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Describe the concept of Gender Equality

Determine the issues that related to Gender


Identify the different roles of schools, peers,

teachers, community, and family in reinforcing
gender equality.
What is Gender Equality?

also referred to as, social equality, or

sexual equality. It is the perception that all should be
treated equally and not discriminated against on the
basis of their gender.
When people of all genders have equal rights,
responsibilities and opportunities.
Gender equality is a goal in itself and a prerequisite for sustainable
and peaceful development. Gender equality is achieved when
women, men, girls and boys have equal rights, conditions and
opportunities, and the power to shape their own lives and
contribute to the development of society.

Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and
women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive
gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideas. We should
be mindful of the challenges facing people of all gender identities,
and be part of a generation that promotes equality for all.
1. Gender bias in education
2. The gender pay gap
3. Poor access to healthcare
4. Lack of representation for women and girls at the policy
5. Child marriage and other forms of gender-based
Lack of representation for women and girls
at the policy level

Keeping women away from the decision-making table

means that legislation and public policy is unlikely to be
created equitably. Consider, for instance, the lack of
recognition for unpaid care and domestic work. Or consider,
at a higher level of severity, the threats that women face
every day based entirely on their gender.
Child marriage and other forms of gender-based violence
Child marriage is a form of gender-based violence and a
result and driver of gender inequality and gender discrimination.
Gender-based violence occurs everywhere around the world across all
economic and social groups. While both boys and girls are negatively
impacted, girls are particularly at risk
Types of violence may include: prenatal sex selection, female
infanticide, neglect, female genital mutilation, rape, child marriage,
forced prostitution, honor killing and dowry killing. Many of these
gross violations of human rights have been used as weapons of war
around the world. Refugee children are particularly vulnerable.
- The gender specific needs of both girls and boys are not
recognized to educators. Gender restrictions such as
sexual assault may not be adequately addressed
by school management systems and many schools do not
have appropriate or separate toilets for
girls and boys. As a consequence, for effective teaching
and learning to take place, schools do not
provide a gender-responsive environment.
It’s not only about numbers: Gender equality in schools is not only about equal numbers of girls and boys in classrooms, it is
also about equal opportunities and avenues available to both resulting in equal participation and achievements.
Gender role stereotyping: Schools should avoid negative gender role stereotyping in any form and should promote both
girls and boys for all types of sports, vocational courses and subjects.
Integrating Life Skills and gender equality: Age relevant gender and life skills orientation for both girls and boys, helps in
building emotional resilience, emotional intelligence, decision making, mutual respect, assertive skills and leadership skills.
Safety and security: Schools need to promote and nurture safe and secure environment especially for girls so that they can
exercise their constitutional right to education.
Gender equitable print rich environment in schools: Recognizing, promoting and displaying the contribution of both women
and men in nation building, art, culture, science, sports and various fields by means of equal display of pictures and
information on both women and men achievers and contributors. This also helps girls in understanding that there are
women role models at par in our society and that girls should also dream big and achieve high.
Gender responsive text books and libraries: Parity in the number of books on women and men achievers and on themes
around positive gender roles should make up the library. Schools can do a “Gender Audit” of their libraries to see how they
promote gender equality through books. Text books should be reviewed from a gender lens to ensure that they promote
positive gender role and messages of equality and mutual respect.
Teachers- the torch bearers of gender equality: Teachers should promote equal participation and motivation of girls and
boys in classroom activities, raising personal aspiration for a career among girls and their parents. Developing and nurturing
leadership and initiative among children, especially girls so that they can prevent gender based violence and promote
gender equity in their own lives.
Successfully navigating the social world of peers can be challenging. Children and
teenagers benefit from the social and emotional support that friends offer, but they
can also experience occasional social stressors and peer conflicts.

