support, 
• To develop flexible systems for strengthening 
public participation in, and direction of, 
health matters. 

• This requires full and continuous access to information 
and learning opportunities for health, as well as 
funding support
Develop Personnel Skills
• Personal and social development
• providing information, education for health, and enhancing
life skills.
• Increases the options available to people to exercise more
control over their own health and over their environments
• to make choices conducive to health.
• Enabling people to learn, throughout life, to prepare
themselves for all of its stages and to cope with chronic illness
and injuries is essential.
• This has to be facilitated in school, home, work and community
• Action is required through educational, professional,
commercial and voluntary bodies, and within the institutions
Reorient Health System
• Health Sector
• Move increasingly in a health promotion direction,
• Beyond its responsibility for providing clinical and curative services.
• Sensitive and respects cultural needs.
• Support the needs of individuals and communities for a
healthier life,
• Open channels between the health sector and broader
social, political, economic and physical environmental
• Health research as well as changes in professional education
and training.
• Change of attitude and
• Refocuses on the total needs of the individual as a whole
Moving into the future
• Caring, Holism and Ecology are essential issues in 
developing strategies for health promotion. 
• A guiding principle - women and men -
equal partners in each phase of
• planning, implementation and evaluation of health 
promotion activities.
• Enable
• Informed choice
Health Education Methods and
• Individual
• Interview
• counselling
• Group
• Demonstration
• Group discussion
• Role Playing
• Mass
• Lecture
• Radio/TV program
• Poster
Public Service Announcement
• Radio Message
• Poster is a pictorial and graphical
visual aid combination of bold design,
• color and message.
• A good poster must contain Caption,
Pictures, Course of and Logo of
• A good poster should carry only one
unit of message, Colored poster is
more natural,
• attractive and clear, An ideal size of
the poster is (24×36) inch but it may
be different in size. 
• Pamphlets are considered as
mass media of health
• The message can be written in
the form of poem, song,
diagram and dialogue. It can
also be introduced in the form
of leaflets, brochure folders
to convey health related
message. It should be not
exceed mote that four pages.
Qualities of Effective IEC
• Distinct look and personality
• Stress the most compelling benefit
• Generate Trust
• Appeal to both the heart and the head
IEC developing guideline
• Fit for audience?
• Few concept?
• Message presented simple and organized way?
• Appropirate, culturally accepted, value and belief
• Culturally relevant?
• Appropriate reading level?
• Text technically accurate?
• Adequate information or too much information
• Logical order?
• Feasible for the target audience?
• Believable?
• Respect?
• Visual and text related
• Image of people?
• Geography?
• Realistic?
• clear, easy to read?
• Big enough?
• Typeface?
• Attractive color?
• Realistic situation?

• Pretest

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