Smart SWM

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Blockchain-Enabled VANET for Smart Solid

Waste Management
Under the guidance of
BY Dr. Sapna B Kulkarni,
3VC19CS027 Associate professor,
Department of CSE,
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Methodology
4. Applications
5. Pros and cons
6. Future scope
7. Conclusion
8. References
• Solid waste management is one of the critical issues faced by modern
urban societies. The efficient management of solid waste impacts the
environment and public health significantly.
• Blockchain is a versatile and secure technology for data sharing and
security. This presentation will explore its potential use in the
development of a Vehicle Ad Hoc Network (VANET) for effective
solid waste management
• With recent advancements in technology, Blockchain-Enabled VANET
(Vehicular Ad-hoc Network) has emerged as a promising solution to
optimize solid waste management in urban areas.
1.Improve the efficiency and accuracy of waste collection and disposal.
2.Increase transparency and accountability in waste management operations by
tracking waste collection, transportation, and disposal using immutable and
verifiable digital records.
3.Enhance safety and reduce accidents by providing drivers with up-to-date
information on road conditions, traffic, and potential hazards.
4.Improve overall quality of life and public health by facilitating better waste
management practices and reducing pollution and health hazards associated
with poor waste management
1.Research and analyze existing SSWM.
2.Identify the network requirements
3.Conduct simulation experiments on the proposed system
4.Test the blockchain-enabled VANET system in real-life
5.Evaluate the performance of the system and make suggestions for
further improvement.
6.Collaborate with industry professionals and policymakers to
promote the use of blockchain technology for Smart Solid Waste
Real-time tracking of waste collection:

By integrating sensors with garbage trucks and other waste collection

vehicles, the waste management system can monitor the location and status
of garbage bins in real-time. This information can be stored on a blockchain,
which ensures data transparency and immutability, and can be accessed by
relevant stakeholders, such as waste management authorities, to optimize
their operations

Incentivizing waste segregation:

Blockchain-enabled VANET can also be used to incentivize households and businesses

to segregate their waste by rewarding them with tokens that can be used to redeem
discounts or other benefits. The tokens can be exchanged on a blockchain-based
platform, which ensures transparency and security.

Enhancing transparency and accountability:

• Blockchain-enabled VANET can also improve the transparency and accountability of waste management
operations by providing a tamper-proof record of all transactions related to waste collection, transportation,
and disposal. This can help prevent fraud, corruption, and other forms of malpractice

Reducing waste transportation costs:

• By optimizing the collection and transportation of waste through real-
time tracking and data analytics, blockchain-enabled VANET can help
reduce the cost of waste transportation. This can be achieved by
identifying the most efficient routes, optimizing the vehicle capacity, and
reducing the frequency of collection
 improved efficiency
Increased transparency
Reduced environmental impact
High cost of implementation
Dependence on technology
Lack of standardization
Limited adoption
• The future scope of blockchain-enabled VANET for smart solid
waste management i majorly lies in the field of Cybersecurity.
• The proposed solution has some limitations in data transmission.
Therefore, 5G technology can be explored in future research to
make the proposed solution more advanced.
• The sensors and actuators can also be added in later research to
route vehicles towards the full bins automatically.
• VANETs for fleet management and intelligent transportation. A
comprehensive study can also be proposed based on its more
extensive implementation at the country-wide level for developing
• In this study, overview of the various application areas of blockchain-
enabled VANET for smart solid waste management has the potential
to revolutionize waste management practices and promote
sustainable development. By providing real-time tracking, optimizing
waste collection and transportation, and enhancing transparency and
accountability, blockchain-enabled VANET can improve the efficiency
and sustainability of waste management operations.
• M. Hrouga, A. Sbihi, and M. Chavallard, ‘‘The potentials of combining
blockchain technology and Internet of Things for digital reverse supply
chain: A case study,’’ J. Cleaner Prod., vol. 337, Feb. 2022, Art. no.
• Y. S. Gupta, S. Mukherjee, R. Dutta, and S. Bhattacharya, ‘‘A
blockchainbased approach using smart contracts to develop a smart
waste management system,’’ Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., vol. 19, no.
8, pp. 7833–7856, Aug. 2022C40.
• Accessed: Sep. 14, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.

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