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Coaching Workshop
for Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin

Applying for Academic Programs

in US Universities
for Academic Years 2023 & 2024
November 08, 2022 Jambi

This report/website/presentation is made possible with support from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents
are the sole responsibility of the Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

• Funded by USAID

• Do not provide scholarships

• Assist scholarship facilitators, such as UIN STS, to

support lecturers and students to successfully apply
1) post-graduate programs in the United States
2) scholarships direct from LPDP
3) scholarships from the Ministry of Education

This report/website/presentation is made possible with support from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the
sole responsibility of the Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Where to study in the US?

This report/website/presentation is made possible with support from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents
are the sole responsibility of the Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
This report/website/presentation is made possible with support from the American
people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The contents are the sole responsibility of the Indonesian International Education
Foundation (IIEF) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United
States Government.
2021 Numbers of International Students
in US Universities Approved by LPDP (S-2 & S-3)

19,605. New York Univ 9,396. Pennsylvania State Univ

9.311. Univ of Washington
16,340. Univ of Southern California 8,726. Univ of Michigan- Ann Arbor
15,897. Columbia Univ 8,669. Carnegie Mellon Univ
13,497. Univ of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign 8,064. Univ of California-Irvine
9,396. Pennsylvania State Univ
13,324. Arizona State Univ 8,048. Univ of California-Davis
9.311. Univ of Washington
11,942 Univ
8,726. Univof
California-Ann Arbor
Los Angeles 8,020. Ohio State Univ
19,943. Carnegie Mellon Univ
Purdue Univ 7,214. Cornell Univ
10,652. Univ of California-San Diego 7,189. Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
10,598. Boston Univ 7,163. Texas A&M Univ- College Station
10,063. Univ of California-Berkeley 7,062. Univ of Pennsylvania
9,401. Univ of Texas-Austin
This report/website/presentation is made possible with support from the American
people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The contents are the sole responsibility of the Indonesian International Education
Foundation (IIEF) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United
States Government.
Top Fields of Study for
International Students 39 UIN STS participants
Percentage of International applying for graduate and
Students in S-3 programs post-graduate programs
Engineering (21 %) Social Science (8%)
Social Sciences & Media
  International Relations
Math & Computer Science (19 %) Education: Leadership & Policy
Mathematical & Computational Science Education: TOEFL / TESOL
Mathematics: Fractal Geometry Education: Curriculum Design
Education: Education Technology
Education: Society
Business & Management (15 %) History
Master of Business
Managerial Accounting Fine & Applied Arts (6%)
Health Professions (3%)
Physical Life Science (8%) Child Psychology
Clinical Pharmacy  
Communication (2%)



Indonesian employers appreciate graduates with degrees from

US universities and offer competitive salaries.
• Develop critical thinking for effective decision-making
• Enhancement of self-confidence to propose innovative
ideas and lead people
• Offer Internships with professional organizations
• Establish professional networks with colleagues from around
the world
• Assistance with improving English writing and speaking
This report/website/presentation is made possible with support from the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of the Indonesian International Education
Foundation (IIEF) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
Identify the best academic program the way
American students do! Start with these 6 steps:
0. Be sure your selections are from the lists approved
by LPDP or the Ministry of Education. Why?
1. The university is not important: the most important
to identify is the academic program that matches
your academic focus. Why?
2. Identify at least 2-3 programs in 2-3 universities that
offer programs with your academic focus.
Why not only 1 program in 1 university?
3. For Indonesian applicants, it is advisable to
identify programs in universities located in
different countries.
Why not in the same country?
Next steps: identify and review the
professors who teach and research

4. Find the list of professors that teach in your field,

then carefully read the information about each
professor. Examine titles of courses, types and places
of field research, and topics of publications in
professional journals.

5. When you find a professor whose academic and

research work matches your academic interest,
copy the name, information, and contact information.
Why is this important? (next slide)

One of the professors
must be your program/thesis advisor
You must identify and secure formal agreement of a
professor to act as your program/thesis advisor before
you apply to the university. Why?
 This may save you the cost of the application fee
 You can use the professor’s name to support your
university application and your LPDP application
 The advisor can partner with you on conference-
 The advisor can identify internships for you
 The advisor can open “difficult doors” in the
 The advisor can identify potential sources of
funding for research expenses
Be prepared for negative results!
Think like an American student!

• What should you do if an academic program

has no professor who has academic
interests in your field of study, but you really
want to study at that university?

• What should you do if a professor responds

that s/he cannot advise you because her/his
list of students is already complete?
Your on-line review may also identify
other benefits when comparing
programs and universities
1. Program and curriculum
2. Extra expenses not covered by LPDP allowance
3. Academic, language, physical requirements
4. Other faculty members (professors of interest)
5. Facilities for the faculty, the University, and local
community available to graduate students
6. Location and environment of the university
7. Teaching/research assistantships
8. Internships, partnerships, collaborations with the
public and/or private sectors
Opportunities to practice what you know
this afternoon:

13:00-14:00 Ms. Fifi Yang Northeastern University

Boston, Massachusetts
14:00-15:00 Ms. Aeti Abdullah, University of Rochester
Rochester, New York
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:30 Open consultation with Mr. Martin, Mr. Yos,

Ms. Fifi, and Ms. Aeti for participants with

individual questions

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