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Table of contents.

Page 1 ========================> Title page.

           Page 2 ========================> table of content.

              Page 3 ========================> What is evolution.

                                Page 4 ========================> evolution in photosynthesis.

Page 5 ========================> diagram.

Page 6 ========================> diagram.

                                           Page 7 ========================> evolution in cell anchor structure.

Page 8 ========================> diagram.  

                                   Page 9 ========================> evolution in anchor structure.

                                      page 10 ========================> Nutrition transmission stream.


• This is the process by which different kinds of

living organisms are thought to have developed
and diversified from earlier forms during the
history of the earth. In biology, evolution is the
change in heritable characteristics of biological
populations over successive generations. These
characteristics are the expressions of genes,
which are passed on from parent to offspring
during reproduction.
Evolutionary stages

• In the Archean era earths original
photosynthesizes were not always green
the photosynthesizes of that era had a 
bacteria called halobacterium which is
capable of photosynthesis  and is
poisoned by oxygen. Proto cyanobacteria
started to produce oxygen causing the
great oxygenation event.
Evolutionary stages
• Reproduction Structure: REPRODUCTIVE
• Nonvascular plants such as mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, have a simple structure with
no true roots, stems, or leaves. They reproduce through spores and do not have flowers or
seeds. The gametophyte, or haploid stage of the plant, is the dominant stage of life.

• Seedless vascular plants such as ferns, club mosses, and horsetails, have a more complex
structure than nonvascular plants. They have true roots, stems, and leaves, and reproduce
through spores. The sporophyte, or diploid stage of the plant, is the dominant stage of life.

• Seed plants, including gymnosperms and angiosperms, have the most complex structure of
all plants. They have roots, stems, and leaves, and reproduce through seeds. The
gametophyte stage is reduced to just a few cells within the reproductive structures of the
Evolutionary stages
• The evolution of anchor structures in
cells has been a key aspect of cellular
biology research over the years. The Anchor structure
earliest forms of anchor structures in
cells are believed to have been simple
filaments or tubules that were used to
attach the cell to various surfaces. As
cells became more complex anchor
structures evolved to perform a wider
variety of functions. One of the most
important developments in anchor 
structures was the invention of the
extracellular matrix, which is a
complex web of proteins and
carbohydrates that surrounds the cell 
and provides a strong anchor for
Evolutionary stages


• The nutrition transmission stream

refers to the different ways that
nutrients move from the environment
to the body. This stream is made up of
several processes that occur at any
time, there are many factors that  can
impact the nutrition transmission
stream for example a person's age,
gender, and overall health status can
be impacted .

Evolutionary stages

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