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ESP Application Engineering

Section 13

Basic Equipment Sizing

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 1

ESP Application Engineering

Pump Sizing

Now that we know how to understand TDH (System)

Curves and how they relate to Pump Performance curves
we shall review some of the parameters relating to the
Oil well that need to be considered when sizing ESP’s
We will later review the effect of changing downhole
conditions and changing operating speed on the way the
pump is expected to perform.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 2

ESP Application Engineering

Information Required to Size Pump & Why

 Casing & liner depths, size & weight :

• To find casing ID, to ensure equipment selected will
fit in the well.
 Production tubing size, weight & length :
• To calculate friction loss from pump to surface,
• To ensure enough room available for ESP cable

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 3

ESP Application Engineering

Information Required to Size Pump & Why

 Well profile : deviated / vertical; if deviated: deviation survey :
• To ensure pump can be run to its intended set depth and not
landed in deviated section.
• For proper calculation of net vertical lift
• For selecting the proper protector configuration
 Is there any downhole size restriction (Y-tool, casing patch, sand
screen, … ? ):
• To ensure pump can be run to its intended set depth
• To ensure equipment selected will fit in the well.

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ESP Application Engineering

Information Required to Size Pump & Why

 Produced Fluid & gas properties :
• Water, Oil and Gas SG, Water Cut -> to calculate produced fluid SG
• GOR, Bubble point/Solution GOR -> to see if gas separator/gas
handling device might be required
• Gas impurities (CO2, H2S, N2) -> to see if Redalloy equipment might
be required
• PVT lab Data & Viscosity calibration (if available) -> same as above
• Emulsions, abrasives (any sand production, type of sand) -> to see if
we need to use ARZ pump

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 5

ESP Application Engineering

Information Required to Size Pump & Why

 Productivity data :
• SBHP and PI or FBHP and test flow rate (second is preferable) -> to
calculate well productivity
 General well data :
• Perforated intervals and depths.
• Planned completion schematic
• Bottomhole temperature
• Required/planned wellhead pressure

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 6

ESP Application Engineering

Information Required to Size Pump & Why

 How’s the reservoir expected to change in the future:
• Pressure decline, pressure maintenance plan
• Water cut increase
• Effect of other artificial lift schemes in the area
• Gas breakthrough
• -> for better pump selection to anticipate future
well condition

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 7

ESP Application Engineering

Information Required to Size Pump & Why

 General surface related information:
• Power supply available (voltage, frequency)
• Power supply stability, quality (harmonics, regular
• Surface facility arrangement
• Wellhead type
• -> to properly select motor, cable and surface

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 8

ESP Application Engineering

Pump Sizing Example

 Well A has 7”, 23 lb/ft casing from surface to TD;

perforation top at 2500 ft; vertical well.
 We want to produce 2,000 bpd with 60%WC; oil gravity
30o API, water gravity 1.07.
 Completion : just ESP and 2-7/8” tubing up to surface.
Pump is to be set at 2200 ft. Fluid level is @ 839 ft.
 Required WHP : 200 psi, BHT: 215oF; supply voltage
frequency: 60 Hz

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 9

ESP Application Engineering

Pump Sizing Exercise - Answer

Wellhead Pressure (in feet):
 141.5
Oil SG = ____________ = 0.876
131.5 + 30
 Fluid SG = (fw x w) + (fo x o).
= (0.60 x 1.07) + (0.40 x 0.876) = 0.992
 Wellhead Pressure *2.31
Wellhead "Feet" = ______________
= (200 * 2.31)/0.992 = 466 ft

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 10

ESP Application Engineering

Pump Sizing Exercise - Answer

 Net vertical lift = Pump set depth – fluid level
= 2200 – 839 = 1361 ft
 Tubing friction loss = 26 ft (refer to tubing friction loss
 TDH = Wellhead Pressure(ft) + Net vertical lift +
= 466 + 1361 + 23 = 1850 ft
 We need a pump that would deliver 1850 ft head @2000
bpd flow rate.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 11

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 The first thing to do is to look in the catalog to see

what pumps are available which will produce 2000
 For 60 Hz power, we will use the 3500 RPM curves.