Peer relationships provide a unique context in which children learn a range of critical
social emotional skills, such as empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving strategies.
Peer relationships can also contribute negatively to social emotional development
through bullying, exclusion, and deviant peer processes.
Universal, school-based, social emotional learning programs provide a strong
foundation for promoting healthy social emotional development and creating positive
peer cultures.
Children experiencing peer difficulties often need additional, systematic, and intensive
social skill coaching.
Peers can be powerful forces that facilitate or alternatively undermine group
In every classroom, teachers play a crucial role. They are the actors who form their students
' performance or failure. Their understanding of the curriculum, contact with students, and how
they delegate responsibilities and homework are essential factors in the education of a child. Some
of the role of teachers in improving gender equality is as follows:

In order to integrate a gender dimension, teachers and teacher educators can explore their
syllabuses by: incorporating the introductory themes on gender; and by discussing gender
concerns within some of the current syllabus themes.
Via gender sensitivity and sensitivity programs, educators themselves are gender-sensitive.
Teacher educators and educators should use engendered classroom organization and
interaction patterns, and
Teacher educators and teachers should use engendered teaching techniques.
Capacity-building centers should be set up in all educational regions to train teachers and
educators in gender-rich education.
Teachers and teacher educators should: a) hold seminars, b) incorporate engendered
organization and engagement in classrooms; c) introductory gender lessons; d) concentrate
on gender issues within the current topics of the syllabus; e) incorporate career guidance
on gender issues; f) examine gender issues in teaching materials and g) hold research
projects on gender issues.
The strong gender notions that children bring to school are formed in the family and community. Children learn their culture’s roles for
men and women and develop their gender identity primarily at home and community. Thus, gender roles are social constructs and they
are propagated by the parents during childhood. In many families, daughters are viewed as liability and she is conditioned to believe
that she is inferior and subordinate to men, whereas, sons are idolized and celebrated. Such type of stereotypes are harmful for overall
development of the girl children. So family can minimize such type of stereotypical attitudes at an early stage of life. family can take
active step to counter the development of the stereotypical gender roles-
1. Parents can involve both sons and daughters together tasks and activities that traditionally have been thought of as gender specific.
2. Parents should put equal limits of boundaries for both girls and boys- not more for girls or less for boys.
3. Parents and other family members should monitor and ensure that both boys and girls are encouraged to participate equally in all
the activities of family.
4. Parents should avoid assigning such tasks in the family which involve stereotypical gender roles such as girls to be passive, boys to
5. Parents should point out and discuss common biases against girls in media and culture.
6. Parents should make same expectation from both girls and boys.
7.Parents should encourage the girls to choose their career and provide maximum opportunity to make decision about their lives.
8. Parents and other family members should always try to create gender sensitive atmosphere in the home.
9. Parents should empower the girls/daughters with skills for self-confidence, assertiveness, speaking out, decision making.
10. Parents should encourage both girls and boys to play together and should avoid the notion of engaging the girls in stereotypical
games- rather encourage them to play football, cricket, kabaddi etc. with the boys.
The society or community is also a key factor in socializing the children in certain gender roles. To promote gender
equality, for better upliftment of the children, it is necessary to minimize the gender biases rooted in the society. We
know that school, through its many folded activities can create a gender sensitive environment. But a gender
responsive school is one in which the academic, social and physical environment and its surrounding community take
into account the specific need of both girls and boys. This implies that the teachers, parents, community leaders and
members are and should be aware of and practice gender equality. to practice and develop an awareness of gender
equality, the community can play the following roles-

1. The community should provide equal space, right and opportunity for both girls and boys.
2. The community should form equal norms, rules for both males and females.
3. The community can establish some centers to provide counselling services for the victim of stereotypical behavior.
4. The community can encourage the girls to voice their ideals, opinions in a broader context.
5. Community can empower women economically by providing a number of initiatives like micro-finance etc.
6. The community can organize community awareness program by holding community discussion on gender equality.
7. The community can participate in the school related activities which promote awareness to the gender equality.
8. The community activities such as theatre discussion, door-to-door visit can also promote women’s right.
9. The community should encourage same positive behavior from both girls and boys.
10. The community should avoid the national of patriarchy and the notion that females are subjected to control by
the males.
Gender equality is intrinsically linked to sustainable
development and is vital to the realization of human
rights for all. The overall objective of gender equality
is a society in which women and men enjoy the same
opportunities, rights and obligations in all spheres of
life. Equality between men and women exists when
both sexes are able to share equally in the
distribution of power and influence; have equal
opportunities for financial independence through
work or through setting up businesses; enjoy equal
access to education and the opportunity to develop
personal ambitions, interests and talents; share
responsibility for the home and children and are
completely free from coercion, intimidation and
gender-based violence both at work and at home.

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