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Team 1

1. Volunteering activities
volunteering activities means voluntary,
unselfish, socially oriented, non-profit
activities, carried out by volunteers and
voluntary service organisations by means of
providing volunteer assistance.
1. community the activity of working with the people from a
particular area in order to try to improve
development their quality of life. chance

Something that happens by

chance was not planned by
4. advertisement
a picture, short film, song,
etc. that tries to persuade
people to buy a product or
service, or a piece of text
that tells people about a job,
5. apply for
to request something, usually officially, esp. by writing or by
sending in a form: to apply for a job,loan.
6. boost
a source of help or encouragement
leading to increase or improvement.

to make arrangements for

something to happen
8.get involved

to take part in an activity or

event, or be connected with it in
some way
9. Clean up

make someone or something

clean or neat.
10. orphanage

a residential institution for the

care and education of orphans.
11. Fill
Fill out a form
12. be so excited about to be enthusiastic, passionate,
happy about; to look forward
something to (something)
Team 1

2. Discuss the
benefit of
1. Theres no need to volunteer as very few people can benefit from
volunteer work.

I dont agree with this point of view. Indeed, volunteer work brings a
lot of benefits to not only people in need, but also the volunteers
themselves. The people in need can receive what they need to be
helped out. The volunteers feel happy and proud whenever they do a
good deed. Volunteer work helps all of us believe in a better world.
2. The best way to volunteer is to give people money when they need

I absolutely disagree with this. There are many other different great
ways to do volunteer work apart from giving money. We can donate
old clothes and books. We can also donate time and work at a charity
organization. For example, we can teach English to children in an

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