Note: If the power were 50 Hz, we would use the 2917

RPM curves.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 12

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

Pump Monel Shaft Shaft Recommended Capacity @ 60Hz
Series – O.D Type Max BHP Size (BPD) (M3/D))

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 13

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 The two vertical green lines represent the
recommended operating range

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 A "D" series pump is 4.00 inches in diameter

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

"G" series pump is 5.13 inches in diameter

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

Notice that G pumps put out more head than D pumps

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 18

ESP Application Engineering

General Sizing Tips:

 What do we do with that many choices?

We could size all and compare them but that might take
more time than we have. Consider ways to cull them
before going too far.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 19

ESP Application Engineering

Bigger Diameter is almost always better:

Advantages: Disadvantages:

 Usually More Efficient  Lower Maximum Pressure

 Usually Less Expensive  Can Interfere w/ Y-Tool
 Better in Gas & Viscosity  More Downthrust
 Handles Higher HP

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 20

ESP Application Engineering

General Sizing Tips:

 Based on this, let's eliminate the "D" series pumps since

they are smaller diameter.

Now compare the GN1600, GN2100 and GN2500.

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 22

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 Note that the GN1600 only supplies about 35 feet per
stage while the GN2100 supplies 45 feet per stage and
the GN2500 supplies 46.1 feet per stage. This means
that the GN2100 and GN2500 will take fewer stages to
do the job.
 Note also that the GN2100 would be operating closer to
the middle of the recommended range which means
that this pump will be more efficient.

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 The fewer stages and better efficiency will most likely

mean that the GN2100 will be less expensive to
purchase as well as to operate so let's use it.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 24

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 Note the head per stage is about 45 feet.

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 For our example, we have calculated that we need a
pump that will produce 1850 feet of Total Dynamic
We now know the GN2100 we have chosen will provide 45
feet per stage.

1850 feet
-------------- = 41 stages
45 ft/stage

This means we will need a 41 stage GN2100 to do the job.

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 Now that the Pump sizing part of equipment selection

is over, let’s look at the other important curve for the
GN2100 which is the Brake Horsepower (BHP) curve.

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

Note that the BHP/stage @ 2000 BPD is about 1.05

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

1.05 BHP/stage * 41 stages = 43 Horsepower

This means that the pump will require 43 horsepower to

do the job.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 29

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 In Summary:

We needed to design a pump to produce 1850 feet of

head at 2000 BPD.
We looked at five possible pumps and, using some simple
guidelines, we eliminated four of them.

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

We ended up with a 41 stage GN2100 which will draw 43

That's all there is to sizing a pump.
By the way, what is the efficiency?

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ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 In Summary:

Remember that
Flow * Head * 
 = ________________
BHP * 135,771

Where: Flow = BPD

Head = Feet
 For this pump, h = 63.4%

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 32

ESP Application Engineering

2000 bpd Pump Sizing

 Now that we have mastered sizing pumps, let's go

back and size the GN1600 and GN2500 for comparison.
In order to do this we will need to:
1. Read the head per stage
2. Calculate the number of stages required
3. Read the BHP per stage
4. Calculate the total horsepower required
5. Calculate the efficiency

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 33

ESP Application Engineering

GN1600 & GN2500 Sizing:

 The head per stage is about 35.5 feet and 46.1 feet.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 34

ESP Application Engineering

GN1600 & GN2500 Sizing:

1850 feet
___________ = 52 stages GN1600
35.5 ft/stage

This means we will need a 52 stage GN1600, or

1850 feet
___________ = 40 stages GN2500
46.1 ft/stage

This means we will need a 40 stage GN2500 to do the job

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 35

ESP Application Engineering

GN1600 Sizing:

The GN1600 requires about 0.93 BHP at 2000 BPD

0.93 BHP/stage * 52 stages = 48.5 Horsepower
This means that the pump will require 48.5 Hp to do the

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 36

ESP Application Engineering

GN2500 Sizing:

The GN2500 requires about 1.14 BHP at 2000 BPD

1.14 BHP/stage * 40 stages = 45.6 Horsepower
This means that the pump will require 45.6 Hp to do the

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ESP Application Engineering

GN1600 & GN2500 Sizing:

 Calculating Efficiency:

