Operation Double Barrel

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Double Barrel
Gracia A. de los Santos, RN
Bernadette C. Mendejar, DMD, EDD
Project Double Barrel
has two approaches

Let’s start with the first set of slides

Project TokHang ▫ TokHang involves the conduct of house to house
visitations to persuade suspected illegal drug
personalities to stop their illegal activities in
coordination with the LGUs especially the
“Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils” (BADACs)
and other stakeholders.
▫ It has five (5) stages namely: 1. Collection and
Validation of Information Stage, 2. Coordination
Stage, 3. House to House Visitation Stage, 4.
Processing and Documentation Stage, and the 5.
Monitoring and Evaluation Stage.
2) Coordination Stage - Prior 3) House to House Visitation
to the conduct of actual house Stage - Procedures:
to house visitations,
coordination must be made a) The chief of police to organize a
with: team led by a PCO to conduct house
1) Collection and
Project TokHang Validation of a) LGUs to provide support for the
to house visitation. Safety and
security is a must.
activity xxx;
Information Stage -
Police shall conduct b) BADACs to assist in the “conduct b) The team leader shall ensure the
presence of BADAC and barangay
"documentation and of house to house visitations” and
tanod to assist them and to serve as
referral of drug users;
validation" to acquire witness in the conduct of house
specific information on c) PDEA to assist in the “conduct of visitation;
suspected drug users and investigation” of suspected drug
pushers needed when c) The conduct of house to house
visitation must be done in a “manner
“confronting” suspects d) PCR to coordinate with the that shall not violate the rights of the
during house to house Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) for subject;”
the “rehabilitation” of drug users; 
e) PIO/PCR to coordinate with the d) Any person who is willing to
QUAD Media for the public surrender voluntary rehabilitation
information and media coverage of shall be “processed accordingly.”
the activity; and

f) PCR to coordinate with NGOs to

provide necessary supports for the

4 activity.
4) Processing and Documentation Stage

a) Those who surrender shall be required to d) Any person who deny or refuses the house
fill-out a Voluntary Surrender Form (VSF). It visitation shall be referred to the Anti-Illegal
shall be subscribed under oath before a notary Drug Units for immediate “case build-up and
Project TokHang public, to be assisted by a counsel, and
witnessed by parents/guardians and/or

barangay officials. 
e) In the absence of the subject, the parents,
guardians or any responsible adult in the house
b) They shall also be invited to the local police shall be notified about the purpose of visit and
station for interview, documentation, and other shall be advised to relay the same to the
alternative actions and shall execute subject; 
undertakings to cooperate by giving voluntary
information regarding illegal drug activities.
f) All police officers tasked to conduct house
visitations shall exercise caution at all times.
c) In case, they surrender any drugs, They shall wear their proper uniform and
derivatives and paraphernalia, they shall perform their tasks “with authority, firmness,
execute undertakings to give voluntary and conviction.”
information about any violations under RA
9165 as stated under section 33 thereof; 

5) Monitoring and Evaluation
Project TokHang
a) When drugs persists despite
house visitations, the local police
shall immediately initiate police
action, in coordination with the
BADAC, for the legitimate arrest
and filing of appropriate criminal
charges against persons who are
subject of house visitations;

Project The second approach will be the conduct of “PROJECT
HVT/LVT HVT/LVT” (High Value Target/ Low Value Target)
which is primarily law enforcement actions by dedicated
and special teams against low value and high value
targets, national and local level.

Coordinating Instructions:
e. Police shall observe the rights of persons

arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation pursuant to RA No. 7438 and
other existing rules and regulations of the
PNP in the promotion of human rights.

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