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Parts of the seeds and its

What is seed?
All flowering plants produce seeds. The seeds are a tiny part of a plant
which gives rise to a new plant. Different seed is found in different
shapes, sizes, and colors. It can be a pip (like an apple), a nut (in
walnut), or a bean (pea, pulses). Let’s find out more about it.
All flowering plants produce seeds. The seeds are a tiny part of a
plant which gives rise to a new plant. Different seed is found in different
shapes, sizes, and colors. It can be a pip (like an apple), a nut (in
walnut), or a bean (pea, pulses). Let’s find out more about it.
The following pictures are examples of seeds;
There are three parts of seeds
•Seed coat: It is the outer covering the of seed. It protects the internal
parts.Seed leaves or cotyledons: Cotyledons are present inside the
•Cotyledons absorb the food from the parent plant and store it for the
embryo. They also protect the embryo. Some seeds have two seed
leaves like gram, pea, bean, etc. Such seeds are called dicot or
dicotyledonous. Some seeds have only one seed leaf. They are
called monocot or monocotyledonous.
• Embryo or baby plant: It is present inside the seeds which develop
into a new plant. The embryo gives rise to a baby shoot (plumule)
and root (radical).
What is germination of seeds?
Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed
or spore. The term is applied to the sprouting of a seedling from a seed
 of an angiosperm or gymnosperm, the growth of a sporeling from a 
spore, such as the spores of fungi, ferns, bacteria, and the growth of the 
pollen tube from the pollen grain of a seed plant.
The germination process;
• The Seed Germination Process :Imbibition: water fills the seed.
• The water activates enzymes that begin the plant's growth
• The seed grows a root to access water underground.
• The seed grows shoots that grow towards the sun.
• The shoots grow leaves and begin photmorphogenesis.
Germination occurs in following stages:The seeds absorb water through the
seed hole.

• The cells of the embryo start dividing and increasing in size.

The seed coat breaks open and the root (radical) sprout and grows
downwards.Then the shoot (plumule) start growing upwards, which later
produces stem and leaves.
• When the seedling grows green leaves, it starts making its own food.
• By this time, cotyledons dry up and fall.
• The seedling then develops into a new plant.
Dispersal of SeedPlants are fixed to the ground. They cannot move
from place to place. If all the seeds of a plant fall and germinate near it,
they will not get favourable conditions for growth. Therefore, it is
necessary for them to get scattered and grow away from the parent
plant.  The scattering of seed for growing away from their parent plant
is called dispersal of a seed.
There are some natural agents that help in scattering the seeds away
from the parent plant namely wind, water, animals and explosion of

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