Flow * Head * 
 = ---------------------
BHP * 135,771

Since the only thing in the equation which has changed is

the BHP and we are now dividing by larger numbers than
before, the efficiency should go down.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 38

ESP Application Engineering

GN1600 & GN2500 Sizing:

 = 56.2% with the GN1600, and

 = 59.8% with the GN2500,
compared to 63.4% for the GN2100

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ESP Application Engineering

Sizing Comparison:
 The GN1600 is 56.2% efficient and requires 48.5 Hp
 The GN2500 is 59.8% efficient and requires 45.6 Hp
 The GN2100 is 63.4% efficient and requires 43 Hp

In three cases we have calculated the horsepower

necessary to "run" the pump. How much energy
(horsepower) is each pump actually supplying to the

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 40

ESP Application Engineering

Energy usage Considerations

 Let’s look at Efficiency in another way

Work out of Pump

() =
Work in to Pump

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 41

ESP Application Engineering

Energy usage Considerations

 = work out/work in
 For the GN1600:
56.2% = work out / 48.5 Hp  Work Out = 27.3 Hp
 For the GN2500:
59.8% = work out / 45.6 Hp  Work Out = 27.3 Hp
 For the GN2100:
63.4% = work out / 43 Hp  Work Out = 27.3 Hp
 As you can see, regardless of what type of pump we use, the
energy required to pump the fluid is constant, but the energy
required to operate the Pump varies

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ESP Application Engineering

Sizing Comparison: Energy usage

 For the GN1600:

48.5 Hp - 27.3 Hp = 21.2 Hp missing
 For the GN2500:
45.6 Hp - 27.3 Hp = 18.3 Hp missing
 For the GN2100:
43 Hp - 27.3 Hp = 15.7 Hp missing
Where did it go?

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 43

ESP Application Engineering

Sizing Comparison: Energy usage

We can see that, as predicted, the GN1600 and GN2500
are less efficient so they will require a larger motor to be
purchased as well as more electricity to run them.
 Additionally the GN1600 pump took more stages (52
compared to 41) so will probably be a more expensive
The GN2100 is a better sizing.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 44

ESP Application Engineering

Sizing Comparison: Summary

 With all these choices, which motor should we use for

a given application?
 The process to select the best motor for the
application will depend on the economic compromises
of the user, but in general, after defining the
customers objectives and the pump horsepower load
for the application, we can resume the process of
selection of the motor as an iterative process which

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 45

ESP Application Engineering

Steps in Selection

 I. Motor Series
 II. Motor Type
 III. Motor configuration, Voltage and Amperage
 IV. Actual motor performance & Operating
Temperature and compare against max. temperature
 V. Re-select motor if necessary

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 46

ESP Application Engineering

Motor Series
 In general, just as in pumps, the bigger the better.
 Larger diameter motors are less expensive to purchase
(per HP).
 They can also go to higher horsepower without the
need for tandem connections which will enhance
reliability-simpler systems are better.
 The only exception in this is the 738 motor.
 The 738 motor is often more expensive than the 540
due to the lower usage and higher cost of inventory.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 47

ESP Application Engineering

Motor Type - Rating

 The motor type is designed with two letters:
 The first letter is a code which provides information regarding to
• S = Standard (250°F BHT - fixed horsepower),
• M = Intermediate (300°F BHT - conservative fixed HP)
• H = Hotline (450°F Motor Winding Temperature – fixed HP)
• P = High Performance (250°F BHT - conservative fixed HP)
• R = Optimum (400 °F Internal Temperature - variable HP)

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 48

ESP Application Engineering

Motor Type - Insulation

 The second letter is a code which provides information

about the insulation type:
• K = Conventional winding and varnish
• X = New patented winding material, without varnish

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 49

ESP Application Engineering

Old Nomenclature
 The designations corresponding to the old designations
for motor types are:


• 90-0 SK/SX
• 91 PK/PX
• 90-0 Int. MK/PX
• 92 RK/RX

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 50

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors

 All motor Hp ratings are based on 1 ft per second

minimum flow past the motor of water.
 Lower flow rates or fluids such as oil can lower the
effective Hp rating.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 51

ESP Application Engineering

 A special note about bearings here:

• The standard bearing is "bi-directional" -- that is the

motor can be run in either direction with no loss in
bearing capacity.
• The Hi-Ex bearing is uni-directional and can only be
operated in one direction. Reverse operation may
lead to bearing failure.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 52

ESP Application Engineering

Configuration, Voltage & Amperage

 After choosing the Motor Series and Type, we will know

if it will be necessary for a single or tandem motor to
match the HP requirement of the pump.
 Now we should look at Volts and Amps.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 53

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors
For any given Hp there will be several voltages and amperages available.

