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Lesson 2:

Training Basic
Designing Fitness
• Designing Fitness Program
• Guidelines for training
• Training Program Based on FITT Program
• Measuring your intensity
• Safety Concern During Exercise
01 Designing Fitness
Correct planning is one of
aspects of becoming
physically fit!
01 Medical Clearance

• Begin with the basics: Is there anything

preventing you from getting in shape?
Do you have any medical problems?
Should you consult a doctor first?
02 Assess yourself
• Test your current fitness level.
Cardiovascular endurance, muscle
strength, muscle endurance, flexibility
and body composition are the five
components of basic fitness. How do
you evaluate? Test yourself to see
where you stand in terms of fitness
and where you can improve.
03 Setting your Goals
• Figure out your goal. What are we to
make of the test results? They should
provide a rough guide to your health
based on averages for your age and
gender, as well as what your fitness
plan should focus on.
04 Choosing Activity for Balance

• Combine an active lifestyle with an

organized exercise program.
• Plan to alternate between activities
that work different parts of your
body, such as walking, swimming,
and strength training.
02 Guidelines
for Training
• Change the way you want
your body to be shaped by
• Regular exercise is
• Begin slowly and build up
• Before increasing intensity,
increase duration and
• Warm-up prior to exercise and
cool-down afterward
• Overloading your muscles and
joints can result in serious
injury, so train within your
• Pay attention to your body
and get enough rest.
• Adjust the intensity and
volume of your workouts.
• To avoid boredom, mix up
your activities and train
with a partner.
• Appropriately fuel
your activity
• Keep track of your
• If you require
assistance, seek it.
03 Training Program
Based on FITT
Frequency means - How often you
exercise (How many days per week)

Intensity means - How hard you

exercise (Low/moderate/vigorous)

Time means-How long you exercise

(The duration of the exercise.)

Type means - What kind of exercise

you do (Activity Mode (what type of
This refers to how often you exercise. The point is
to meet your goals without overtraining the body.

• When it comes to cardio: As a general rule of thumb,

aim for a minimum of three cardio sessions per
week. If you’re looking to lose weight, you might
increase this number to five to six sessions.
• When it comes to strength training: It’s
recommended to do some sort of strength
training three to four times per week. Strength
training can involve the use of weights (even
bodyweight workouts), resistance, barbells, or
• Also includes rest days: Also account for rest days
when putting together your plan. It’s important to
give your muscles a chance to recover.
With strength training, there are three primary
methods you can use to measure intensity:

Amount of weight Number of repetition Number

lifted completed of Sets
Reps: The number of times you do a
movement in a set.

1 set- push up, 10 reps
2 set- push up, 10 reps
3 set -push up, 10 reps
SET: Consist of several repetitions
completed consecutively.
1 set- push up
2 set- push up
3 set -push up
04 Measuring Your
Taking your Heart Rate
• The pulse can be taken at the neck, wrist, or chest.
• The wrist is our recommendation.
• The radial pulse can be felt on the artery of the wrist in
line with the thumb.
• Place the tips of your index and middle fingers over the
artery and gently press down.
• Don't use your thumb. Take a full 60-second heartbeat
count, or take 30 seconds and multiply by 2.
Percentage Heart Rate
Case study: ‘JUAN DELA CRUZ’, age 30
Calculate maximum heart rate (HRmax)
= 220 – 30= 190 bpm (beats per minute)
Calculate exercise intensity
LOWER TARGET (55%) = 190 × 55%
= 190 × 0.55 = 104.5 bpm (we would round this up to 105 bpm)
UPPER TARGET (90%) = 190 × 90%
= 190 × 0.90 = 171 bpm
Heart Rate Reserved Method
Case study: ‘Juan’, age 30
Calculate maximum heart rate (HRmax)
Estimated HRmax = 220 - age
= 220 – 30 = 190 bpm (beats per minute)
• Measure resting heart rate (HRrest)
You would measure this either using a heart rate monitor
or manually, using your fingers. Ideally it should be
measured first thing in the morning. Let's imagine that
Juan HRrest has been measured at 70 bpm.
Calculate heart rate reserve (HRR)
HRR = HRmax – HRrest = 190 – 70 = 120 bpm
Calculate exercise intensity
ACSM guidelines = 40%–85% +HRR
Lower target (40%) = (HHR × 40%) + HRrest
= (120 × 0.40) + 70
= 48 + 70 = 118 bpm
Upper target (85%) = (HRR × 85%) + HRrest
= (120 × 0.85) + 70
= 102 + 70
= 172 bpm
Using this method, according to ACSM
guidelines, Juan should exercise somewhere
between 118 and 172 bpm.
According to healthline and expert recommend at

Time least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or

at least 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise a

A cardio workout is Resistance workouts

recommended to last a usually last between 45
minimum of 30 minutes. and 60 minutes.
• This refers to what kind
of exercise you’ll be
doing under the umbrella
of cardio or strength
Cardio Workouts:


Dancing Walking
Strength and Edurance Training

Push up
Squats Sit up

Bicep Curl Deadlift

05Safety Concerns During
• Exercise in a secure location
and at a secure time of day.
• Dress appropriately, in light
colors or with reflective
coverings, in loose-fitting
• Dress appropriately for the
weather (hot, cold, raining,
• Put on shoes that fit
properly and are
appropriate for the
• Make sure to stay
• Protect your feet and
• Pay attention to what your
body is telling you. It is not
normal to be in pain.
Gradually increase your
physical activity.
• Always warm-up and cool-
• Never exercise if you're
Quiz 2- Percentage Heart Rate and Heart Rate
Direction: Calculate your own Percentage Heart Rate and HRR
(Heart Rate Reserve).
Use the following Formula:

Percentage Heart Rate: Heart Rate Reserve:

• HMAX=220-age= • HRR = HRmax – HRrest
• Apply the percentage for ASCM • Apply ACSM guidelines
guidelines • = 40%–85% +HRR
• = 55%–90% of HRmax
Activity 2WKS Training Program
• Design an individual
training program
based on FITT
Principle for 2
Criteria For Grading
Goal setting 25%
Choice of Exercise 25%
• Submit your
Content 25%
training program in
Organization 25%
google classroom.
TOTAL - 100%

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