Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Covid19 E-Poster WCP 2022

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Dr. Kaustav Chakraborty1, Dr. Rajarshi Neogi2, Dr. Ranjan Bhattacharyya3

Introduction: Near about two fifth (43.2%) and one-fifth (20.8%) Figure 2: Prevalence of psychiatric
SARS-CoV-2 is primarily a respiratory virus its Results: symptoms (in percentage)
of the subjects had comorbid physical and
neurotropism is not unknown. Viral particles psychiatric disorders respectively. Majority of the
have been detected in post-mortem sections of Table 1: Sociodemographic profile of the
subjects had COVID19 illness in the past 1 month.
pyriform cortex, basal ganglia and hypothalamus respondents
Near about one-sixth (17.6%) of the subjects lost
A host of neuropsychiatric manifestations have Variables N (%)/ Mean ± somebody in their family due to COVID19.
been reported among COVID-19 infected Majority (59.2%) of subjects experienced
Age 39.34 (10.14)
patients ranging from delirium, dysfunction of persistent fatigue after recovering from COVID19.
Gender Male 158 (63.2)
olfaction and taste sensation, acute psychosis Female 92 (36.8) Figure 1: Prevalence of psychiatric symptoms
and manic disorders, encephalitis, ischemic Profession Healthcare provider 84 (33.6) (in percentage)
strokes, depression, anxiety, adjustment Teacher / Professor 24 (9.6)
disorders, acute stress reaction, somatisation, Pharma industry employee 51(20.4)
obsessive compulsive disorders, Parkinson’s like Other government or semi- 13 (5.2)
features to new onset seizure. government employee Limitations:
However, there is dearth of data regarding the Private company employee 30 (12) Being a cross-sectional online survey
same from this subcontinent.
Others 48 (19.2) cause-effect relationship could not be
Religion Hindu 241 (96.4) established. The google form was sent
Aims and objectives: Muslim 3 (1.2) through WhatsApp which the recipients
The aim of the study was to determine the Others 6 (2.4)
might have forwarded to other groups as
prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms Residence Rural 16 (6.4)
Urban 185 (74) well. Therefore, the population from which
among patients who recovered from COVID-19
Semi-urban 49 (19.6) the sample is drawn in not clearly defined.
At the time of conducting the survey only one- This survey was an attempt to look into the
It was an online survey which was conducted
third (32.8%) of the subjects received two doses of prevalence of neuropsychiatric
by using Google Form with link sent by using
vaccination against COVID19. Nearly one-fifth manifestations of COVID19 while the
WhatsApp to subjects who suffered and
(23.2%) of the subjects reported side effects after pandemic was still at its peak. Persistent
recovered from COVID19 illness. A 71-item
receiving the vaccine. Injection site pain and Nearly half of the subjects became more low mood, sleep difficulty, anxiety
self-designed questionnaire was used for the
swelling (17.6%), body aches and pains (5.2%) and preoccupied about bodily symptoms (45.6%), symptoms, irritability, difficulty in
purpose of the study. The survey questionnaire
fever (4.8%) were the most commonly reported became more anxious on reading COVID19 concentrating, forgetfulness, loss of smell
would take around 7-10 minutes to complete.
side effects. related news (45.2%), and hence avoided the & taste and brain fog were common
Total 250 responses were received by the
same (49.6%). neuropsychiatric symptoms after
stipulated time.
recovering from COVID19.
References: Affiliation of the authors
1. Chen Q, Liang M, Li Y, Guo J, Fei D, Wang L, et al. Mental health care for medical staff in 1. Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine and JNM Hospital, Kalyani, WB, INDIA Email:
China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet Psychiatry 2020;7 (4): e15–e16.
2. Yang Y, Li W, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Cheung T, Xiang YT. Mental health services for older
2. Department of Psychiatry, R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, WB, INDIA Mobile: +91-9432855683
3. Department of Psychiatry, Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital, WB, INDIA
adults in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet Psychiatry 2020; 7(4): e19.

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