TO - Do LIST-1

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Government Polytechnic Khamgaon


Guided By: Submitted By:

1. Vaishnavi Avadhut(37)
 Prof. D .M. Kale 2. Shivani Jangle(64)
3. Sanika Dose(66 )

 Introduction
 Course Outcomes Achieved
 Literature Review
 System Requirements
 Purpose
 Benefits
 Conclusions
 References

 In this project we are designing to do list application with the help of

php html css and mysql database.
 TODO list is a list of tasks you need to complete or things that you
want to do. 
 To-do lists offer a way to increase productivity, stopping you from
forgetting things, helps priorities tasks, manage tasks effectively, use
time wisely and improve time management as well as workflow.
Course Outcomes Achieved

• Develop program using control statements in PHP

• Develop a program by applying various object oriented concepts
• Perform a database operation on PHP.
 We created TODO List aplications using the HTML ,CSS ,PHP along with the database i.e MySQL.
 Technologies:
PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and
interactive web pages or web applications
Html is used as standard language for any website design. It acts as static skeleton
to the web application.
Css is used to define structure & content presentation of website. It allows you to
design and styles to web pages
Structure (Cont…)

• Mysql is software based on SQL , used for accessing and managing the
records in the databse
• In this project we used mysql to manage and manipulate the list.
• For managing the list we need to connect todo list application with a MySQL

 The main purpose of this micro project to provide to do application.

 Provide a better quality application for user to priorities their tasks.
 User can easily add delete and modify their task according to their needs
 To get more knowledge about PHP, HTML and CSS.
System Requirements
Sr. No Name of Resources Specification

1 Computer System Processor i3, Ram


2 Operating System Windows 10

3 Software Visual Studio Code.

4 Others XAMPP Server

 Increases productivity
 Improves memory
 Reduces stress
 Set deadlines for each goal

fig.1 fig.2
In this project we able to create simple to do application by using the concept of
PHP and MySQL database. And by using this application, you can complete
goals without wasting time trying to figure out priorities. Your productivity will
increase, you won’t forget things, your time management will improve and
you’ll be able to manage your tasks more effectively

 Website

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