For any given Hp there will be several voltages and amperages available.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 54

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors
For example, in a particular Hp if we have a 1000V,
50A motor a 2000V motor would be 25 amps and a 500V
motor would be 100 amps.
In other words KVA is constant.
High voltage motors (single motors) are no more or less
efficient than low voltage motors.
So why have more than one voltage?

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 55

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors
The answer is not in the motor but in the power cable.
Lower voltage means higher current and this results in
higher voltage lost in the power cable.
So even though the motor efficiency does not change,
the overall system efficiency will decrease with higher
If the amperage is too high, the motor may not even be
able to start

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 56

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


This explains why the various voltages -- but why such

odd voltages?
Surface motors, for example, are rated at 460V, 4160V,
2300V, etc.
These motors are made to "standard voltages".

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 57

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors

In a way we have already answered this. The problem

is the voltage drop in the cable. SPS motors have to
contend with a very long length of power cable which
surface motors do not.
If we have a 460V surface supply, we would probably
only want about 430V downhole (for a low Hp motor)
to give us the necessary 460V at the surface including
the cable loss.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 58

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


So in determining motor voltages we are really limited

by surface equipment.
Motor control panels come in certain voltage ranges
such as 600V, 1000V, 1500V, 2400V, etc.
Motor voltages are selected assuming a length of cable
such that the total voltage (motor plus cable loss) will
fall just below one of the panel ratings.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 59

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


Remember the higher voltage the better, but it cannot
be so high that we exceed the control panel rating.
Higher voltage motors require smaller gauge wire and
very low Hp motors simply cannot be wound at very
high voltages because the wire would be too small to
work with.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 60

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors
In reality, there are dozens of potential winding
configurations for any particular motor Hp but the
number is intentionally limited to three or four to try
to cover the majority of applications with the minimum
amount of inventory.
Occasionally an application requires a special winding
and engineering should be consulted to see if it is
possible -- not every voltage can be hit exactly.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 61

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


Motors come in single sections (head and base intrinsic)
as well as tandem configurations.
The tandems can include the UT (upper tandem – head
but no base), the CT (center tandem - no head or base)
or the LT (lower tandem - base but no head).

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 62

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


An upper tandem motor can be used as a single section
if it is completed on the bottom with either a Universal
Motor Base (UMB) or a Pressure Sensing Instrument
If additional horsepower is required over what can be
achieved in one piece, a CT or LT motor can be added.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 63

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


When putting more than one motor together in tandem
combinations, always keep the sections the same Hp
and voltage. For example a 300 Hp 540 motor should
be made of two 150 Hp motors rather than something
like a 200 Hp and a 100 Hp.

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ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


So what happens when we put two motors together?

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ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors

With two motors we double the Hp (add the two Hp's

together). We also double the voltage but the
amperage remains the same.
With three motors we triple the Hp and voltage but the
amperage still does not change.
For example, a 140 Hp, 1299V, 69.5A UT motor coupled
to a 140 Hp, 1299V, 69.5 CT motor would give us a 280
Hp, 2598V, 69.5A motor.

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ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


Always take care when adding motors together so that
the total voltage does not exceed the system limits --
i.e. do not try to put 3500 volts on a 3 kV cable.
Surface controllers, transformers, wellhead feedthru
mandrels, etc. will all have voltage limits we need to
be concerned with.

Section 5b Haward Technology Middle East 67

ESP Application Engineering

Application of Motors


Once the motor has been selected, using the software

like SubPUMP we can get the actual motor performance,
velocity and mainly the motor operating temperature, so
we can compare with the limits and check see if any
motor operating parameters have been exceeded.

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ESP Application Engineering

End of this

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