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Disciplines and Ideas in the

Social Sciences

Dominant Approaches
part 2
Read the following questions thoroughly.
Choose and write the letter of the BEST
answer. Use CAPITAL letter only.
1. Which theorist is considered the
"Father of Psychoanalysis"?
A) Sigmund Freud
B) Adam Smith
C) Carl Jung
D) Socrates
2. Psychoanalysis proposes that
childhood sexuality and unconscious
motivations influence:
a) Personality
b) Intelligence
c) Behavior
d) Perception
3. According to Freud, which of the
following is NOT one of the three levels
of the mind?
a) Conscious mind
b) Preconscious mind
c) Subconscious mind
d) Unconscious mind
4. The conscious mind contains
thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes
a) Are completely outside of our
b) Can be easily brought into awareness
c) Are acceptable and pleasant
d) Influence our instincts and aggression
5. Which of the following is NOT
part of the psyche that is not visible
or "under the water"?
a) Perceptions
b) Attitudes
c) Values
d) Behavior
6. The structure of personality
proposed by Freud consists of the
following components EXCEPT:
a) Id
b) Ego
c) Superego
d) Libido
7. Which of the following best
describes the function of the id?
a) Pleasure principle
b) Reality principle
c) Moral principle
d) Conscience
8. The ego strives to satisfy the
id's desires in ways that are:
a) Socially appropriate
b) Unconscious
c) Pleasure-seeking
d) Conflicting with the superego
9. The superego includes the rules
and standards for behavior that the
ego aspires to and is known as the:
a) Pleasure principle
b) Reality principle
c) Moral principle
d) Conscience
10. Rational Choice Theory explains
human behavior in terms of:
a) Pleasure maximization
b) Utility maximization
c) Instinctual motivations
d) Unconscious desires
11. According to Rational Choice
Theory, individuals make choices
that will provide them with the:
a) Least benefit
b) Greatest benefit
c) Emotional satisfaction
d) Altruistic outcomes
12. Rational Choice Theory
assumes that individuals
consistently try to minimize their:
a) Pleasure
b) Utility
c) Losses
d) Rationality
13. Which economist influenced the
ideas in Rational Choice Theory?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Adam Smith
c) Carl Jung
d) John Locke
14. Rational Choice Theory is most
commonly applied in which fields?
a) Economics, psychology, and
b) Sociology, anthropology, and
c) Biology, chemistry, and physics
d) History, literature, and art
15. According to Rational Choice
Theory, human behavior is based
a) Emotional calculations
b) Rational calculations
c) Cultural norms
d) Instinctual drives
16. Which of the following is NOT one of the
basic premises of Rational Choice Theory?
a) Behavior is based on rational
b) Rationality can be relied upon in
c) Choices aim at pleasure or profit
d) Individuals act purely on emotions.
17. Rational Choice Theory assumes
that individuals actively maximize their
advantage and:
a) Ignore their own interests
b) Seek to benefit others
c) Consistently minimize their losses
d) Act randomly and impulsively
18. Rational Choice Theory suggests
that individuals make choices that align
with their:
a) Emotional purposes
b) Social purposes
c) Personal purposes
d) Philosophical purposes
19. Rational Choice Theory assumes
that individuals try to optimize their:
a) Pleasure
b) Profit
c) Morality
d) Altruism
20. Rational Choice Theory posits
that human choices are aimed at
the optimization of:
a) Pleasure or profit
b) Social harmony
c) Ethical principles
d) Spiritual enlightenment
Identify what is being described
in the following statements.
AVOID erasures.
1. Id: I want= Ego:_________
2. Identify the economist whose
ideas influenced Rational Choice
3. Identify the component of
personality that strives to satisfy the
id's desires in realistic and socially
appropriate ways.
4. Identify the theory that proposes
childhood sexuality and
unconscious motivations influence
5 points
Country where Sigmund
Freud originated.

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